NERDS IV - B2B (back to basics) - Stowe, VT 8/18-21/2016

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Below are descriptions of the ride routes linked to on the first page of this thread. All times are Garmin estimated saddle time, which is usually pretty accurate. Most routes have a suggested lunch stop location and return you to within a mile or two of the Commodores Inn. (I intentionally do not start and end at the Inn as that causes GPS route problems)

Art's 'Dacks Twisty Butt
365 Miles / 7:55
The Long Way Around... this is a longer route for those looking to put in some bigger mileage on some fantastic Adirondack roads. Enjoy some fast sweepers and real river road twisties in the Adirondacks. A good route to get your “ya-yas” out.

A'dacks Twisty
315 Miles / 6:48
A "Lite" version of the Twisty Butt (just cuts out the scenic loop down to Great Scanandaga Lake).

Covered Bridges of VT
163 Miles / 4:03
This route is designed for the Covered Bridge "aficionado". Visit seventeen different covered bridges in Vermont (including one that's reported to be "Haunted"), and ride across most of them. Be warned, this route includes a fair amount of dirt and gravel roads. Some of the Bridges are a little out of the way and you'll need to drive over some real back-roads to get to them.

Grand Isles and Northern 'Dacks
312 Miles / 6:44
Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, real twisties... this one has it all. Start out with a ride up through Sugglers Notch and through the Grand Isles of Lake Champlain, then across into NY State near the Canadian border. Down through the Adirondacks with a special twistie treat on Tracy Road, before heading back to Stowe via the App Gap. A full day's ride that’s hard to beat.

Islands and Northern VT Loop
187 Miles / 4:13
Starts out the same as above, but then turn east and ride along the northern border of Vermont and around Jay Peak. A slightly shorter ride for those who might get a late start, prefer an easy day, or just want to get back to Stowe earlier to allow time for touristing around.

Mt Washington loop
274 Miles / 6:16
For those with a need to "get high"… Ride over into New Hampshire and take the “auto road” up above the clouds, to the top of the most prominent peak east of the Mississippi River. Warning: The auto road is steep, unpaved for the upper half, and guaranteed to pucker your sphincter on the way down. Dress warmly, even in the summer. Average high temps in August are only 53F.

VT Six Gaps and a Notch
231 Miles / 5:41
They call them “passes” out west. On this route you’ll ride all 6 Vermont mountain gaps (2 are unpaved) plus ride down through Smuggler's Notch on the way back to the barn.

VT Four Gaps and a Notch
210 Miles / 5:11
Same flavor as the "Six Gaps" but with no gravel included, and in the opposite direction. You’ll start out with Smugglers Notch and then bag the 4 paved Gaps.

Villages and Sweepers
228 Miles / 5:15
Quaint little New England towns and Smooooooth fast turns. Get the essence of Vermont life in a nice day ride. There’s even a fun little roller coaster stretch of turns coming down through the Groton State Parks.

NEK (North-East Kingdom)
217 Miles / 4:54
A really nice loop through the "backwoods" of Vermont where the moose outnumber the people. This area where the “natives” retire to. It’s one ride I keep coming back for.

VT Tourist
167 Miles / 3:55
A route for those interested in actually stopping to sniff the flowers and see some of the unique things Vermont has to offer. We've combined a few different "touristy" stops with some nice sections of curvy road in-between to provide you with a shorter mileage route that's perfect for getting the true flavor of Northern New England.

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Made my ressies. Woman on phone had a tough time with the block room/rate, said she would have to wait for Carrie (or Terry?) to come back and confirm the rates. (in P#1).

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Man, KJ... you don't let any moss grow under your wheels.

Good job! You probably grabbed one of the few and desirable king bed rooms, eh?

I'm planning on grabbing a double queen anyway as I may be able to entice my offspring to come up during the weekend with the old bass bote blue if the accommodations are free for him. ;)

I just firmed up the room rates, and cancellation policy, with Carrie today, so that's why they do not know about us at the front desk yet. But by all means, you can make your reservations and they will be at the right rates in August, regardless.

And, if you are on the fence about attending, go ahead and grab a room now. You can always cancel at (nearly) the last minute if you need to. I've blocked out 45 rooms, which should be plenty of space unless we have some kind of crazy viral desire for a NERDS fix this year. If we book all 45 and need more, they will accommodate as much as possible (there aren't that many more rooms)

Reservations are in and the Wynne's are going to be there this time Dammik. It will be our first NERDS Evaaaaaa.


Hey Fred I'm not sure what Petey was giving Gina to drink but I think he snuck her the KOOL AID



She could do a lot worse. I owned a '94 oilhead RS several bikes back. It was a great all around bike. I "upgraded" it for the allure of more cylinders. Kind'a wish I still had it. And the new ones are far better.

Glad the Wynn's will finally be making it up to a NERDS. Things are shaping up nicely. :thumbsup:

I so want to do this since I'v never been to the NE.
It would be a nice introduction to the area. New England 101. Would also probably make a for a decent Saddle Sore getting there if time was an issue and you needed to stay on slab.

I so want to do this since I'v never been to the NE.
It would be a nice introduction to the area. New England 101. Would also probably make a for a decent Saddle Sore getting there if time was an issue and you needed to stay on slab.
I agree it will be a good intro. Won't do the ss1k since I've been there, done that. I'll take 2 days to get there and back so I can stay off of slab where it is scenic (not central IN and OH!)

I so want to do this since I'v never been to the NE.
It would be a nice introduction to the area. New England 101. Would also probably make a for a decent Saddle Sore getting there if time was an issue and you needed to stay on slab.
I agree it will be a good intro. Won't do the ss1k since I've been there, done that. I'll take 2 days to get there and back so I can stay off of slab where it is scenic (not central IN and OH!)
Better way to go for sure if you can. Too many nice secondary roads to enjoy and you could easily lose a day in the Adirondacks alone.

I so want to do this since I'v never been to the NE.
It would be a nice introduction to the area. New England 101. Would also probably make a for a decent Saddle Sore getting there if time was an issue and you needed to stay on slab.
I agree it will be a good intro. Won't do the ss1k since I've been there, done that. I'll take 2 days to get there and back so I can stay off of slab where it is scenic (not central IN and OH!)
Better way to go for sure if you can. Too many nice secondary roads to enjoy and you could easily lose a day in the Adirondacks alone.
Allen, CNY is on your way!?... maybe a perfect halfway sleepy stop for you?.

Thurs AM- I'm sure we'll do the romp thru the 'Dacks hitting Tracey Rd. before trouncing over the Grosse Pt bridge and into VT, which then takes the App Gap en-route up to Stowe.

Here was that Ride-in Ride Report

Thinking the same plans may be in order. :)
