Let's go to Arkansas

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Minor tidbit of info. AR has wet and dry counties. Russellville (and Mena) are both in dry counties. If you plan to partake of adult beverages after the bikes are parked for the evening, plan accordingly.
Do we know if there's a wet county nearby or should we plan to transport from a distance?


Two of us (maybe 3, foggy you out there!)will be leaving Texarkana at "Noon" on Thursday the 5th. We plan on leaving Sunday the 8th A.M. We will make a pass over Mt Magazine on the way home then back over to Mena and over Skyline and around to Hwy 259 and home.We will be up for a ride Friday A.M. FJR1300 and GalaxyBlue and whoever else.

Bounce if you or fjrchik could give us an itinerary for Saturday, those of us that want to ride Friday could at least take a diferent route from the one you have planned on Saturday
Bounce sent me a route last night to look over. So he is making progress - he said it's hard to narrow it down cause there are so many great roads to take. If that's what he's decided to go with, I'm sure he'll post it up soon.

oh and foggy is from lewisville, so he may want to join us DFW people on the way out. I'm sure we'll be picking a spot to meet and head out from Friday morning together.
Hey all, I haven't been able to get on line and check this posting out for a while. Yes. I would proabably ride up with the DFW bunch. Is there a host hotel yet? Didn't see one mentioned. I'm up for riding up on friday and returning on sunday. What about getting the DFW folks together for a meet and greet before the trip for a day ride or a b'fast or evening get together somewhere in the mess-o-plex?

For my ride on Friday, I was thinking of either going up Push Mountain Road towards Mountain Home or going up 123 to 74 and through Jasper. (If that sounds good to GalaxyBlue...?)

That route kicks ass!

I get off the air at 9:00am and I plan on leaving the radio station shortly after that. I hope to be in Russellville around 5:00pm on Thursday. I'm a non-smoker and early-riser... so if anyone wants to share a room, let me know!
@GalaxyBlue... I'm coming down through Springfield from Sedalia. Do you want to ride down to Russellville together?
Oh yes, I am in for this! How about 125 down to AR?

Sure! I will ride with ya...
Also interested in the room split.

I smoke, but i will go outside... OK?
No problem... I have really bad gas, so I won't smell the cigarette smoke on your closes! :lol: (Uh, just kidding... I think!)

I can give you some competition there! :haha:

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Excellent idea for a Jasper loop. It's 179 miles as displayed and will be added to the list of options for shorter rides!


The reason for any time on I40 was because it spent the most time on 123; a quick insertion op with just enough time to warm up the motors, etc. before deployment.

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Two of us (maybe 3, foggy you out there!)will be leaving Texarkana at "Noon" on Thursday the 5th. We plan on leaving Sunday the 8th A.M. We will make a pass over Mt Magazine on the way home then back over to Mena and over Skyline and around to Hwy 259 and home.We will be up for a ride Friday A.M. FJR1300 and GalaxyBlue and whoever else.

Bounce if you or fjrchik could give us an itinerary for Saturday, those of us that want to ride Friday could at least take a diferent route from the one you have planned on Saturday
Bounce sent me a route last night to look over. So he is making progress - he said it's hard to narrow it down cause there are so many great roads to take. If that's what he's decided to go with, I'm sure he'll post it up soon.

oh and foggy is from lewisville, so he may want to join us DFW people on the way out. I'm sure we'll be picking a spot to meet and head out from Friday morning together.
You've got to include 123 in your plan - rated as the best road in Arkansas be sure to cross over 7 going east and then come back into Jasper - there are some killer twisites that wind down the mountain. The suggestion of 74 west out of Jasper is a good one as well - we do that every year when we head up to the Bikes Blues and BBQ in Fayetteville - as a matter of fact there aren't many boring roads in the NW corner at all. Have fun - if I ever sell the Warrior I may end up joing ya'll!

Minor tidbit of info. AR has wet and dry counties. Russellville (and Mena) are both in dry counties. If you plan to partake of adult beverages after the bikes are parked for the evening, plan accordingly.
Do we know if there's a wet county nearby or should we plan to transport from a distance?

If I were going on this trip here's what I would pack.

1. One bottle of jim beam.

2. One bottle of maker's mark.

3. One bottle of stoli's vodka.

4. One bottle of captain morgan.

5. One six pack of coca cola.

6. One change of underwear.

7. One change of socks.

8. One can of orange juice. :p

hey everyone,

i've booked us into the best western in russellville. right now i have a dozen rooms reserved for us. i have 10 of them as singles (king size bed) and 2 of them as doubles (2 queens) for FJR1300 & GalaxyBlue and me & someone else. these rooms are all non-smoking but we can change any of that if someone wants one. it was just smarter to grab up the non-smoking rooms because they always go first. if we need more doubles, we can get them too if we don't wait too long. the group rate is as follows:

$57+tax for the rooms with 2 queens

$50+tax for the rooms with single kings

they are under my name (Syverson) and "FJR riders" so when you arrive, just ask for that. i have them held on my credit card so it doesn't matter what time you check in, they should be ours and ready. so there's nothing left to do from here on out except make sure we have enough rooms for any last minute additions and switch out any smoking/double room issues. right now we have 4 single rooms available for anyone else not listed on my previous posts.

here's a link to them in case anyone needs it: Best Western Russellville

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i've booked us into the best western in russellville.
Thanks girl!

Will GalaxyBlue and I be able to add an extra night, Thursday night, into your reservations? We will be getting down there on Thursday night and we will need a place to lay our heads.
Sorry I forgot about that! But I just called and got it taken care of - the folks there are so nice! So you 2 are set for Thursday.

anyone else needing more nights (thursday or monday)? right now the rooms are booked for friday through sunday.

fjrrider - do you want rooms for thursday too? if so how many? wasn't sure if you and your friend were splitting a room or not, so got you singles for now. i will be happy to call and get you set up for whatever you need.

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Sorry I forgot about that! But I just called and got it taken care of - the folks there are so nice! So you 2 are set for Thursday.
Thanks again! :yahoo:

I'm really looking forward to this trip... except it looks like I'll have to plan a different ride for Friday, as Bounce has taken my two favorite rides. :angry2:

I guess I'll just have to find a couple of roads I haven't ridden. :D

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hey everyone,i've booked us into the best western in russellville. right now i have a dozen rooms reserved for us. i have 10 of them as singles (king size bed) and 2 of them as doubles (2 queens) for FJR1300 & GalaxyBlue and me & someone else. these rooms are all non-smoking but we can change any of that if someone wants one. it was just smarter to grab up the non-smoking rooms because they always go first. if we need more doubles, we can get them too if we don't wait too long. the group rate is as follows:

$57+tax for the rooms with 2 queens

$50+tax for the rooms with single kings

they are under my name (Syverson) and "FJR riders" so when you arrive, just ask for that. i have them held on my credit card so it doesn't matter what time you check in, they should be ours and ready. so there's nothing left to do from here on out except make sure we have enough rooms for any last minute additions and switch out any smoking/double room issues. right now we have 4 single rooms available for anyone else not listed on my previous posts.

here's a link to them in case anyone needs it: Best Western Russellville
Thanks Michelle and thanks Bounce,

Ought to be a blast!


fjrrider - do you want rooms for thursday too? if so how many? wasn't sure if you and your friend were splitting a room or not, so got you singles for now. i will be happy to call and get you set up for whatever you need.
I called and got one of the rooms, as for the others (there are 4 or 5 more acting like they want to go, we will see!) I gave them info on the hotel and the number so they can make a reservation on there on. I will be there for sure Thursday night. I hope a few others will be there too for a ride Friday. It looks like FJR1300 and GalaxyBlue will, I hope.

If theres something else I need to do, or do different let me know!

Oh, and by the way I reguested a room far away from FJR1300 and GalaxyBlue, they have got some kind of competition thing going on that sounds uhh.... well combustible!

Looking forward to this!!!

Oh, and by the way I reguested a room far away from FJR1300 and GalaxyBlue, they have got some kind of competition thing going on that sounds uhh.... well combustible!Looking forward to this!!!
hahaha! Prolly a good thing, But your still not safe! :blink:
Oh, and by the way I reguested a room far away from FJR1300 and GalaxyBlue, they have got some kind of competition thing going on that sounds uhh.... well combustible!
hahaha! Prolly a good thing, But your still not safe! :blink:
Look at what happened to the last hotel I stayed in...


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I read somewhere that FJRChik has some kinda of experiance as a "man boob" judge. Maybe she could set up a contest between FJR1300 and GalaxyBlue Friday night, declare a winner and be done with it. I mean man, that FJR1300 is a freakin weapon! Poor Hotel Vendome Annex didnt stand a chance!

I read somewhere that FJRChik has some kinda of experiance as a "man boob" judge. Maybe she could set up a contest between FJR1300 and GalaxyBlue Friday night, declare a winner and be done with it. I mean man, that FJR1300 is a freakin weapon! Poor Hotel Vendome Annex didnt stand a chance!
no thanks. u 2 are on your own. :puke:

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Could someone post what the dates for this ride are? I usually do a fall Arkanasas ride every year, and may swing by. I will probably be spending the night in Harrison or Jasper one weekend in October. Guess I need to order some tars.

sure thing fred. some of the guys are showing up on thursday, october 5th and the rest are arriving friday the 6th. staying through sunday or monday.

i just got a PM from someone else joining us, so right now there are 3 rooms left. so speak up early if anyone else wants to join us in case i need to reserve more than that!

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Thanks. For those new to Arkansas, let me give you a few words of advice.

First off, be aware that most of northern Arkansas is Dry, including Russelville. There are several adjoining dry counties in the North central section. Mountain Home is wet. There also is a wet county a few miles west of Harrison.

There are lots of nice roads with low traffic, but the Pig Trail and Hwy 7 are ones I try to avoid. Hwy 7 is a great ride, but has lots of traffic and trucks. If you are going to ride it, do it EARLY in the morning. The Pig Trail is really not all it is cracked up to be, it always has SLOOOW moving traffic and there are no good places to pass, I think there are better roads with less traffic (like 16).

Also, over the past year or two Arkansas has started putting down seal coat with lots of loose pebbles in it. You can't tell it by looking at it, but it is very loose. Watch out for it on hwy 16 between hwy 23 and 7.

There were some sections of hwy 123 south east of Jasper that had sections of the road cave in, not sure if they are fixed yet.

Watch out for log trucks through out the state. They travel fast, and can be hard to pass and will drop bark and junk in your path. Either get around em, or back off from them. Also expect to have to deal with lots of really slooow moving vehicles throughout the state. Folks drive pretty laid back. Be especially alert in Russelville for cars that will pull out in front of you from side streets. Every time I go through that town I have several close calls.

Beware of decreasing radius turns on 341.

There are no decent places to sleep or eat between Russelville and Mena to speak of unless you go south to Hot Springs. There are some small towns along the way but few if any have hotels or resturants.

Be sure to eat at the Ozark Cafe in Jasper. It is really good food, which can be a bit hard to find in Arkansas.

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