KrZy8 - Broken SubFrame

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I ask again - worst case scenario is?

OK to weld in place? (battery, ECU disconnected?)

hmm. I DO just happen to have plenty of JB Weld material.... ;)
Worst case is you'll have a matching crack on the other side of the frame and then it'll be more difficult holding it in place to weld back together. It's less than 2 hours easily to take the frame off. I would recommend that and while it's off, reinforce it. I have pics of mine I can email you if interested.


By the look of the tortured seat, there may be too much beer in the belly, too.
No Way Ross, Don Carver has a rockin' bod!


Ahh, no worries boys!

Me bud FjRay will fix up better than new..

and my custom LowTechRedNeckFix will get her there, no problems!



Don, that fix is good enough to get you to Canada and back. Just be sure to push it out your driveway so as not to stress your "fix". :rolleyes:

Don, that fix is good enough to get you to Canada and back. Just be sure to push it out your driveway so as not to stress your "fix". :rolleyes:
Are you kidding, John?

I installed the Aux Tank, filled it with gas, added another 40 pounds of weight, then hit the 'trail'. :huh:

:lol: I believe in trust after duress... :p

Welder has proposed boxing in the weak area with a couple of tabs. Before he commits, what do ya'lls think?

1/4" 6061 boxing in underside webbing. Right side not yet complete.



The current idea is to anneal the two tabs, fold them over to 'box' the back section for strength. My question is one of clearance. Been too long since it was removed and now I don't remember.






Should work?

Terrible idea?


Pretty sure that bending over and welding those two tabs won't interfere with anything. If you look at the photo you posted of your temporary fix there is nothing for the tabs to interfere with. Boxing the frame will make for very tight fitting elsewhere though.

I can't remember how close the clearance is in the tailsection bottom or lower half is.. Hold On I'll go see if I can see ....

Shite!! On the genl's as I'm sure the genll's also the taillight and rear sections are flush to the bottom of this..Not sure if it's going to be a huge problem as the ABS panels are reasonably stretchable.. However you may have a few unsightly gaps..

I'm not sure what those tabs are for, period. I understand welding the plates on, but the tabs are just hanging in space. I guess he's going to go across the top with another piece? That makes me wonder about seat fitment, but never having been under the seat of a GenII I couldn't say. I don't think anything on the seat sticks back that far....

I'm not sure what those tabs are for, period. I understand welding the plates on, but the tabs are just hanging in space. I guess he's going to go across the top with another piece? That makes me wonder about seat fitment, but never having been under the seat of a GenII I couldn't say. I don't think anything on the seat sticks back that far....
The tabs will be folded down then welded in place. Triangular pieces will be welded to each folded tap, reenforcing the vertical top section.
Knowing my luck, this project.....

Oh, OK. Making more of the triangles that are already there, and making it impossible to remove your taillight/brakelight bulbs when they burn out. :blink:

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Final welded product..







Had to give up on getting the subframe installed tonight. Too tired, too hot, too cranky, was doing more harm than good. What a PITA job this is. All 3 major plastic subsections have moved out of place, all the farkle wiring is in the way. ACK.
