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My daughter moved out and somehow her cat remained. I would miss it now though as it has become a family member even though it has a personality problem.
Me too. I inherited Mr. Seamus an orange tabby who was supposed to go with my daughter who "broke the contract" and although I like him a lot, the squeeze and I are ready to be petless. Mr Seamus is in great health for a 12 year old cat and might be with us for another decade or so.

Barking is a product of poor training

Unless you have a Sheltie.......they are nuts


Barking is a product of poor training

Unless you have a Sheltie.......they are nuts

I presume you have trained your man NOT to bark anymore??


Men are completely untrainable. (and I just deleted the last half of this post, LMAO)

...........I'm getting wimpy in my old age

Men are completely untrainable. (and I just deleted the last half of this post, LMAO)

...........I'm getting wimpy in my old age
Barb, we men are very trainable. You just have to remember that there is only enough blood for one head at a time. If you satisfy the needs of the little one first then you have a small window of opportunity to do some training before the little guy takes over again. Repeat as necessary

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="FJRay" data-cid="1199834" data-time="1419271103"><p>

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="barb" data-cid="1199787" data-time="1419261017"><p>ppppffffft.....<br />

<br />

Men are completely untrainable. (and I just deleted the last half of this post, LMAO)<br />

<br />

<br />

...........I'm getting wimpy in my old age</p></blockquote>

Barb, we men are very trainable. You just have to remember that there is only enough blood for one head at a time. If you satisfy the needs of the little one first then you have a small window of opportunity to do some training before the little guy takes over again. Repeat as necessary<img src='' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_emoticon' /> </p></blockquote>

Actually, if I am completely honest Ray, I prefer Norm just the way he is.

Wouldn't change him for the world


We lost our favorite girl dog today. Tried everything but couldn't save her. RIP Tessie.

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="FJRay" data-cid="1200621" data-time="1419641934"><p>

We lost our favorite girl dog today. Tried everything but couldn't save her. RIP Tessie.</p></blockquote>

Awhhh. So sorry to hear, Ray. Hugs to both you and Patti. sigh

I have been guilty of petting Tessie. It was the cost of a seat at the table.

So sorry to hear this Ray.

Sorry to hear, Ray.

I had come on here to post about my newest when I saw that, but maybe it's OK to do the circle-of-life thing and introduce a new family member.

A friend of a friend found this cat in her shed, with kittens, and it being July in Florida, she brought them inside. Time passed, the kittens grew enough to go to their own new homes, but nobody took Momma.kitty. My friend posted about the cat his friend needed to get rid of, and I went and had a look. The lady had taken her to the vet, gotten her spayed and all the shots, tested (no feline leukemia, no FIDS) and since I don't have to ask anyone "Can I keep her? Puh-LEEEZE?" it wasn't a difficult decision to bring her home.

I have no idea how old she is. She's not feral at all, not the least bit skittish, so she's a lost or abandoned house cat. Pictures were posted, and a serious effort was made to find a previous family, but she lives here now.

I already have a cat, and a dog. Chipsie gets along with the dog (Gizmo) although it was weird for both of them for a couple of days. The cats, though, still have...... tolerance issues. What started as huge hissy-fits and knock-down drag-out fights has quieted to simple hisses from time to time. I did see them sniffing noses once, so there's hope, I think.

This is a pic from earlier this evening. She was sitting all nice and pretty, so I got the camera, which ruined everything!

This is "Gimme the clicky thing! I want it! I NEED it! It's MINE!!!" I didn't know the lens would focus this close.... data says 400mm subject distance.


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Yes Folks, that was indeed my nutty blonde Labrador Retriever Oso on the right as a youngster in this photo! At 2+ years he is still CRAZY! JSNS, GOOFY!

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This is the new addition...........Angus

Border collie/Great Pyrenees puppy. He's about 3 months in that pic
