"Muzzy...noot so bad after all" Revisited

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, AL
Some of you may remember the thread that SilverBullet posted regarding the Muzzy full system for the 06 FJR. He was having a problem with the midpipe dragging in right turns. Well, after contacting Muzzy about the problem and being assured that a redesign had been done, I ordered the same system and installed it on my FJR about 2 weeks ago. Today I took the bike to Deal's Gap. I ride there often but this was my first time since installing the Muzzy system. Let me say that it almost cost me some skin and my bike. On my first run from the Overlook to the store, I entered a hard right turn and almost lost the bike. The rear wheel started to lift and I almost lowsided. My peg never touched. I have a large gouge/scrape at the midpipe.

I want to reiterate: I ride Deal's at least 10-12 times a year. I am very familiar with the road and have ridden numerous times on the FJR. Never have I had more than a peg touch. This situation is just plain dangerous. I will be contacting Muzzy tomorrow with pictures of the damage. There may even be a Killboy shot of the pipe touching down in Crud Corner. I will post my pics in this thread soon.

For those of you considering the Muzzy full system for an 06 FJR; I'd wait. I still have the e-mail from Curt Dorn of Muzzy stating that the pipe has been redesigned. Stay tuned... :argue:



Editied to add images. Please note the oxidation that is still in place on the right peg feeler. It never touched.

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Wow. Bummer, man. After all the previous crap, to still be having this issue is unacceptable. Glad you and the FJR were spared. Good luck.

That really sucks !! :angry2: Glad your OK bro !!!

Guess what the UPS delivered to my door today... a full Muzzy system ! Damn... keep us updated please !!!

That sucks bald dog! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Did you buy directly from Muzzy or through a mail-order vendor?

If the latter.... I wonder what the chances are that your vendor had one of the "old design" mid-pipes in stock, and shipped it to you unknowingly?

Guess what the UPS delivered to my door today... a full Muzzy system ! Damn... keep us updated please !!!
You have an aftermarket shock, don't 'cha Highlander? Just jack up your pre-load to the max, and install a 6mm shim on your rear shock to raise your ride height! ;)

(j/k..... though that would likely help, and definitely would make your steering noticeably faster.)

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Did you buy directly from Muzzy or through a mail-order vendor?
If the latter.... I wonder what the chances are that your vendor had one of the "old design" mid-pipes in stock, and shipped it to you unknowingly?
Purchased directly from Muzzy.

Note: FJRFencer was with me at Deal's. We swapped bikes for a run. I ran at a faster pace than he did and never touched a peg on his bike. He ran mine and got seriously spooked when the pipe caught in a right hander. And yes...he knew the pipe was an issue...I did not throw him under the bus for science's sake!

Well if they (Muzzy) fixed it on the 03-05 models it shouldn't be that hard to fix it for the 06-07.....at least you would think....hope they right it for you.....oh ya & just out of curiosity? was it really loud as in 3-4x louder than stock?.... only asking cause mine just arrived for my 04.....thanks....Mike

Sh*t, dam, hel mad Mike. You had just put that baby on when we met you on the way to Atlanta for the show. I've been meaning to ask you about how you liked it and all that went in to the install. Glad you were'nt hurt, that could be a really bad thing for someone less capable and unsuspecting. I think you are just the right guy to give them more than a ear full which they deserve. Could have been very serious situation. That rear wheel forced up and loosing traction on a hard right hander :eek:hno-smiley02: :eek:mg2: Give them some x-tra grief for me while your at it-----they deserve it

So you would say it's twice as loud or more?....
Aww, for cryin ewt lowd laddy, put the bleedin things on yer very own skooter and find ewt for yerrself!
Only got one exhaust pipe from them sunny jim... :blink: .....you know 4-2-1... :derisive: ..

So you would say it's twice as loud or more?....
Perhaps 1 7/8 would be more like it, maybe 1 15/16.
Only askin because if it is real loud, I would repack the muffler before I install it....but I got the pipe for weight loss, then performance (if any)....but I don't like loud....my preference has always been stealth....plus it's not available up here so changing the muffler isn't an option....at present....so Rad...what do think 1 11/12's?

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