My FJR killed a Harley today

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So I’m riding up I95 from Richmond to Woodbridge on my 90 mile ride to work this morning minding my own business running about 90 in the left lane. I glance in my mirror and see a Harley FXHTPQRT gaining on me fairly strong. No big deal he goes on by in the right lane normal Harley style, not even acknowledging me or my bike. So it goes like this he passes me, I pass him because I find a better way to thread through the traffic he passes again this time a little more aggressive. So we get a break in traffic and I roll it on a bit passing him. 100mph he's still behind me, 110 still there, 120 yep running strong, 125 fading fast, 130 were did he go? I have to look way back in my mirror to see the Harley decelerating rapidly while pulling of to the shoulder. I stopped too about a mile up to help a fellow biker but quickly realized with DC traffic going by there was no way I could go back to help the guy out. I felt bad for the guy but he should know better than to try and hang with an FJR! :p

Chris G

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Serves the goober right. I'm sure he'll find some way to deny the obvious and blame something other than his poor judgement :D

He was probably calling Spider on his cell phone, asking him what the deal was... "You sold me this bike telling me I'd be the fastest mo fo around... what gives????? Some ricer bike with big bags on the side just made me soil myself!"

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He was probably calling Spider on his cell phone, asking him what the deal was... "You sold me this bike telling me I'd be the fastest mo fo around... what gives????? Some ricer bike with big bags on the side just made me soil myself!"
He was probably calling Spider on his cell phone, asking him what the deal was... "You sold me this bike telling me I'd be the fastest mo fo around... what gives????? Some ricer bike with big bags on the side just made me soil myself!"
Except he'd say it was a Beemer.

So I’m riding up I95 from Richmond to Woodbridge on my 90 mile ride to work this morning minding my own business running about 90 in the left lane. I glance in my mirror and see a Harley FXHTPQRT gaining on me fairly strong. No big deal he goes on by in the right lane normal Harley style, not even acknowledging me or my bike. So it goes like this he passes me, I pass him because I find a better way to thread through the traffic he passes again this time a little more aggressive. So we get a break in traffic and I roll it on a bit passing him. 100mph he's still behind me, 110 still there, 120 yep running strong, 125 fading fast, 130 were did he go? I have to look way back in my mirror to see the Harley decelerating rapidly while pulling of to the shoulder. I stopped too about a mile up to help a fellow biker but quickly realized with DC traffic going by there was no way I could go back to help the guy out. I felt bad for the guy but he should know better than to try and hang with an FJR! :p
Chris G

Tell me you had your bags on..... hahahaha

one of my favorites was during Street Vibrations one year. I was riding my K12LT at the time. Couple of HD riders aggresively passed me on a section of Geiger Grade (the road to Virginia City). I was having fun - no big deal.

so - doing the poker run thing - I got my cards (the usual no help kind) and returned to my bike - pulled out a big stogey and lit it up (nice thing about the LT is that using a flip up helmet made it very easy to smoke a cigar while riding) - and turned out the back way of va city and headed toward Carson City. There is a nice truck route heading basically south. The same two hd's passed me again - but this time I took a little umbrage at the passing and decided to pass them back.

Went flying by them one handed - smoking my cigar - sort of blowing smoke at them (though you really couldn't tell about the smoke). Kept going and stopped at the bottom to look at the route sheet for the next poker run stop.

They were PISSED that I could nail them one handed and smoking a cigar . = Plus had the stereo blasting some Tool - just for effect. Met them at the next stop and asked them how if their FXRUPR was running ok. They didn't get the joke.

Tell me you had your bags on..... hahahaha
Bags on, tankbag full with my cooler in it and the windsheild was all the way up. Maybe he didn't like my blaze orange safety vest? I always wear it while riding on 95, plus i need it to get on base.

I don't understand why you did any of that Chris.

Who cares about some other biker. Nothing against you, but there was no competition there. The HD is not built for speed.

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I don't understand why you did any of that.Who cares about some other biker. Nothing against you, but there was no competition there. The HD is not built for speed.
What is the HD built for? Why does the Harley crowd spend thousands on cams, heads, pipes, and carbs if they don't want to go faster? I didn't ask the guy to follow me and remember I was doing 90 and he passed me, I think he was pushing the bike a little before I ever came into the picture.

if their FXRUPR was running ok
Never heard that one. Very funny. :lol:

What is the HD built for?
I've had them so I can say this....cruising.

Why does the Harley crowd spend thousands on cams, heads, pipes, and carbs if they don't want to go faster?
Because deep down they want a Japanese bike that really goes.

Not knocking you Chris, just saying you wasted your time.

I don't understand why you did any of that.

Who cares about some other biker. Nothing against you, but there was no competition there. The HD is not built for speed.
What is the HD built for? Why does the Harley crowd spend thousands on cams, heads, pipes, and carbs if they don't want to go faster? I didn't ask the guy to follow me and remember I was doing 90 and he passed me, I think he was pushing the bike a little before I ever came into the picture.
They are build for parades, but I'd rather be the clown on the Ruckus than the clown on the HD. The Ruckus is way more fun.

I don't understand why you did any of that Chris.Who cares about some other biker. Nothing against you, but there was no competition there. The HD is not built for speed.
It's all about attitude. There's a core group of HD "enthusiasts" that are just belligerent assholes. It goes way beyond showing off. Where I live is infested with them, hells angles patches and all. Yeah, it's like beating up a little kid but it's shamefully satisfying anyway. Sometimes you have to put Eric Von Ziffel and the Rat Finks in their place.

Speaking of the "angels", my old girlfriend locked herself out of her car at the gas station down the road. She's outside her car being dramatic when two "angels" in full colors walk over. She tells them what's wrong and before she can say another word one pulls a slim jim out of his pants and has her door unlocked in about 2 seconds and off they went. Now that's public service! :lol:

It's even more fun to do this to them on a Gold Wing. It adds insult to injury. I like to pass them when I am riding two-up and fully loaded, and the Harley rider is solo. My wife will turn wave at him as we go around and we both get a good laugh over the intercom.



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It's even more fun to do this to them on a Gold Wing.
No doubt. Some of the most fun I've had on a bike was on my Wing passing HDs in the twisties of San Diego backcountry, music blaring, total comfort...

Once in a drag race on 395 on my '98 GL1500, fully loaded wife & all, I stayed dead even with two highly customized Harleys. They were not pleased... The 1800 wouldv'e blown them away.

Just like my dear Mom always tells me (by the way she's a harley rider)

You know what a dog and a Harley have in common?

They both like to ride in the back of a truck. :yahoo:


Here we go again - Harley bashing. Well its been at least a day or two since the last tirade. Shouldn't these threads go directly to the Never Ending Pointless section?
