Dad passed away this morning, Monday, and 4:25.
He died of lung cancer that was only found because he had pneumonia.
I got to talk to him again before he died. I arrived at the hospital Saturday at 2:00 to find him sitting up in bed with everyone around, enjoying conversation and joking around, dependent on an oxygen mask. At one point when he was alone with Mom he asked her if he would be going back to Creekside, their senior living apartment.
Mom said, "no."
He asked, "Am I dying?"
Mom said, "yes."
Dad said, "damn."
He died with a bowling average of 156 and was healthy, vibrant, and active until he developed pneumonia three weeks ago. When antibiotics didn't help, the doctor prescribed an inhaler. After a week, dad told mom he wasn't getting better. This time the doctor sent them to the hospital. The doctors in the ICU struggled for almost two weeks to stabilize his heart rate and clear fluid from his lungs so they could biopsy the mass they found. Friday morning they were able to do the biopsy, which came back as end-stage lung cancer.
I didn't know it, but lung cancer has no symptoms. It is always found by accident, and usually at the inoperable stage.
I stayed awake by Dad's bed all night Saturday so Mom, my sister, and my brother could get some sleep, or at least some fitfull rest. He never regained consciousness again, though he was able to raise his eyebrows and make some jerky motions and an occasional hand-squeeze when we talked directly to him.
His sister, Peggy, arrived from Denver, CO at 8:00 Sunday night. We all sat with him and took turns giving each other privacy with him. As Monday morning arrived, his breathing slowed and became shallow. Mom, my sister, my brother and I saw him draw his last breath. The nurses pronounced him dead at 4:25 a.m.
We thought he had pneumonia. He was supposed to get well.
But, he never lost his sense of humor. His last conscious moments were spent with a smile on his face and the hearty laugh he was known for.
Thanks for listening, and if you still have your dad, please give him a hug or a phone call for me.