Motorcyclist with illegal drugs and weapons caught after 151 mph chase

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2013
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Do you think he was on a Harley?

A motorcyclist carrying a gun and drugs led police on a high-speed chase through Iowa on Monday evening that reached 151 mph on a busy highway.

The Iowa City Press-Citizen reports that Cedar Rapids resident Jordan F. Fetter was spotted by an Iowa State Patrol officer speeding through traffic on I-380 at 90 mph. By the time the trooper caught up to him, he was doing 119 mph and accelerated when he spotted the pursuit.

According to the officer, Fetter was weaving through traffic and using the shoulder to pass cars. Eventually, the trooper managed to get his car in front of the motorcycle at 151 mph, then blocked Fetter from passing as he slowed them both down.

At one point, Fetter allegedly yelled "move, my mom's dying."

After coming to a stop, Fetter got off the bike but refused to comply with orders and the officer used his Taser to subdue him after several warnings, according to the official criminal complaint. A search of Fetter’s backpack turned up syringes, meth, a leafy green substance, brass knuckles and a 9 mm handgun.

Fetter told the officer he’d used meth earlier in the day.

Due to a previous felony on his record, the 31-year-old faces up to seven years in prison on charges of possession of a firearm and controlled substances, if convicted.

Possibly a V-rod but I doubt it. Most likely on a squid bike.

More vermon taken out,

That's good,

Edit: I guess us FJR riders won't be outrunning and officials. Good to know.

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Just happy to read no innocent folks were injured or killed by this idiot on a missile. I'm a little surprised they allow law enforcement to engage at those kinds of speed. Many areas they will back off. But I do understand that his riding behavior obviously warranted a chase from behind. Regardless, best outcome for all parties involved. Now we get to pay his housing, medical, and drug treatment for the next 5-7 years. I would like to recall my last comment for best outcome.

The trooper was able to get his car in front of a motorcycle going 150mph? Dude must be Richard Petty.

I do believe the law here is that county and city police are not allowed to pursue motorcycles, only state troopers and it is solely up to their discretion.

The trooper was able to get his car in front of a motorcycle going 150mph? Dude must be Richard Petty.
I do believe the law here is that county and city police are not allowed to pursue motorcycles, only state troopers and it is solely up to their discretion.
This is my impression for NC as well but I didn't sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. I do know that the several times I've met deputies at higher speeds on remote country roads I see brake lights momentarily but they've never turned around.

I didn't believe the 150 part to begin with: a) trooper going 150 in a car? Nope; 2) trooper got his car in front of a 150 bike? Nope. Something smells fishy to me but I'm a cynical ol' bass turd.

according to the rags, my R/T should top out at 150...not gonna try it...not even on the scoot anymore...too many deer and bear.. [4 and 2 legged kind]..

This issue of the speed of the chase is interesting to me.

A few weeks ago I was running northbound about 20 over but in the blind spot for oncoming radar, behind the right rear quarter panel of an SUV that was doing the same.

This was on a divided highway, and I keep an eye on the oncoming traffic "just in case." I saw a southbound vehicle pretty far ahead, and figured that he'd pick up the SUV, as I dropped down to the speed suggested by the signage.

The SUV did not notice the suspicious southbound vehicle. He just pulled away at 20 over.

The suspicious vehicle turned out to be a statie in an SUV.

Sure enough ... a few hundred yards below us, he hit the median and started north.

Now this was sort of weird. His pursuit speed was just a few mph over the speed limit. The offending SUV had never even noticed him and was long gone.

But when he caught up with me, he dropped in behind me.

He just tucked in behind. I wondered if he was going to escort me based on complaints from a previous night's loop ride on that road.

A second statie dropped in behind him.

Then a Sherif's car from the north hit the median behind us, and settled in, making it me and three.

When the third enforcer arrived and found his spot, all three of them hit their lights.

Obviously there was no doubt about who they wanted.

I knew they didn't have a thing on me ... so I stopped immediately (I'd been watching them for several minutes now).

I had my gloves off and was working on my helmet as the first guy approached me on foot from behind. He was saying "You're OK. We're looking for a different Kawasaki."

I guess I hadn't mentioned that I was on the ZX14RABS SE, which by the way will definitely go quite a bit faster than 151 mph.

When he got to me he said. "You can go. Oh, you do have ID don't you?" I handed him my license and registration and he didn't even look at them. He let them touch his hands and gave them back to me.

Apparently "Mine weren't the droids he was looking for."

I wondered what that was about. The generous view is that there was some sort of APB out for an evil Kawasaki running up and down TN 111.

The more cynical view is that they were hoping that I would bolt ... and it would be good fun to chase a ZX14R on the divided highway, at least up to the next town.

I disappointed them. But I did run the rest of my loop (about 35 more miles) at 10 over and without hindrance.

Drug mule? Sounded more like the guy was just carrying his own personal stash, and the press and local LEO tried to make it sound more important. I'm also not buying the 150 mph quote. It would be humorous to know what bike it actually was. Probably something not even capable of 150.

He'd have been in a lot less trouble if he'd toked up a little herb instead of the meth. The cops seldom pull you over for going ten under the posted. Vermont roads are full of those green leafy substance using folks. I think they are kind of cute and harmless. Of course that is partly because it is 100% legal to pass a vehicle on a double yellow line in VT. I do make good use of that allowance! ;)

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