Mother of All Mexico Dirt Bike Rides - March in 2015!

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Papa Chuy Viejo is not admitting to have written this on a State of Arizona Public Works Sign, but I sure could have! :)....
We know it was not you because it would require that you know how to write and no knuckle dragging pipefitter has a clue on how to write anything other than a beer order.

Chris_D PM'ed me and wants to share a room. This is good with me since I didn't want to room with Papa Chuy and have to put up with his fish taco con queso farts.
Fixed! Billy Fitz, you forgot the cheese ese! JSNS!


This looks an epic trip!!

Brother Spinto, please consider yourself cordially invited to join us on this ride!

If you currently don't have/own a dirt bike, MD rents Suzuki DR650's reasonably!

Here is our Italian Friend Paolo riding one of Skip's rental DR's, in great shape and low mileage. Interesting story on Paolo, back home in Milan the largest moto he had ever operated was his Vespa 300 but he did an incredible job of riding the rough Copper Canyon Trails!


Hello Don,
It was great meeting Jim and I do hope he'll consider joining us.
I can land him a DR650 Suzuki, outfitted for $750. That would be a perfect bike for this trip.
Encourage him to drop me a note or call if he has any questions.
Saludos amigo,
Skip Mascorro

685 Persimmon Hill
Bulverde, TX 78163
Toll Free USA & Canada 1(800) 233-0564
PH (830) 438-7744
[email protected]
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On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Don Stanley <[email protected]> wrote:
From my Friend Jim F. of Washington State: I will also have to rent a bike, again how much?

Today I attended a vintage motorcycle show at the LeMay Auto Museum in Tacoma. While there I ran in to Skip Mascorro. What a nice fellow and of course he had many complements about you, which are all well deserved.

So are there any opening for the March 2015 ride to Mexico? If so how much? I will also have to rent a bike, again how much?

I think it is time to change thing up and this ride just might be the ticket.

Once again it sure was a pleasure riding with you during SW-FOG.

I retire in 2 years and 4 months. I hope to join some of the rides you organize when I don't have to work anymore.


Jim F. Hola Jim, it would be fantastic if you could make this Expedition with us. I will make sure you have a spot on this tour even if it sells out at twelve, Skip and I are long time friends: He'll work with me!

The cost of the tour is $3,389 and I have already sent Skip my $800 deposit, prior to the trip I will send Nancy Mascorro the $2,589 balance.

I will send Skip an email regarding the rental bike cost, I know on the 9-day Copper Canyon tour a BMW GS Sertao supplement is $1000.

Mas Caminos y mas Amigos, Suerte!

Don Stanley
Chandler, AZ

[email protected]
Cell #: 480-440-4666
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IN!!! The wife gave me a two week pass.
+1, Gunny; glad to hear this Jim, that is outstanding news! We Phoenicians are caravanning from Phoenix with our dirt bikes sporting knobbies riding on trailers, after the First of the Year I will post up the details if you and Canuckle-Head Biker Griff want to caravan with us. Griff lives in Calgary, Canuckistan straight downhill to Interstate 10; we can travel as a group, eh! jes' sayin' and nuff said, ese!

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At Noon on 8/26 there are only 3 openings left for this Real de Catorce and Huasteca, Mexico trip! Fontanaman Jim has been added to the Attendance Roster!

1. canucklehead-biker
2. BeemerDonS
3. bbolesaz - BB
4. Back Road Bob
6. D Wells
7. BearTrax
8. yamafitter
9. Fontanaman-Jim
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IN!!! The wife gave me a two week pass.
+1, Gunny; glad to hear this Jim, that is outstanding news! We Phoenicians are caravanning from Phoenix with our dirt bikes sporting knobbies on trailers, after the First of the Year I will post up the details if you and Canuckle-Head Biker Griff want to caravan with us. Griff lives in Calgary, Canuckistan straight downhill to Interstate 10; we can travel as a group, eh! jes' sayin' and nuff said, ese!
Eye Sure Ya Betcha I would like to caravan with you. I don't know where the hell I will pickup the DR650 - I will work that with Skip. I am looking forward to this trip. It has been awhile since I was on a vacation where some DS adventure touring was involved. Dual Sport riding reminds me of the song by Deep Purple Strange Kind of Women.

I want you I need you I gotta be near you

I spent my money as I took my turn

I want you I need you I gotta be near you

Ooh I got a strange kind of woman passion

Yeah I am weird what the hell.

"I don't know where the hell I will pickup the DR650 - I will work that with Skip." MotoDiscovery will have your Suzuki waiting for you at the Base Camp Hotel in McAllen, it will no doubt be the same one they used when Brian Boles and I rode with Pancho Villa Moto Tours to Real de Catorce from. Nice place, with covered and secured parking.

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Looking at trailering the the mule down to Phoenix area and then figuring it out from there. The old girl needs some TLC and new shoes after her recent Labrador excursion... this is gonna be a great trip :)


Looking at trailering the the mule down to Phoenix area and then figuring it out from there. The old girl needs some TLC and new shoes after her recent Labrador excursion... this is gonna be a great trip

Griff, mi Casa es su Casa Hombre! Can you talk FJRGuy Jeff in to making this Trek with us? Billy Fitz - yamafitter should consider caravanning with CHRIS_D from Atlanta, Georgia to McAllen, Tejas! jes' sayin' and nuff said, ese! NOTE: Our final destination: Xilitla.


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Some of the spectacular scenery we FJR Forumites will enjoy en Huasteca Potosina! Magnifico!

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Montezuma wearing his full royal regalia, HotRodZilla is a direct descendant of this famous Aztec Emperor! AJ still owns the family outfit, 'Zilla wears it to a fern bar in Albuquerque every Thursday evening! jes' sayin' and nuff said, el Puto majestico ese!


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Montezuma wearing his full royal regalia, HotRodZilla is a direct descendant of this famous Aztec Emperor! AJ still owns the family outfit, 'Zilla wears it to a fern bar in Albuquerque every Thursday evening! jes' sayin' and nuff said, el Puto majestico ese!

The question is does Zilla still wear this outfit?

Nice scenery in the video. Thanks for posting Don. Really looking forward to this ride.

BUMP REMINDER: Only three openings are left for the "Mother of all Mexico Dirt Bike Rides", don't miss the chance to ride the tropical wilderness trails and roads of the Huasteca-Potosina region with infamous Polish-Mexican Bandito Billy Fitz - The Scourge of the Sierra Madres, ese! jes' sayin' and nuff said, eh!


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Not to bust up a perfectly good off-road thread talking to our goofy Canuckistani friends from the other side, but dammit Dashbaw, we hardly hear hyde nor hare from ya anymore. You been gettin' that 800's feet wet or what. We need more ride reports on this half-dead AZ Beemers forum. :-\ Yo Dashbaw, why haven't you signed up for "The Mother of all Mexico Dirt Bike Rides" yet eh: Ya goofy Hoser!

You'd be the 3rd Canuck riding to Real de Catorce y Huasteca/Potosina, Bill "yamafitter" is from Ontario and Jeff "canucklehead-biker" is from Alberta, eh!
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I'm seriously considering doing this with a pal (we both have GS1200's). How does this tour differ from say the Copper Canyon one that is also offered by MotoDiscovery? We are both experienced off-roaders....this one sounds like its mostly blacktop whereas Copper Canyon is mostly dirt?

Copper Canyon Crazies - ADVrider

This will have just as much dirt as Copper Canyon MotoDiscovery Tour offers!

FJR Forum and AZ Beemers have used Pancho Villa Tours-MotoDiscovery for many years now on our Custom Tours they design just to our specific directions!

We can make the Huasteca/Potosina ride have as much dirt as it is feasible!

Check out the link to our Adventure Rider Copper Canyon MotoDiscovery Custom Tour, author is Bill Fitkowski - yamafitter.
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From a Mexico Riding Friend on the K1600 Forum, regarding riding a motorcycle in Mexico!
We did the Real de Catorce ride with MotoDiscovery a few years back (as part of the Colonial Mexico tour) - that's NOT off-road riding at all - we did it with a group on K1200 LT's. You will see some gravel and improved dirt roads - but even the dirt roads there have good drainage and virtually all have speed bumps. Great riding in that part of the world - epic mountain roads - just watch out for goats and burros behind the next bluff in the twisties.

For those who say they won't go into Mexico - I understand why, but disagree - we take a friggin motorcycle out on the road, with no seat belts air airbags, no protective metal shell, and ride among smart-phone-addled idiots, yet Mexico intimidates?

It is the IDEA of Mexico - what the media tells people about Mexico is what keeps you away - the reality is that in most areas of Mexico, you are, on average, safer than in the U.S., also on average. ****, there are over 7,000 American retirees living happily in one Mexican city alone - San Miguel de Allende, representing more than 10% of the city's 59,000 population. It is an amazing UNESCO World Heritage Site - a place anyone can visit and feel like a local.

Like the urban ills in the U.S, the people who are targeted for crime tend to be criminals or live among them. We have a house near Baltimore, where there are murders almost every day. I do carry when inside the city, but have never felt in danger. Attacks on American tourists are very very rare - so they make big news when they happen - but a lot more tourists are attacked every year in New York City than in all of Mexico. With that said, the case of the American Marine who made a wrong turn carrying weapons is disturbing - but like all of the cases I have heard about, including the 2012 killing of a tourist (David Hartley was jet skiing in an area known to be used by narco-traffickers) on the Rio Grande's Falcon Lake, there has been a "story" behind almost every incident - like carrying weapons into Mexico illegally. A mistake, yes, perhaps an honest mistake, but still a violation. Come on in, the water’s fine, or why there’s no logic in fearing a trip to Mexico | National Post

I carry a gun pretty much everywhere and have Maryland and VA carry permits. The Maryland permit is among the hardest in the U.S. to obtain, and I use it to carry almost weekly. Some would consider this paranoid, but I like insurance. Yet I still go to Mexico, typically two-up, often without a group, and without protection.

We leave the guns behind when going into Canada or Mexico, and have never felt threatened, even a little bit. I can't say that about South Dakota and Kansas, both places where my "protection" did us no good when needed. None of us are getting out of here alive. It isn't about b*lls at all - like riding a motorcycle, it is what makes life worth living.

A friend asked my wife and me why we took a two-month trip through Africa last year - a place where the corrupt police made us pay bribes daily, and where the animals, diseases, poor water, limited electrical power, bad roads, and remote services make it far more dangerous than anything in Mexico. We also never felt endangered there, even when dealing with bad cops and shady black market fuel dealer. Our pat response to people asking why we "take chances" is "We've raised our kids, completed our careers, and now spend some of our time doing things to give back, and the rest doing interesting things - and we plan to be dead for a very long time."

I highly recommend anything MotoDiscovery does - especially Mexico. Lee-Ann and I look forward to joining them on the Bob's BMW tour of Cuba next March, before riding the Ayres Adventures Epic Journey through Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, Mongolia, China and Hong Kong next summer.

Links to the Cuba and Epic rides below:

Bobs BMW CUBA Motorcycle Tour

The Epic Journey - Moscow to Hong Kong by Motorcycle | Ayres Adventures

On a sobering note - Ron Ayres has had to stop riding for now - he's battling stage four liver cancer and had to leave the exploration trip for the Epic Adventure. That ride has been taken over by Ron's most senior guide, John Jesson, a great guy. Ron is hunkering down on the gulf coast while he battles this thing. Ride while you can.

Vaya con dios amigos!

Outstanding commentary dmfick, may I please have your permission to repost this excellent treatise on riding in Mexico to MOA Forum and AZB?

You and I share the same sentiments, 6 years in US Army overseas and 40 years in pipefitting construction and I've had a lifetime of close calls.

But at the end of my days, I want to look back unafraid at any of my life's adventures! Prayers of the Stanley Boys go out to Ron Ayres, Amen.
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+ 1 and gunny to Don's last post. In 2007 I road from Seattle to Copper Canyon solo - solo was not part of the original plan but as it ended up my choice was solo or not at all. So I went and had a blast. I don't even speak a lick of Spanish. I never felt threatened or at risk. The people were very friendly. My only regret was my inability to speak Spanish.
