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Active member
Sep 30, 2007
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After a very long day at work, then a few hours for my small business too, I was beat! I decided the FJR would be a good wake up, the son need a ride from football, and he loves to ride! On the way, I got frustrated with some traffic and a smart ass in a mustang gt that was messing with a ford f250. I managed to push through the idiots, only to get stuck behind a minivan 2 stop lights down the highway. The right lane was open as the light turned green, as the rambling exhaust of the gt rolled through the light, light up the tires and grabbed for 2nd. He must of been about 5 car lenghts up and gettin it hard, so I checked my mirror, signald and politely passed the mini. After that was a sudded rush of acceleration pushing the FJR into the red 1st, 2nd, 3rd, holy shit, blew past that little bastard as I shifed into 4th at 110 mph, I then started letting out about 130. I usally dont get off on this sort of thing, but I was pumped! I slowed and waited for the gt, only to downshift into 3rd and walk away again. As we approached the next city, he rolled down his window, shot out a thumbs up!!! I must say, I am hooked on the power of my FJR. I do not usally drag race, but god that was fun!

So what your tellin us is that you blew past a mustang that was messing with an F250? Well hey! That was mighty responsible of you to signal the mini van before you got up to warp 9 on a street with lights and traffic. Could you feel your Tee shirt flappin in the wind as it slipped out from under you genes? How amy feet does it take to stop an FJR from 130mph? Glad it was on the way to pick up your kid and not with him on the back. Glad your kid still has a dad, though its a shame his dad is a squid.

you'll sing the song of the sausage creature

Let the dogpiling begin! :eek: ;)
Let me begin by moving this turgid piece to it's new home.
PS Your too quick Iggy, messed up my first post :( at least the site buffered it :)

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Whoopti shit, you took a mustang that didn't know you were after him.

I took a Camaro light to light who knew it was comming :rolleyes: :assassin: :yahoo:

That'll teach them t-top hangin, loud music blasting teeners who's boss :p

That reminds me of the time.....oh, never mind. PM. <>< :rolleyes: :clown2:

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ah, sorry to offend so many, I see you bought such a performance bike to go 5 under the speed limit? Sorry, I must be the only one to admit what I do. that is why I see so many posts about othe bikes over 100 mph, testing windshields, etc. And I was not in traffic, it was 4 miles to the next light. The mustang knew it was coming, he egged it on. Oh, I was riding in my underwear and flip flops!

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They are a self-righteous bunch, or just there just a pain in the as++.

Am sure all the boys that love to jump are the same ones that lost their lunch money when the were in school.

Lunch money huh?



I love to haul ass. And many here on this board have hauled ass with me.. Gun, Remember Suncrest after the alpine loop??? Didja see triple digits in the curves.

It is just cuz you are new here. We like to **** with new guys...

Hey...HEY...HEY! We don't pick on newbies and we don't play "waiterbaiting" either. :rolleyes: You must've fallen in with a bad crowd (or you've attracted one). :eek:

Besides, its more fun to pick on the Beemer drivers and Audi owners who think they're "all that and a bag of chips".....er, uhm...occaisionally...so I've heard. :blushing: ;)

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Remember Suncrest after the alpine loop??? Didja see triple digits in the curves.
You made me flinch!

That little ride segment was a weird blur to me until I got back and put it in context. Essentially a filling subdivision overrun by sport touring outlaws banking on lax enforcement. Ahh, the memories.

I think maybe it had something to do with bustin' out your heroic ride details on your 12th post.
...or maybe not. <_<
Just a piss poor noob "fisherman" just trying to get attention. Pretty soon all Tools :dribble: end up in a box. :clown2:

Dumbass don't realize we don't give a shit till Friday. :butcher:


Gun, Remember Suncrest after the alpine loop??? Didja see triple digits in the curves.
Phuck yeah!! That was arguably one of my favorite moments on the FJR EVER!! Triple digits you say? Uhhh....I can neither confirm nor deny that I was even there....

That little ride segment was a weird blur to me until I got back and put it in context. Essentially a filling subdivision overrun by sport touring outlaws banking on lax enforcement. Ahh, the memories.
Seeing it on the map really makes it cool...thanks for the visual. Man, that kicked all sorts of ass. The only thing better would have been stopping at a brewery on the way back to the hotel. Oh, wait....

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