I bet Ponyfool and Pigster know this guy...

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
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Tri-Cities, WA
:unsure: Um, probably gonna get a HR file entry for this one....

Bend officer accused of eluding state trooper08/28/2007

Associated Press

An off-duty Bend police officer was arrested following a high-speed chase that ended near Santiam Pass, the Oregon State Police said.

Buckley Duane Church II, 38, was riding a motorcycle Friday with his 16-year-old daughter on the back, said Sgt. Craig Flierl of the agency's Albany office.

Flierl said he gave chase on Highway 126 after obtaining a radar reading of 81 mph. Flierl said he activated his lights and siren and tried to overtake the motorcycle, which made a pass in a no-passing zone before merging onto Highway 20.

Flierl said the motorcycle passed seven to 11 vehicles at speeds that might have topped 100 mph before it eventually stopped on Highway 20.

Church was charged with felony attempt to elude a police officer, reckless driving, and recklessly endangering another person. He was lodged in the Linn County Jail and released Friday night, a jail officer said.

His daughter was released to her stepmother, Flierl said.

Bend Police Chief Andy Jordan told KTVZ.com that he learned of the arrest over the weekend while out of town and as of Monday had not decided whether Church will be placed on paid administrative leave, pending results of an investigation.

"Typically, what we'll do is evaluate what the charges are, and determine if he can continue to function as a police officer until this is sorted out," Jordan said.

Jordan said Church joined the force in 1995.
38 isn't a bad age to start a new career. And I bet he's going to.

The thing that jumps out at me is that he took off on a high speed chase with his teenage daughter on the back. That's crossing a different line.

I know Buck and I have to say this was totally out of character for him. I was shocked when I heard the news. He's a great cop, very active and very professional.

I don't know what he was thinking.

Hopefully it all works out and he'll be able to keep his job, but I don't know.....

Possibly, he didn't know he was being chased.....

Futhermore, I just learned that the "pursuit" only lasted 3 minutes at 80+ miles/hour. That's what, 2-2.5 minutes? With mirrors that only allow you to see you elbows??!!

We'll see what the court has to say

Well, I hate to see a good one get bumped. Maybe his record is good enough to survive this gaffe, but he's likely SOL if the prosecutor goes with the felony charge. Good luck to him.

Possibly, he didn't know he was being chased.....
My brother is a cop, and he always stops and always walks. He cam to visit me a few weeks ago, and made my usual 11 hour trip back to NY state in about 9 1/2 hours. He said he got stopped once for doing 89 in a 70. He pulled over, got his licence, registration, proof of insurance, and his police ID all ready, handed it all over, and the professional courtesy of the KY state trooper just told him to drive safe, and sent him on his way. I really don't see why this guy wouldn't stop if he'd knew he was being pursued. (unless he thought it was a buddy, and was gonna give him a little run)

38 isn't a bad age to start a new career. And I bet he's going to.
He had better need a new career if he in fact was fleeing!

I don't understand WHY he would do that, let alone with his daughter.

We just had a fire fighter do that here in Portland too. Well, not quite the same. He got pulled over, got off the bike, then ran away on foot. Go figure.

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Hmmm, you know, there is always more to the story, so this will be interesting to follow. I had not heard about this until I saw WC's post.

I don't know the Bend officer, but the Sergeant that chased, caught and arrested him is a friend. Whether the criminal charges stick or not (and in Linn County, I'm betting they will), the Bend officer will be administratively dragged through the wringer by BPD for his actions, and rightfully so. The Bend Chief is also a friend, as are some of their command staff. They don't put up with BS by their officers over there.

The phrase, something like "You made your bed, now..." comes to mind.

Possibly, he didn't know he was being chased.....
Considering he is being vouched for as "a good guy", has been an officer for quite awhile, had his daughter riding pillion, and eventually did stop, I have to think that he didn't know he was being chased.

(Slight hijack to support my thoughts on this article) For example, I once had no idea I was being pursued years ago when I was driving a car on a hilly, twisty road (but I never passed anyone nor was I at the speeds of this guy on his bike). I never heard a siren and never saw any lights. An officer pursued me for about 5 miles until he found me stopped at a light. One reason he believed that I didn't know he was chasing me was that I was stopped at a stoplight at 1am with no other other traffic...I could easily have gone through the light well before he caught up to me. Of course, I still I got a ticket! :rolleyes:

Anyway, the truth may never be known but I think there is a good chance he didn't know he was being chased. Nevertheless, I hate the fact that he was riding like that with his daughter on the back. :glare:

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What was he doing 81 in a 65? That just doesn't make sense....

My brother is also a cop in Ft. Lauderdale and he rides. First off, all cops know that if they get pulled over for something like 16 over, they are very unlikely to get a ticket. (now there are exceptions, but lets be realistic, very few cops get written speeding tickets).

Given the circumstances, it just wouldn't make sense for him to run.

It didn't say what type of bike he was on either. 90 mph on a harley feels very different than 90 on the FJR.

What was he doing 81 in a 65? That just doesn't make sense....
Likely 81 in a 55 as it was on a state highway and Oregon only has a 65 limit on interstates and I thought the article mentioned state highways. But your point that he didn't know he was being pursued is valid, and I hope that's the case. If that is the case, he has a fighting chance of keeping his job. If not, he's toast. Even if Bend PD decides to keep him, the DPSST board has had a wild hair lately in ignoring the requests of the agencies in deciding who to keep and who to decertify and they can still decertify him.

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I've thought about this some more (yep, it's been 15 minutes) and I think he's done. Whether you agree with it or not, I think he's done. Whether he gets charged on the elude or another charge of endangering his passenger for his riding style, his credibility in the courtroom is shot and with that, he is of very little use to his department. Oregon has little tolerance for its officers violating the state's criminal laws. It's a shame, sounds like he was squared away otherwise.

For all of us, cop or not, it's something to think about.and never forget...it only takes a split second of poor decision making on the bike to cause a life changing event.

Okay, that last sentence was way too deep for this early in the morning. Sorry.

Uh...oh...in looking at the KATU link, he had one of our new Chargers after him, too. If, and I say if, you're going to try and out run the fuzz, don't do it with one of those behind you.

Well, at least they were wearing helmets, which someone thinks has some importance in all this, considering they are required there. :glare: Fortuitous also is the fact that a camera was at the ready nearby, which seems odd to me....

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I would stick with the story that he thought it was one of his buddies messing with him so he thought he would try to make it more interesting.

What motor is in the new police charger?

I would stick with the story that he thought it was one of his buddies messing with him so he thought he would try to make it more interesting.
What motor is in the new police charger?
Hemi. 5.7L. 340 hp. Or a 250 horse 3.5 V-6, but a proper pursuit car would have the big boy.

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