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does he have border collie in him...I guess I'm used to labs, retrievers, and setters enjoying the water the most
He is a pointer "mix". We got him from the pound, so short of a test there is no way to confirm he is a pure breed. That dog is a fetching machine!!

Bringing home the third Dal in a few weeks, rescue from the Houston area. Ain't she a sweetie?




(She is the one by the red toy, on the right side.)

My 14 yr old animal lover Mary Beth sticks her head in the door and says "Daddy, are you in a good mood?"

Uh oh...

walks in cradling this lil thing...Daddy I was volunteering at the Parish (county) Animal Shelter, and I brought you the lab puppy you said you'd like...



meet Gracie Moca Latte Oliver...



We have 4 cats.

- Kirby

- Gege

- Shadow

- Shiloh

All persian. But having said that, I'm no cat expert. I label them persian because they all have a lot of hair.

This is Kirby. Looks mean but is actually a wuss and is completely harmless. Won't chase anything. Won't run. Just likes to sleep, eat, and lazily follow my wife where ever she goes. And he won't eat unless hand fed. Yes, we feed him by hand - piece by piece - every morning and night.


We learned that Kiku (shown above) likes the water just a bit (safe for work).

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My daughters dog, Oscar the Pug Rug passed away in April. Oscar had a lot of health issues plus his age and it just .....well you know. Oscar got to be Oscar because the family united and refused to let my grandson name him Frank(think Men in Black). OK that's the history, now we get to the point where I would like to punch some pet owner in the face.

My Daughter has been sorta thinking about getting another dog, surfing the web she found a litter of Pugs in a no kill shelter in Pittsfield, IL. about 3 hours South of us. The mother had been picked up and delivered the puppies in the shelter, the owner when found came and picked up the Mother and abandon the new born pups!

The Shelter workers bottle fed the puppies until they where old enough to ween, then placed an ad on pet finder.

and here she is



If Reno John is available for some face punching, I'd like to hear from him, if the shelter will release the name of the mothers owner which so far they refuse to do.

All the pups have found new homes, and yes a nice contribution is in the mail to the shelter.

My daughters dog, Oscar the Pug Rug passed away in April. Oscar had a lot of health issues plus his age and it just .....well you know. Oscar got to be Oscar because the family united and refused to let my grandson name him Frank(think Men in Black). OK that's the history, now we get to the point where I would like to punch some pet owner in the face.
My Daughter has been sorta thinking about getting another dog, surfing the web she found a litter of Pugs in a no kill shelter in Pittsfield, IL. about 3 hours South of us. The mother had been picked up and delivered the puppies in the shelter, the owner when found came and picked up the Mother and abandon the new born pups!

The Shelter workers bottle fed the puppies until they where old enough to ween, then placed an ad on pet finder.

All the pups have found new homes, and yes a nice contribution is in the mail to the shelter.
:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo:

My contribution to the discussion: Leo and Lulu, our 4 year old Bichon Friese. Now, a question - How did you upload the pictures? Is that kind of information available on the forum? And how did people get pictures uploaded as part of their personal information. I have not been able to reduce any pictures to the size permitted by the forum.

Thanks, Jim

My contribution to the discussion: Leo and Lulu, our 4 year old Bichon Friese. Now, a question - How did you upload the pictures? Is that kind of information available on the forum? And how did people get pictures uploaded as part of their personal information. I have not been able to reduce any pictures to the size permitted by the forum.Thanks, Jim
PM sent.

My contribution to the discussion: Leo and Lulu, our 4 year old Bichon Friese. Now, a question - How did you upload the pictures? Is that kind of information available on the forum? And how did people get pictures uploaded as part of their personal information. I have not been able to reduce any pictures to the size permitted by the forum.Thanks, Jim
Open up an account on a sharing site, like Flickr. Upload the pics there. Flickr allows you to select a size, and the ones above were Large, (but not the largest). Select a size, and when the resulting picture shows, right click on it, and select Copy URL from the resulting drop down box.

Return here, open a reply, and from the buttons, select Add Image. You will get a pop-up box. Paste the URL from the photo sharing site, and select OK. The pic is now in your reply. Good luck!

My family has never had a young puppy in the house...

Here's more of 3 months adopted from the local public shelter/pound

We're quite happy with her...she gets along well with all folks and our other 2 dogs...quite fearless and tough

We're working on the puppy syndrome of biting (no damage other than pain) with those needle teeth

We're still trying to figure out her breed(s)

I find most interesting her ears: one folded and down and the other up and out

We'll see how that goes as she grows...she'll be interesting at 1 year old




I'm currently banking she's a Boxador or Boxer/Lab mix...whatta ya'll think...I refuse to use the words P*t B**l...

from the Boxador web page of 3 month olds:




I'm currently banking she's a Boxador or Boxer/Lab mix...whatta ya'll think...I refuse to use the words P*t B**l...
Dunno Mike. My vote is for a fair amount of P*t B**l American Staffordshire. Which is a lovely dog :)

There's no rarely such a thing as a bad dog. But there are lots of bad owners :(

Dunno Mike. My vote is for a fair amount of P*t B**l American Staffordshire. Which is a lovely dog :)
There's no rarely such a thing as a bad dog. But there are lots of bad owners :(
Mike, I absolutely agree with MEM, my secretary,uh Admin Assistant (pre retirement) had pit bulls. great dogs, friendly. smart, and gentle.

I'm currently banking she's a Boxador or Boxer/Lab mix...whatta ya'll think...I refuse to use the words P*t B**l...
Dunno Mike. My vote is for a fair amount of P*t B**l American Staffordshire. Which is a lovely dog :)

There's no rarely such a thing as a bad dog. But there are lots of bad owners :(
nah, no, nada...not even close <sigh>


Col. Jessep: [shouts] You can't handle the truth!
