My sons' new "grocery game"

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Just curious...what was your wife's take on it?
She just wants to make sure they don't get in trouble. She thinks it's funny, but also worries about the same stuff all of us do. The fact that they came up with their own rules to not use perishables causes us much less concern about it than if they were throwing milk or eggs in a cart. I mean, no one is getting hurt. No one is getting their property damaged, and they aren't scaring people.

Pony you being in law enforcement I thought you were a responsible officer of the law and valued high standards hmmmm, makes me wonder

I like jokes just as much as the next person, but where is the limit?

JUst remember If I saw your kid do that to me I would knock him out right there Oh I was just waving my hand and he walked into it.

Get the picture. Now it is not a joke or funny anymore.

And if he did this to a person that is a senior citizen he can have charges brought against him , elder abuse , so is the joke worth it?

How about teaching respect imstead of mischief

I work around 11,000 kids and have for the last 30 years

Until this took a turn for the worse with the 'fuddy duddy', I was learning some GREAT stuff to teach my Niece and Nephew, as I take the position of Corrupting Uncle very seriously.



I just read this to the wife. She's ready to go to the grocery store. We may be old, but we're all over this.

Pony you being in law enforcement I thought you were a responsible officer of the law and valued high standards hmmmm, makes me wonder
I like jokes just as much as the next person, but where is the limit?

JUst remember If I saw your kid do that to me I would knock him out right there Oh I was just waving my hand and he walked into it.

Get the picture. Now it is not a joke or funny anymore.

And if he did this to a person that is a senior citizen he can have charges brought against him , elder abuse , so is the joke worth it?

How about teaching respect imstead of mischief

I work around 11,000 kids and have for the last 30 years
If I happen to ever be shopping in the same store as you...

Check your buggy carefully. ;)

Isn't it really about being able to draw the line between what is simple fun and what is aggressive mischief? I think your kids are doing a good job of drawing that line.

We did not do that well.

We were unloading baggage from an airline and one of the bags spilled open. We stuffed all of the stuff back in the bag and closed it, except for one pair of the woman’s lacey underwear. We then proceeded to put it in the glove box of one of our coworker’s car as a gag. A month went by and everyone had forgotten about it until George came to work one day and said his wife was filing for divorce because she found the panties. We had to call her and explain the prank and to this day I don't think she totally believed us.

That was well over the line of what is just fun and we all felt really bad about it, but we still laughed.

I just read this to the wife. She's ready to go to the grocery store. We may be old, but we're all over this.

Scabbo, if your coming to EOM, remind me to tell you the story about " Ice cream!!!!" My wife will very RARELY walk thru that aisle at Walmart anymore because of that!

Ok..hijack over.

Pony you being in law enforcement I thought you were a responsible officer of the law and valued high standards hmmmm, makes me wonder
I like jokes just as much as the next person, but where is the limit?

JUst remember If I saw your kid do that to me I would knock him out right there Oh I was just waving my hand and he walked into it.

Get the picture. Now it is not a joke or funny anymore.

And if he did this to a person that is a senior citizen he can have charges brought against him , elder abuse , so is the joke worth it?

How about teaching respect imstead of mischief

I work around 11,000 kids and have for the last 30 years
Seriously? Come on. STFU! 30 years and 11,000 kids makes you an expert, not. Let me guess, you were the PERFECT child and never did anything fun. Bet you were picked on alot, too.

edit- And elder abuse? Gimme a break. Give me legal proof, then MAYBE I'd buy it.

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Women, they just have no sense of humor. ;) I swear you just described a scene from my house!


When I was a kid me an another kid used to take the fancy pens (you know cross, paper mate) from one students desk and place them on another students desk.

Pony I would say that its a good sign: recognition that there are rules and there is mischief and one does not imply another. :)

One thing for sure I am not an expert but I have seen pretty much all the bull **** kids do. Each generation they just put a little different twist to it . At some point they cross the line and someone gets hurt.

Usually that kind of prank or mischief fun is ok between or amonst themselves, I do not have a problem with that.

But when you involve the adults that is where the problem lies. What if the person was in line at a store and became embaresed and he/she stuttered and proveked an attack than what ? Where is the fun in that? What if a person is an epliletic and the embarssment caused a seizeour now you have a medical emergency whee is the fun? And last but surely not the last, how about a bi polar person and forgot their medication, and they chose to retaliate and get a gun and shoot you.

My point is this kind of behaviour is not taught in our schools and should not be taught or supportes at home what kind of a parent are you than?

Each year we rotate about 1000 kids out that graduate and hope they become fine young men and women.

Remember it is funny, until it happens to you..

Yes I have a son and he a respected fine young man in society and where he works and he and his wife will not raise their son to be a prankster.

One thing for sure I am not an expert but I have seen pretty much all the bull **** kids do. Each generation they just put a little different twist to it . At some point they cross the line and someone gets hurt.
Usually that kind of prank or mischief fun is ok between or amonst themselves, I do not have a problem with that.

But when you involve the adults that is where the problem lies. What if the person was in line at a store and became embaresed and he/she stuttered and proveked an attack than what ? Where is the fun in that? What if a person is an epliletic and the embarssment caused a seizeour now you have a medical emergency whee is the fun? And last but surely not the last, how about a bi polar person and forgot their medication, and they chose to retaliate and get a gun and shoot you.

My point is this kind of behaviour is not taught in our schools and should not be taught or supportes at home what kind of a parent are you than?

Each year we rotate about 1000 kids out that graduate and hope they become fine young men and women.

Remember it is funny, until it happens to you..

Yes I have a son and he a respected fine young man in society and where he works and he and his wife will not raise their son to be a prankster.
Jesus really Weekend! THis and you last post are just far out. Maybe you have been around kids too long, maybe its time to retire! Seriously! you think this is a problem? After the things I and my friends did/survived as a highschool student, after watching year after year what college students do on a daily basis (what I can hear them doing right now at 11:45pm in fact). And we are all upstanding adults.

what a cranky ol'turd

One thing for sure I am not an expert but I have seen pretty much all the bull **** kids do. Each generation they just put a little different twist to it . At some point they cross the line and someone gets hurt.
Law of nature: It's all fun and games till someone gets an eye put out.

But when you involve the adults that is where the problem lies. What if the person was in line at a store and became embaresed and he/she stuttered and proveked an attack than what ? Where is the fun in that?
Oh, I dunno, maybe in kicking the 'tards' ass?

What if a person is an epliletic and the embarssment caused a seizeour now you have a medical emergency whee is the fun?
In the replay of the surveylance video?

And last but surely not the last, how about a bi polar person and forgot their medication, and they chose to retaliate and get a gun and shoot you.
Won't happen. Cause when they're looking for the culprit, I'll be pointing at you. I guess that's just another reason not to shop with me.

My point is this kind of behaviour is not taught in our schools and should not be taught or supportes at home what kind of a parent are you than?
Well, if I raised them without a sense of humor, not a good one.

Remember it is funny, until it happens to you..
No, still funny. And motivating!

I mean, puleeeze. Of all the things a kid could be doing...drugs, violence, theft, etc. This is just what it is: funny. And anyone who caught them and didn't see it the same way...well I think they have bigger psychological issues than the kids do.

Unless...perhaps this is ...gateway behavior?

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What if a person is an epliletic and the embarssment caused a seizeour now you have a medical emergency whee is the fun? And last but surely not the last, how about a bi polar person and forgot their medication, and they chose to retaliate and get a gun and shoot you.
Wow, and I thought cops were paranoid. :p

Pony you being in law enforcement I thought you were a responsible officer of the law and valued high standards hmmmm, makes me wonder
I like jokes just as much as the next person, but where is the limit?

JUst remember If I saw your kid do that to me I would knock him out right there Oh I was just waving my hand and he walked into it.

Get the picture. Now it is not a joke or funny anymore.

And if he did this to a person that is a senior citizen he can have charges brought against him , elder abuse , so is the joke worth it?

How about teaching respect imstead of mischief

I work around 11,000 kids and have for the last 30 years
And THAT Pony is the problem. Personally I think it is pretty funny. Any ******* who would even try to call the police to report any type of abuse for something like this would be laughed out of the store. BUT above resides the idiot that would make what is basically a harmless joke into some type of physical violence. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that since you have taught your kids enough to know not to use perishable, they have enough respect not to prank on the elderly or mentally handicapped. Even if they did, it would NOT be a crime...It would be bad judgment. I knew it was coming and already saw this mentioned: "You are a police officer, so you nor any member of your family is allowed to do anything the politically correct liberal crybabies might consider offensive." Rember Pony, if you or I have a huge party, or get caught speeding, no one complains about that loud neighbor or that speeder, they all complain about the "cop."

I think your kids are being kids. I remember racing my car, drinking underaged, knocking on peoples' doors and running off, making prank phone calls, and countless other stupid acts when I was a kid. However, some people forget that they were not perfect either and blow things way out of porportion. Just remember that if some ******* does hit one of your kids, the cops will charge felony agg batt, and child abuse. That ought to be enough jail time to get over an unwanted box of Kotex in their basket, and while they are there, they can think about who the real idiot is...Sheesh

Just to clarify, I did not teach them this game, they learned it from a friend and my wife just found out about it. It was my boys that came up with the self imposed rules not to use perishables because they didn't want any food going to waste. Both boys are very conscientious towards others' feelings under "normal" circumstances, and both have a very good head on their shoulders. When the topic was brought up, my wife laid down the law so to speak and told the kids that their behavior was inappropriate and they should refrain from doing it. I just had a hard time not laughing when I imagined them doing it.

But, if you think me thinking my kids playing a harmless prank like this makes me a bad parent, so be it. But I have two older kids (21 year old son and 16 year old daughter) that are growing into fine upstanding adults. They have very clear understanding of appropriate and inappropriate behavior, and I couldn't be more proud off all of my kids. Thus far, there are no drugs, violence, or drinking issues, and I don't anticipate any either.

Pony, I've just got one thing to say:

Can I go shopping with you and your kids?


I wasn't gonna mention it, but there is a reason I'm all wound-up tonight and I decided this thread kind of proves a point.

Right after picking up my new unit today, I almost killed a 13 year-old kid that thought it would be funny to point an air-soft H&K at a cop to see what his reaction would be. He didn't see me coming up behind him and he pointed it at a uniformed guy while walking past him during a traffic stop. I got in front and was out of that car ASAP. When he realized he was looking down the barrel of a real gun, he raised his hands, but forgot to drop the gun until I ordered him to. When the uniform realized what happened, he backed me up and the kid spent the rest of the afternoon in the back of a police car before going to jail. The uniform guy was writing a ticket and saw the kid walk past but never saw the toy gun.

After that, I wanted to do a couple of things. I wanted to find the jack-ass that licensed H&K's design to a toy manufacturer and do.....something.

I wanted to wring this kid's parent's necks for not having him in school where he should be.

AND I wanted to thank God that I have the experience to take that second look and be sure of what I'm shooting at before I shoot. If he would not have had his hands up by the time I was on target, it would have ended bad. If I would have killed a stupid kid over a toy, I don't know what I would have done.

So, really, putting extra **** in unsuspecting peoples' baskets doesn't seem like that bad of a trade-off. I'm glad they have enough sense to have harmless fun.

Remember it is funny, until it happens to you..
Yes I have a son and he a respected fine young man in society and where he works and he and his wife will not raise their son to be a prankster.
Don't want to pile on, Weekender, but I'll share a story.

We used to live near a golf course, and the 15th tee was very near a 35mph road we frequently passed - about 30 yards. For about three years through high school, once I got my drivers license, every single time time we drove by that tee and someone was about to hit a shot, we'd yell from the car as loud as possible "Hey!" We thought the ritual was funny as hell - moreso the reactions, actually. (Golfers, myself included, take it way too seriously.)

So about 10 years later, I'm standing on a tee at some totally different random course. I'm just past the top of my swing on my way to make contact with the ball and some kid driving by yells "Hey!" LOUD!

Scared the hell out of me and I totally shanked the ball.

And I simply had to laugh. Totally deserved (and more). Harmless, hoaky, American Graffiti-like fun.

Pony's boys' rules on perishables impressed me. And someday, when they're about 40 years old, shopping at Costco with their kids, it'll happen to them. They'll have to laugh.

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I wasn't gonna mention it, but there is a reason I'm all wound-up tonight and I decided this thread kind of proves a point.

Right after picking up my new unit today, I almost killed a 13 year-old kid that thought it would be funny to point an air-soft H&K at a cop to see what his reaction would be. He didn't see me coming up behind him and he pointed it at a uniformed guy while walking past him during a traffic stop. I got in front and was out of that car ASAP. When he realized he was looking down the barrel of a real gun, he raised his hands, but forgot to drop the gun until I ordered him to. When the uniform realized what happened, he backed me up and the kid spent the rest of the afternoon in the back of a police car before going to jail. The uniform guy was writing a ticket and saw the kid walk past but never saw the toy gun.

After that, I wanted to do a couple of things. I wanted to find the jack-ass that licensed H&K's design to a toy manufacturer and do.....something.

I wanted to wring this kid's parent's necks for not having him in school where he should be.

AND I wanted to thank God that I have the experience to take that second look and be sure of what I'm shooting at before I shoot. If he would not have had his hands up by the time I was on target, it would have ended bad. If I would have killed a stupid kid over a toy, I don't know what I would have done.

So, really, putting extra **** in unsuspecting peoples' baskets doesn't seem like that bad of a trade-off. I'm glad they have enough sense to have harmless fun.
Dude, thats heavy! And i understand your response. You're right, ponyfools kids are not on the same cosmic plane. The kid with the toy gun made a fatal mistake and lived to tell the tail (at least as I see it). As destroyed as I imagine you would have been, that is not a prank that can be played and I think you would have been justified in protecting another human (officer or otherwise) from a clearly percieved threat.
