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Its a long story but here's the cliff note version.

Oct 04, I had met in AR nto ride with the " HOON" group from the fjrowners board. I went around a 35mph curve considerably north of that speed and low sided at 70mph. I wound up in the hospital. The wife, once she composed herself said thats it, I'm not raising 4 kids by myself. So, after some soul searching I agreed to quit riding.

However, in the interveneing 15mos. I think I've begun to wear her down. She's not so adamant about never riding again. I'm being a good boy and I think its paying off. :D

We'll see.

I hope this doesn't mean I can't post anymore. I did get my bike 7/02 so I had it for a while. Even rode to WFO 4. :D


Well at least you have the promise of a ride.
I haven't ridden in 15 months

Your not one of the waiters are ya?

Or is it injury related?

Edited for being too slow never mind answer in above post :D

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Its a long story but here's the cliff note version.
Oct 04, I had met in AR nto ride with the " HOON" group from the fjrowners board. I went around a 35mph curve considerably north of that speed and low sided at 70mph. I wound up in the hospital. The wife, once she composed herself said thats it, I'm not raising 4 kids by myself. So, after some soul searching I agreed to quit riding.

However, in the interveneing 15mos. I think I've begun to wear her down. She's not so adamant about never riding again. I'm being a good boy and I think its paying off. :D

We'll see.

I hope this doesn't mean I can't post anymore. I did get my bike 7/02 so I had it for a while. Even rode to WFO 4. :D

Tempting your mortal side could be good for you if you do ever come back.

I love to ride dirt and when I do I go at it pretty hard. Twisted ankles, hurt ribs, busted up knuckles are the worst I have ever suffered, knock on wood, but on the street, while I do sometimes push it on the straights I save the really crazy stuff for the dirt and it has kept me alive so far.

Maybe if you come back you will think about what you missed for 15 months and not find it worth pushing. Of course that is the rational side of me talking :D

Sparky, If I do get to come back I'll wick it down a notch or 2.

Like you I do get to play in the dirt too. I have a WR450F to keep the motorcycle fix in. I love it but there is just something about getting hwy 7 in AR down where the curves are coming at a good clip and your in the zone riding the PACE.

I've promised the wife i'll be around to raise the kids.


So Randy, how are you doing?
Thanks for asking.

I could give the quick answer and tell you that my vision is between 20-15 and 20-20. But, that doesn't tell the whole story. I'm guessing that I'm still in the healing process, but, it keeps getting better and better. The haziness I was experiencing the first couple days is completely gone. The oncoming lights at night were bothering me a bit the first couple days (maybe I shouldn't have been driving at night the day after I had it done?). They don't bother me anymore. In fact, I used to have problems with nighttime vision with contact lenses, but, it seems much better now. I had some dryness in my eyes, but, took care of that with the rewetting drops. My distance vision is a little weird, but, I don't think it's anything to worry about. Sometimes when I look off far in the distance, if I cover my right eye, my left eye is blurry, but, when I cover my left eye, me right eye is clear. Sometimes that changes and the left will be clear and the right will be blurry. Another weird occurence...when driving and looking at the overhead signs, in the far distance, my left eye is clear and my right eye is a bit blurry. As the sign gets closer, it's the opposite and the right eye becomes clear and the left eye is blurry. Now, keep in mind, with these examples, when I say blurry, I mean that it is still very very readable, but, the edges of the letters just aren't as crisp from one eye to the other.

I don't know if it really has any relevance, but, prior to the surgery, I had a slight astigmatism in my left eye for many years. I couldn't get used to the special contact lens that was used to correct it, so, I stuck with standard lenses and dealt with it. I know the brain can make some pretty amazing adjustments when it comes to eyesight. I'm thinking my brain might have made some adjustments when I had the astigmatism, but, now that I've had the surgery done, it is in the process of readjusting.

I go back in 4 more weeks and he'll check my eyes again. He isn't ruling out the possibility for a very slight correction, but, he won't know until he gives me a full exam.

I had heard that people 40 and over may need reading glasses after having this surgery done. Well, I guess I have some more time. I'm turning 40 in November, but, I am having absolutely no problems whatsover with reading.

I had a grocery bag full of all of my crap that I needed for contacts. I had bottles of solution and extra lenses in my car, at my house, in my travel bag, and on my bike. I also had 3 pairs of glasses that I gave to the optician who takes donated glasses when she travels on various missions around the world.

Overall, I am absolutely delighted with the results and with my doctor. Again, I kick myself in the ass for not having it done sooner.

Okay guys and gals..and Doctors- If I need and have the surgery(lasik/PRK) will i still probably need to use bi-focals for upclose and fine print? At just over forty, I can see far away but newspaper print etc is a blur. Doesnt sound like i'm a player in this!


Okay guys and gals..and Doctors- If I need and have the surgery(lasik/PRK) will i still probably need to use bi-focals for upclose and fine print? At just over forty, I can see far away but newspaper print etc is a blur. Doesnt sound like i'm a player in this!
Lasik is possible for near and far sightedness.

If you can see distance then you are far sighted. The procedure in this case creates a cone shape to correct vision. Near sighted (my case) is the opposite, creates a crater to correct vision.

Other factors can determine what your potential outcome can be but see your doctor.

Astigmatism can even be dealt with today. Many advances from even when I had it done 2 or 3 years ago...


If you can see distance then why would you need bi-focals?

Bi- meaning 2 would mean you need glasses to see near and far???

Your statement seems confusing.

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Randy, pleased to here it's working out for you

Getting my left eye done on Friday.


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5on5, if you are over 40 you will need reading glasses after you have lasik. The lasik fixes any distant problem, nearsightedness, farsightedness(if its bad enough to cause a decrease in the distance vision) and astigmatism. It does not fix presbyopia, that is, the loss of close up vision after age forty or thereabouts.

If you are nearsighted now you know you can take your glasses off and read up close. You will not be able to do that after lasik. If they correct both eyes to see at a distance the closeup will be blurred.

You can, however, have monovision done where your dominant eye is fixed for distance and the other eye is left a bit nearsighted for reading.


5on5, if you are over 40 you will need reading glasses after you have lasik. The lasik fixes any distant problem, nearsightedness, farsightedness(if its bad enough to cause a decrease in the distance vision) and astigmatism. It does not fix presbyopia, that is, the loss of close up vision after age forty or thereabouts.If you are nearsighted now you know you can take your glasses off and read up close. You will not be able to do that after lasik. If they correct both eyes to see at a distance the closeup will be blurred.

You can, however, have monovision done where your dominant eye is fixed for distance and the other eye is left a bit nearsighted for reading.

Someone better not tell my eyes that i'm 9 months from being 40. I have absolutely no problems with reading since I had LASIK. I know others that are over 40 that had LASIK and don't need them, but, many do.

Sparky sez

If you can see distance then why would you need bi-focals?

Bi- meaning 2 would mean you need glasses to see near and far???

Your statement seems confusing.
Bi-focals are usually for reading plus one other correction. To me, your response implies that there are only 2 corrections possible.

Yes Randy I believe you are correct. Thanks for the back up! As I said Sparky, I can see distance but I cant read a newspaper,etc w/o the glasses which are progressive bifocals. Gr8 eyes I may check into the monovision thing but it still seems a little creepy. I have friends that have done it and it is great I just dont know if it is for me...yet!


5on5, if you are over 40 you will need reading glasses after you have lasik. The lasik fixes any distant problem, nearsightedness, farsightedness(if its bad enough to cause a decrease in the distance vision) and astigmatism. It does not fix presbyopia, that is, the loss of close up vision after age forty or thereabouts.If you are nearsighted now you know you can take your glasses off and read up close. You will not be able to do that after lasik. If they correct both eyes to see at a distance the closeup will be blurred.

You can, however, have monovision done where your dominant eye is fixed for distance and the other eye is left a bit nearsighted for reading.

Someone better not tell my eyes that i'm 9 months from being 40. I have absolutely no problems with reading since I had LASIK. I know others that are over 40 that had LASIK and don't need them, but, many do.

Sparky sez

If you can see distance then why would you need bi-focals?

Bi- meaning 2 would mean you need glasses to see near and far???

Your statement seems confusing.
Bi-focals are usually for reading plus one other correction. To me, your response implies that there are only 2 corrections possible.
Picky Picky aren't we :D

Yes Randy I believe you are correct. Thanks for the back up! As I said Sparky, I can see distance but I cant read a newspaper,etc w/o the glasses which are progressive bifocals. Gr8 eyes I may check into the monovision thing but it still seems a little creepy. I have friends that have done it and it is great I just dont know if it is for me...yet!
I guess I would just call those reading glasses, to me they aren't doing 2 things for you...

In this link it mentions being nearsighted and needing bifocals because with your "distance" glasses on you can't read hince progressive bifocals.

If you can see distance then reading glasses can be an option.

I also understand that progressive bifocals can be used here also so that at all times you can see distance and read without putting reading glasses on and off.

My misunderstanding was thinking of the first scenario not the second...

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