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Thanks for the update, PDsgt!

Tom's in my thoughts and prayers. Hope he see's some improvement soon. Best wishes to him and his family!

Thank you so very much for the updates about Tom. A very positive glimmer goin' on. Hope that he'll be on the mend soon, Heidi

Another Tom update:

Still in ICU, but I am told that over the last couple days, there is some improvement. On Saturday, Tom was trying to speak to the nurses but not having the greatest of luck. Although the fact that he is trying is a positive sign. Still no movement on the right side, but Dr's are saying that his speech will come before the movement. A scheduled procedure to place a permanent drain is scheduled to take place on Tuesday.

Some nurses stated that he has said the word "no" on a couple of occasions. It's not great but is sure is better than before. Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps.

Thanks, and keep praying for Tom.

Unfortunately, Tom's ventricles (drains) in his brain have walled off due to scar tissue. This prevents draining of cerebrospinal fluid, and becuase the two sides of the ventricles aren't flowing correctly, the shunt (an artificial drain tube) is not working correctly.

Due to this, he is now in Indianapolis to get another surgery, but rather than open his head, they are going in using endoscopy. If this surgery is successful, it will hopefully help him recover a some more funcitoning.

Unfortunately, he sitll is not able to move the right side of his body. He indicates that he doesn't have much feeling there either. He still cannot speak, he still cannot eat.

His wife, Vonda, is doing a remarkable job at staying with him as much as she can, while trying to balance a job, and 2 dogs at home.

Tom has expressed (by rolling his eyes and making sigh noises) that he has had about enough of this, and wants to know when he is going to be better.

When he finally is done with surgeries, I'm hoping to see some recovery. It's just hard to tell, because every time he's waking up, he gets another surgery, and then he is tired again.

On a positive note, it seems like he still understands everything. Vonda reads the newspaper and motorcycle magazines to him, and he acknowleges stuff by squeezing her hand, rolling his eyes, particularly when it's something funny or interesting.

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Thanks Keith for updating us.

Man, I would love to hear some good news for Tom. It really sounds like the doctors need all the help they can get to get Tom back in living and riding shape.

Prayers sent for Tom and his wife Vonda.

Is insurance taking care of them okay?...there have to be some huge expenses.

If they need any help in that regard, maybe the FJRForum members can help out in some way. Maybe a creative fundraiser...maybe a LD Rally or such to Indiana where you donate $$ to enter/participate.

Let us know...

Tell Tom I have a few drills and a couple diff sized bits. I have also seen the Freddy Kruger movies and Think I could help with the operation.

Tell him to give Vonda 3 squeezes if he want me to come up and help out :)


When you are well and can read this, I know you are gonna come hurt me :assassin: .

I'll welcome the pain buddy.

my best wishes go to Tom and his family.

i am going through the same with my oldest brother, Gil. things look grim for my brother and we are now just waiting for him to find that rest he has earned...he has faught hard. i hope your family sees some light at the end of this tunnel.

cheers to Tom!

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1 step forward & 2 back? Crap! Well, I am really pulling for him to recover, Heidi

Man! I have been following this thread for a while now and it is just heart breaking what Tom and his family are going through. I wonder if the forum could do something to help his family out??

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Yeah well, if I'll willingly give money to Scab I'd certainly give some funds to Tom. If something comes about, I'm right in front to throw in some bucks.

Absolutely heartbreaking what is going on.

I too missed this thread. Tom, I'm praying for your recovery mi amigo. Stay strong, keep working at it. Things WILL improve over time.

Tom I too just now found out about this. I remember last year when we were getting ready to go to the 'EOM and we were planning the ride. It was going to be myself, Smitty141, St. Louis FJR, Petey, and ZZZip and someone had said to see if you wanted to join us. When we placed your name in our listing you responded with "hey, thats me". Well you had better get busy and heal up to join everyone this year.

I crashed with the Hooterville boys 5 weeks ago and spent 4 days in the hospital with broken ribs, a punctured lung and sprained right leg. Those 4 days and the recuperating days since then were about to drive me crazy. Since I got home I have had to sleep in a recliner and most days are only about 2-3 hours of sleep. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through but I am pulling and praying for you. Get better and join us again my friend.


Tom is back at Baptist in Louisville. He was just at Indie, for the surgery and stabaliztion. I will see him today and post up when I get home.
