I can still ride far and fast during the day. Night-time riding, OTOH, is another issue altogether. Even with the new 50-watt PHIDs, the best I can do at night is *maybe* the speed limit; and frequently, not even that.
Ahhh, it's all coming together now.
That just means you _need_ that Kawi to ride that _much_ faster during the day to make up for what you lack during the night.
Heh... no, not really.
The Blackbird has been my primary LD platform since 2002 (with one noble attempt to make the FJR the LD bike in 2004, with unfortunate results). I immediately went back to the XX for all my Endurance work.
The big, massive Cow GTR1400, like the FJR, is not going to hang with the Blackbird in any performance category, including top speed.
Especially top speed.
If it did... if it was actually capable of 170+ mph runs... then I'd unload all three of my current bikes to score it. B)
But I'm thinking all three bikes are pretty much safe from that fate..... :lol: The FJR/GTR may have more cc's, but they don't have the aerodynamics to make 170+ speeds.
The ZX-14, the ZX-12R, the Heavy Bus... sure, these bikes will hang with (and surpass) the Blackbird in outright speed runs.
But no sport-touring bagger will..... no way, no how.
