How many do your own wrenching and then

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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"If you do something stupid like writing a novel without any paragraphs your going to have some people bust you nuts over it. Big deal! Click the freakin edit button and fix it or just tell people to f' off. :rolleyes:

See, this is why we need to create a "QOTW" (Quote of the Week) function. Outstanding, jwilly! B)

If y'all like our Cheesehead's adroit writing abilities, you should check out some of the scrawlings on a couple of the Busa forums! :lol: Holy freakin' crap, some of these guys must be tweaking on fresh meth to put out some of the verbiage that goes on there.

Try this beauty right here.... copied 100% in it's entirety, word for run-on word:

[SIZE=10pt][/SIZE]my brother just recently blow up his motor trying to race me we both no nothing about racing so it was pretty evenly marched he has a 330 rear tire about 12 out and some cams who knows what else
he blows it up all for 50 bucs he takes his bike to the same place wear he got the cams mind you this is a show bike about 30 grand in paint and chrome and trick partsshop who did the work is min from atco raceway not Ricky so we no who I'm talking about this guy i thought was strait up after we were told what the damage is we my brother and i figure we'll just put a new motor instead of fix the old one of cource the shop has motors their for sell well out of our range do to the work thats done to them so we decide to just put one we have in the bike we deliver this motor they put it in never test ride the bike or they would have known that the speedometer wasnt working an the bike was never mapped and the motor now backfires mind you the bike we had the new motor in was running just fine this guy never even took the chrome peices from the blown motor like the stator cover clutch cover etc all this for 1000 dollars
the guy seemed mad that we didnt want any motor work done so he stuck it in our ass i know he use to dealing with some of the fast mony philly guys that have the cash to throw around but because i dont have fast drug money should we be treated different that ***** not kool

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

I feel like I did line of crank just from trying to read this.... :lol:

Right, that would be the trash dee .44 is for, eh? Sorry canuckas....

Paragraphs are your friends.

In English class yes but on the Internet I could care less.
Whoops. WRONG answer. It's one thing to be ignorant of paragraphs, but to be lazy and not bother on this forum is lame. :angry2:

R...e....s..i..s..t...i...n...g urge to do something to your account.

....OK.....I'm calmed down a bit. I'll ignore you for now, but will put you on my secret watch list. Hopefully, you'll come around and we won't have to find a reason to dogpile the **** out of you. :blink:
Wow...this is the only forum I belong to where you give someone **** and you're dumped on for real.

Go ahead remove my account if that makes you feel better.

This would be considered trivial on the HD forum and any other I belong to however here seems to be a major item. I just hope the rest of the forum members get in line and conform to your standards before you need to do something to their account as well.

Thanks for demonstrating your true attitude. That alone is an education for someone who thought this was a friendly place.

By the way, is crapping all over someone's thread normal around here as well?

I hope this is clear enough for you to read.

Thanks for the lesson. Carry on.

I'll bet you didn't know there are ALL CAPS police, too!

You'd best not go into the H-D forum, I go to.... you wouldn't last 5 posts... !

Uh... you're name ain't Busty the parrot by any chance? :glare:

