Robin Trower
Shuck sorry to see this damage. Perhaps we will see that Victory in March? (sorry I could not help myself)
I looked up North in Calabogie on Google and found there is a ski hill nearby with a whopping vertical drop of 750 ft. I should not have looked at the trial map. As an ex-skier whose helicoptered skied for a week in BC back in '86 and '87, I damn near died of laughter. Those dual sport trails better be more difficult than that ski hill otherwise nobody is gonna be crying like a little girl.
The only reason I don't ski anymore is I am 1/2 as fat as Beemedon's and twice as ugly. Actually the cost of skiing, my ability (extra physical baggage will do that) compared to back in the day, the rat race to get on the slopes and the crowds put a chill on my desire to ski anymore.
I looked up North in Calabogie on Google and found there is a ski hill nearby with a whopping vertical drop of 750 ft. I should not have looked at the trial map. As an ex-skier whose helicoptered skied for a week in BC back in '86 and '87, I damn near died of laughter. Those dual sport trails better be more difficult than that ski hill otherwise nobody is gonna be crying like a little girl.

The only reason I don't ski anymore is I am 1/2 as fat as Beemedon's and twice as ugly. Actually the cost of skiing, my ability (extra physical baggage will do that) compared to back in the day, the rat race to get on the slopes and the crowds put a chill on my desire to ski anymore.
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