Jane's New Bike!

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Awesome post, nice bike.

Congrats Jane.

and don't believe Skooter when he says:

"Ahhhh that front tire has at least another 20,000 miles left in her"

Fabulous story, great photos. She does, indeed, have that new bike glow! Have a great time riding together. If my garage would fit it and my wallet would afford it, there'd be a new GS next to the FJR (for me, not the wife!).

Ach du lieber! It brings a tear to the eye of this 40 year BMW fanatic, es geht mir gut. I just notified Dieter in Munchen und Klaus in Berlin about this splendid event. There is great rejoicing in der Vaterland, mein Schatzie. Deutschland Uber Alles!!!

https://www.azbeemers.org/forum/index.php?t...043.msg5327#new Enough mit der Kool-Aid, roll out ein dunkels barrel!

"Jane & Greg have finally drank the BMW Kool-Aid! Actually, I've been slipping the wonderful BMW Kool-Aid in SkooterG's beverages ever since November 2004; when he rode to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico with Chuck Doucet, Ed Quarles and I!

Achtung AZ Beemers Treasurer Dave Kidder: I've mailed you a check in amount of $36 to cover 1st years dues for them!

Hey Don,

Would you post a link to this on the AZBeemers forum? Got to join there soon so we can post. Jane thinks she wants GSJane as a forum name.

Hope you enjoy my BMW slanted write-up.


Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 4:27 PM

Subject: Jane gets a NEW TOY!!!!

Hope she's not getting rid of me anytime soon....................

https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//index.php?showtopic=10959 "

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Um..... you need to do something with this young lady's choice of riding boots.... :blink:


This really is a nice machine... it is the only Beemer platform I would be able to tolerate in my stable, pretty sure of that.

She oughta consider a set of SW-Motech Crash bars *prior* to the first drop (which you know is coming, given that seat height). Also probably need to get a decent skid-plate on the engine lowers before a rock holes that exposed oil filter....

Um..... you need to do something with this young lady's choice of riding boots.... :blink:


This really is a nice machine... it is the only Beemer platform I would be able to tolerate in my stable, pretty sure of that.

She oughta consider a set of SW-Motech Crash bars *prior* to the first drop (which you know is coming, given that seat height). Also probably need to get a decent skid-plate on the engine lowers before a rock holes that exposed oil filter....

Should try the new 800GS

awesome Skooter. Good luck to both you with the new bike. I just got the green light to take my new "friend" on a ride on the FJR this week. Wish me luck. I'm hoping she gets hooked.

Nice set of wheels, opening up a whole catalog of what you can ask Santa for, for Christmas!

DragginJeans would be a great start, then maybe a luggage rack, panniers, different windshield...

Seriously, congrats on a great bike!

Cool story Scoot! I can't wait until I can get my special gal on two wheels! B)


Very cool bike. Now you need to find her the t-shirt that says:

"I never knew BMW made cars until I passed one." (with picture of BMW bike passing BMW car)

Frankly, I thought the t-shirt was just a joke, but they really DO make cars...Who knew?
