Me being an influence. Bad or good, I don't know.

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Just thought I'd drop a followup in here.

So, the day he test rode the bike, we had lunch afterwards and talk turned to farkles and mods. I mentioned something about getting beads for my seat for longer trips and he rolled his eyes and said some mean things in my direction.

So, last month we took a little day trip down near Austin for the Two Wheeled Texans pie run. We had a good ride down with a local group, had a good lunch with a good group of folks and then decided to head back up on our own. I know a couple of roads down there that were easy to hit on our way back so off we went. It was hotter than blue blazes but we were having some fun turning and burning. These are faster sweepers on this road and I CANNOT have another ticket right now so I was taking it a little easy. FJRScout thought I was taking it too easy and blew past me as we came upon a big nice sweeper which he totally railed through. Nice to see he's getting comfortable with the bike in some sport riding. Well, except that we had a turn at an intersection just past the curve that he blew past. About 20 miles later I direct us into a gas station because I'm low on fuel and he asks where we are and where are we headed? "Heck if I know, you took the lead and blew past our turn!"

By this point it was 104F and we were whooped. Filled the camelbak's with ice and water and I punched up the GPS and said "GO HOME!" I love that feature. It directed us back over to 35 and up we went.

About halfway home, we've both got plenty of gas and such, FJRScout zips ahead of me and makes one of his famous bombs for an exit straight to the nearest gas station. We stop and I look at him and he says "Man I'm sorry, but my ass couldn't take another minute on that seat! I had to stop!"

Ahh yes, first longish distance ride...we are about 300 miles into our day by now. I point out his mocking of me about the beads for the seat and point out that I've done an SS1K ans well as two consecutive 700+ mile days on the stock seat and would he like to reconsider his earlier comments.
Always fun to be an "I told you so."

That aside, I'd been wondering how he felt about the bike coming from something much sportier, what with him getting some real saddle time on it with his commuting, back roads riding, and now a little trip. I had been trying to figure out how to edge it into the conversation when he blurts out "Man, I gotta tell you, I am so glad I bought this bike, I freaking love it!" Always nice when you've highly recommended something to have the other person validate your recommendations.

Good recommendation to buy the bike and good recommendation about the beads. I can't put them on my FJR as the seat is already too tall for me, but on another bike the beads provided excellent comfort on a 3000 miler. Taxi drivers around the world will confirm beads work. Bill
