De Nada. A dirty little secret in the soda industry is the addition of caffeine as part of their "secret recipes".<<snip>>whoops ShinyI'm a Diet Barq's drinker for many years; like since 2000
I know to stay away from caffeine unless I have some reason to drink it
Made the wrong assumption since my Diet Barq's was caffeine free, so was the regular sugarated.
Dang, I stand corrected and find that paradox goofy
I only purchase caffeine free diet pepsi and diet coke
Very interesting chart, thanx for that info sincerely...can't believe the difference in
regular sugar products and diet products of the same make and name
I wonder why ???
Thanx again,
in Nawlins'
Now sugar rushes are perfectly acceptable for a Robustos MC member in good standing. Except maybe el jefe's illegitimate son, who might talk even faster.