How fast is this bike anyway?

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downn2(aka starcruiser)

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I was going down a major highway in Dallas the other night when a group of motorcycles passed me, all doing wheelies going well over 100 mph!! Not that I ever would even dream of riding like that, but could you with ease?

Could I keep up with a Suziki GSX 1000 or a Kawasaki Nija if I wanted to on an FJR?

How fast is this thing anyway!

In a word, no. But you can carry splints and dressings for when they meet up with the inevitable.

On a closed course I have had the FJR up to 157 mph.

But it is not a sportbike and the above posts say it all.

I was going down a major highway in Dallas the other night when a group of motorcycles passed me, all doing wheelies going well over 100 mph!! Not that I ever would even dream of riding like that, but could you with ease?
No...not with "ease".

Could I keep up with a Suziki GSX 1000 or a Kawasaki Nija if I wanted to on an FJR?
Assuming you mean a Ninja 10, 12 or 14, no, not if the driver of said Gixxer or Ninja didn't want you around.

How fast is this thing anyway!
Fast enough to get you put UNDER the jail. Faster than any 4 wheeler costing less than $75,000. Fast enough to require a sponge, tongs and sandwich bags to collect the pieces should you screw the pooch at the speeds this thing is capable of.

To put it completely OUT of perspective, the FJR will outrun a Cessna 120...pretty close to flying on the ground. :)

157 MPH ? What do you think it's top speed is? And has any of you others busted this dudes what appears to be Jfrforum's record speed?
The top speed is AROUND 157 MPH. Depends on a few factors, not the least of which is whether or not the luggage is installed. Your weight, the altitude, temperature and other factors can have some effect as well. I have done 141 as recorded on a GPS and it was still pulling.

I wimped out after 120. Still really pulling hard...

Maybe when I get back out West, you know, the roads where the horizon is 30 miles away, fairly flat, and a car every 5 miles or so. I'll see how long the right hand will stay twisted before the brain takes over & says "watchoo trying ta doo homie ?"

You guys are nuts... my brain takes over at about 105 - I need to go to a track day and then have some fun. I WISH I could say I have gone 140-150 - I would LIKE to - I am sure it would be a blast. The idea of being sponged off the highway is too strong though.

1) :bigeyes:

2) :construction:

3) :scare2:

4) :skull:

You guys are nuts...
Why yes, we are nuts. Thank you for noticing. Actually, Eve gets a little nervous over 125, so it keeps me honest.

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I think I read someone had theirs up to 161. :eek:
umm, That was me... I did it ONCE. All i can say is that i was damned either way.

Me and some buddy's were riding together and got a little carried away (140ish), Then we saw the cherries, And REALLY took off (161). :blink: :unsure:

Didnt get caught, But i did learn from that... DONT ride fast unless you are willing to accept the concequences. :)

I believe I remember Smthng saying he had broken the 160 barrier but I don't remember how fast.... ;)

I was keeping up with a 'Busa when I glance at the speedo realized it was between 145 and 150- :bigeyes: then let go of the throttle

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Had mine over 145 on the mile long front straight at Brainerd Raceway. Would have gone faster, but there was this little thing called TURN ONE that was rapidly getting larger in my field of view, and I had no desire to launch myself off the end of it. Imagine that. :detect:

Mmm 157? Was that GPS confirmed?? I have had mine over 140 quite a few times (Nevada is a great state) Best was 147 max speed on the Garmin V, speedo was in the low 150's. Tach was just at redline, on a trip with a full load and slight down hill. It was still climbing slowly but I didn't want to hold it into the red for a prolonged period. I would think 157 would have to be well into the red in 5th. The real fun part is how quick it gets there.
