Hottie loves my bike...

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Gosh, Gerry, too bad you aren't young like me (just a kid at 44), and had the faster '07 Black Cherry bike, you might have bagged her. Ha! I love the looks from young and old ladies alike. The helmet helps, I agree. Nothing like having a super-stunning bike pull up and off comes the helmet to reveal Uncle Fester... really puts a damper on the ego.
But my wife thinks I'm cute, and that is all I need.


Beat me to it.. LMAO... The full face helps alot.. Smoke screen too.

Couldn't agree more!

It's true. All the hotties love the looks of the FJR!!

That looks like the back-up gal from the Planters Peanut commercial ... Just add the unibrow

and for those looking for picture proof...

Conclusion: the FJR can be a chick-magnet...LOL.
It's true! I had twio 20-something hotties pull up next to me in a Mercedes-Benz a couple of days. "We love your bike!' They yelled.

I damn near pulled a stomach muscle sucking my gut in....


My wife to be next month just turned 24 and I'm 37!!!! :yahoo: :p

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You are all truly gentlemen.

Thanks for all the compliments...not...LOL!

I had a good time with the comments, I knew this would light a fire on this thread.

For the record, I don't look like uncle fester...Ha! :)

:lol: You guys are good!!! :lol:

Fred - Is that a New Hampshire Honey?
No, they aren't quite that good lookin' here. :dribble:

But I hear that in other parts of the country where they aren't so clear on the idea of inbreeding, they try to keep all the good looks in the family... :unsure:

Those her real teeth?If they are, then her shirt's right. I can't afford her.
You guys wanted pix, you got 'em... err or her.... :dribble:

That'll learn ya! :lol:

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We get many compliments on the bike. The last one was, "that ain't no harley is it?" With the HOG owners sitting right there I go, "NOPE, she handles like she is on rails and moves like her azz is on fire". They just smiled.

But yes, many compliments on the bike and many questions that I am all too happy to answer. The GF even gets questions WRT the comfort of being on the back.

I get women at the office telling me I'm good looking..............and you don't look your age.

Problem is they're all 75-80 years old and need Cataract surgery. LOL


Borat: I want to have a Bike that attract a woman with shave down below.

Bike Dealership owner: Well that would be an FJR.

[starts showing Borat bikes]

Bike Dealership owner: We'll try to help you out here.

Borat: A man yesterday, tell me if I buy a FJR I must buy one with a pussy magnet.

Bike Dealership owner: He means a bike that women like.

Borat: Yes, but where do you keep this magnet?

Bike Dealership owner: [interrupts] No. There's no magnet he just means the vehicle. Women love the FJR's.

Borat: Do this have a pussy magnet?

Bike Dealership owner: No. The vehicle itself would be a magnet.

Borat: If I give you good price, will you please put in pussy magnet?

Bike Dealership owner: Yeah but there's no-there's no such thing in this country as a-as a magnet.

Borat: I want to have a Bike that attract a woman with shave down below.Bike Dealership owner: Well that would be an FJR.

[starts showing Borat bikes]

Bike Dealership owner: We'll try to help you out here.

Borat: A man yesterday, tell me if I buy a FJR I must buy one with a pussy magnet.

Bike Dealership owner: He means a bike that women like.

Borat: Yes, but where do you keep this magnet?

Bike Dealership owner: [interrupts] No. There's no magnet he just means the vehicle. Women love the FJR's.

Borat: Do this have a pussy magnet?

Bike Dealership owner: No. The vehicle itself would be a magnet.

Borat: If I give you good price, will you please put in pussy magnet?

Bike Dealership owner: [SIZE=12pt]Yeah, sure. We'll put one in there for ya'. It's inside the engine. Yeah, that's the ticket...[/SIZE]

Fixed it for ya...

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I can assure you - it was just the bike. You probably look like a father figure, to her.
I have a 20-year-old daughter. People tell me she's hot. I can't see it, myself. The other day I was in a department store, and I caught myself looking at a package of these little jingle-bells, her mother used to sew into her dresses... Back when she was a toddler.

Something to think about, when ogling somebody's daughter, 20-something years younger than you are. Riding is a lot safer than some things.
My same thoughts as I read the post. I have a daughter about to be 18, and it's a little creepy (to me anyway) looking at women close in age to her. When the hell did I get so old? (I'm 49).

I can assure you - it was just the bike. You probably look like a father figure, to her.
I have a 20-year-old daughter. People tell me she's hot. I can't see it, myself. The other day I was in a department store, and I caught myself looking at a package of these little jingle-bells, her mother used to sew into her dresses... Back when she was a toddler.

Something to think about, when ogling somebody's daughter, 20-something years younger than you are. Riding is a lot safer than some things.
My same thoughts as I read the post. I have a daughter about to be 18, and it's a little creepy (to me anyway) looking at women close in age to her. When the hell did I get so old? (I'm 49).
Got 2 beautiful girls, 28 and 18. When I notice some really pretty young thing I usually just think to myself, wow, (insert your higher power here) sure did a great job of puttin' that one together. I wonder what her mom looks like? :rolleyes:

I remember how messed up in the head the young ones are. :wacko:

Gosh, Gerry, too bad you aren't young like me (just a kid at 44), and had the faster '07 Black Cherry bike, you might have bagged her. Ha! I love the looks from young and old ladies alike. The helmet helps, I agree. Nothing like having a super-stunning bike pull up and off comes the helmet to reveal Uncle Fester... really puts a damper on the ego.
But my wife thinks I'm cute, and that is all I need.


Beat me to it.. LMAO... The full face helps alot.. Smoke screen too.
And having an armored jacket cinched up tight makes you look 30 pounds lighter and studly :ph34r:

It can also make you look pretty stupid when its 110 degrees and your about to pass out from heat exhaustion :dribble:
