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Hey guys. Thought I'd tell my own experience for your benefit and to laugh at it now that's it's 'corrected' and done, haha. I ended up making a winter project on my '05 to replaced the exhaust valve guides and valves, which you know are all too common causing the annoying ticking on gen 1's, and just check the head over and rebuild it. So I pulled the head, cleaned it up, replaced the guides, seals, ex. valves, cut all the seats fresh and buttoned it back up enough to run the machine. Crossed my fingers, said a little prayer(this is a big job compared to a single cylinder ya know), and fired it up to find it was knocking now and sounded like it was running on 3 cylinders or something. After admitting defeat and doing some more diag. work, come to find #3 has no compression. Wonderful. Tear it back down and inspect. Come to find both ex. valves are bent....bad. I assumed I goofed something up. To make a long story short, I ruled out that I did anything in the end because the valve clearance was the same before and after I fired the engine. Bingo! They were bent before I ever started it. But how? I was super careful with everything, triple checked cam timing before and after, never dropped them or anything of the sort. Just my random one in a million luck that two out of the 8 brand new valves I purchased were bent, and just so happened to get installed in the same cylinder. Luckily Yamaha was nice enough to except the damage claim from our dealership, and two new 'straight' valves later and another head gasket and bolts it purrs like kitten. A quite, no ticking kitten thank you. So just because parts are new, don't just assume. I did and paid for it. Check them. Thank you for taking the time to read