I bet Ponyfool and Pigster know this guy...

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I was wondering the same thing... But it looks like the debates are pulling themselves out of the gutter now.


I am REALLY enjoying reading this.

My vote is leave it OPEN! :)

Webby, I said it before, I'll say it again. You don't get it. Probably never will.

I guarantee, if you did a poll on the topic of professional police behavior, the overwhelming majority of citizens (you know, the ones cops are supposed to serve), would take great offense to the position you take on giving cops a free ride simply because they are cops. You give a significant disservice to the police reputation whether you know it or not.

I don't have a cover issue in my department, and I echo everything Jason is saying. The difference between you and Jason and I is, we actually respect our positions in law enforcement. We actually believe our "job" is more than just going to work to get a paycheck and getting out of tickets. We believe it is an honorable profession. One that you make difficult with your banter.

If you really believed what you were saying, you'd have no problem if your department read your comments. But, I'll bet they'd take a similarly disgusted view, which may be the real reason you hide behind the cloak of anonymity.

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My vote is leave it OPEN! :)
Nahh, go ahead and close it. Webby is rejecting my advances at this point and he'll never be my friend. :sadsmiley02: He keeps lashing out for some reason, in fact. Can I get an e-straining order?

I'll just say one more bit first, though, in attempt to further clear up his confusion. There's no bragging about what I do. I don't give a shit if anyone here knows what I do or even likes what I do. I'd just ask that you don't make assumptions about how I do it w/o knowing me or the other officers that are posted about here. That's a lot to ask, I realize and to a certain extent, it's a pipe dream. However, there's always one that is an uber-criticizer such as Webby. Shame on me for taking the time to try and straighten him out. I certainly apologize if, in the process, it sounded like I was "bragging" about my job. I've been poking around here for two years now and I don't know that I ever posted who I actually worked for or attempted to explain what I did (I do not write tickets anymore, Webby, ... still don't think you understand that) to any of you unless you asked me privately...but maybe I don't understand what "bragging" is. I don't know that I've even used that word since the eighties.

This is exhausting. I'm done.

Over and out (is that what "real" cops say, WW? I'm sure you'll tell me - just spell it correctly when you do)

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I guarantee, if you did a poll on the topic of professional police behavior, the overwhelming majority of citizens (you know, the ones cops are supposed to serve), would take great offense to the position you take on giving cops a free ride simply because they are cops. You give a significant disservice to the police reputation whether you know it or not.
I don't have a cover issue in my department, and I echo everything Jason is saying. The difference between you and Jason and I is, we actually respect our positions in law enforcement. We actually believe our "job" is more than just going to work to get a paycheck and getting out of tickets. We believe it is an honorable profession. One that you make difficult with your banter.
I struggled for the words to say pretty much the same thing. Thanks for doing it for me.

I've been poking around here for two years now and I don't know that I ever posted who I actually worked for or attempted to explain what I did (I do not write tickets anymore,
Er...uhm...some of us figured most of it out over the time you've been here. :rolleyes: It never was important because you were an FJR owner. IIRC, there are 10, or so (maybe more), officers on the forum and their insight (NOT incite) into some issues has been informative.

I haven't always agreed with it...that's why God made lawyers!

Just my $.02!

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. . . God made lawyers. . .
Wow, Mike -- that's the first I've heard of THAT. I've always heard it was Satan. In fact, wasn't there a story about God and Satan having a boundary dispute? Something about when God suggested he'd get a lawyer, the Devil reminded him that he didn't have any?

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PIG and PONY,,,,

Your right.. I will never get your guy's type. I never said all cops get a free pass... YOU DID..But I have never tagged one. I called bullshit on PIGS statements about the OSP not having discretion. As for anything else.. say what you will BUT I get it. You two are supervisors/administrators/managers and don't work the streets. I catch and release probably over 95% of any of my traffic stops(NO tag..Cop or not.. Fishing for bad stuff and bad folks).... Say what you guys will BUT we will never agree on these things. You guys have a black and white outlook and perspective(at least thats the way you portray yourselves here). I see too much gray. I am honest about my discretion. Right or wrong there is always something in the middle.

This Horse or Pig has been beat to death... A few times over.

Enough said I my end.


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I catch and release probably over 95% of any of my traffic stops(NO tag..Cop or not.. Fishing for bad stuff and bad folks)....

Sorry but you are arguing on the internet after all and we know what that's like..... :lol:

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That is sweet!! I justed laughed my ass off!! Reminds me of some guys I know!! AND NO, I don't mean anyone on this board.

Good find Bro!


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Because we are the enforcers of the law, we have a DUTY to abide by the law. As I mentioned before, a violation is just that, a violation so cop or no cop doesn't really matter....A cop that commits a crime doesn't deserve to be a cop anymore.
Except speeding, right? I mean, if you have an FJR and always stay at or below posted speed limits, you gotta be queer or something.

Cop or no cop, FJR fun = Speed!

My wife and daughter have both experienced FJR upper-end velocity. If I thought it was dangerous, I wouldn't even do it when alone on the bike. WTF you think I am, suicidal? I must not be very good at it, because I'm still around after 30,000+ miles of risky business.

What's the opposite of DEATHWISH?

Ditto here. I am sorry -- I have trouble getting excited about an 80 in a 55 with an occasional 100 to pass where safe to do so. Heck, I pass through 80 on most freeway onramps.

Yet, you listen to the news media and any attempted stop over 80 mph is described as a "high speed chase". I am convinced that all media types drive nothing but left over VW's from the 60's. They sure have skewed reality to create "drama".

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