New PIAA Slimline Sports Horn

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I know it is Friday, but please don't dog pile.....

Just to be clear:

1) If I order the PIAA 85114, do I get two horns or one?

The 85114 is a kit with two slimline horns. One 400Hz horn and one 500Hz horn.

2) Can I replace one FJR horn and keep the other stock?

Yes, I did. I replaced just the right hand (higher tone) horn with a single PIAA 500Hz slimline horn. PIAA part number 76501

3) Can I replace the crappy horn on my KLR with the PIAA horn?

Yup. You sure can. Just use one of the same 500Hz horns as above

Also, the reason to replace just one horn is that you get the same benefit at half the price. The stock higher tone horn is very high frequency, around 2000 Hz as I recall, which is what makes it sound like the road runner cartoon instead of like a car horn.
Fred, the "right hand" horn is as you're sitting on the bike. Not as you look at it from the front?

Fred, the "right hand" horn is as you're sitting on the bike. Not as you look at it from the front?
Yeah, that's right. I mean... correct.

Whenever calling out part / things on a vehicle, it is conventional to use the sides from when "as seated".

To verify is simple. Just unplug one horn at a time and beep away. You'll see what I mean about that right horn being a tweeter.

Fred, the "right hand" horn is as you're sitting on the bike. Not as you look at it from the front?
Yeah, that's right. I mean... correct.

Whenever calling out part / things on a vehicle, it is conventional to use the sides from when "as seated".

To verify is simple. Just unplug one horn at a time and beep away. You'll see what I mean about that right horn being a tweeter.
Thanks Fred. Figured it was but had to make sure.

The stock horn on the Gen III FJR is anemic - big surprise! I ordered the PIAA Sports horns but it looks to me like there's only one horn on the bike, not two. Am I missing something?

The stock horn on the Gen III FJR is anemic - big surprise! I ordered the PIAA Sports horns but it looks to me like there's only one horn on the bike, not two. Am I missing something?
Yes. Your missing either the right or left horn. There should be two. Behind the forks off to the sides. Should be easy to see.

Maybe you lost one? Are you the original owner??

Yes, I'm the original owner. It's a 2013 I picked up a month ago. I checked under both forks but the horn is only behind the left fork - nada behind the right fork. It appears they've gotten rid of the horn on the right side...

Yes, I'm the original owner. It's a 2013 I picked up a month ago. I checked under both forks but the horn is only behind the left fork - nada behind the right fork. It appears they've gotten rid of the horn on the right side...
Aw Hell...I'm on my phone, and the mobile version doesn't show bike years. I guess Fairlaner or WC could confirm, but if you're only seeing one horn on a brand new bike, I'm betting that's your answer.

Now that I think about it, didn't one of them say there was only one horn, but it seemed louder than the dual Gen 2 horns?

Yes, I'm the original owner. It's a 2013 I picked up a month ago. I checked under both forks but the horn is only behind the left fork - nada behind the right fork. It appears they've gotten rid of the horn on the right side...
It does appear that way. Click

Keep Going!

Hey, thanks for confirming it! I went ahead and replaced the one horn - took all of 15 minutes. It does make a difference! Now sounds like a goose with laryngitis rather than an angry mosquito! Kidding aside, it does sound much better - I'm sure it'll get attention on the highway now!

Before I place my order for

I own a 2007 FJR, would I be able to install two of the PIAA Slimline or do I need to keep one stock.

You could just install the new one, or keep one of the stockers too. Though I imagine it might sound funny.

Or you could do what many of us do and buy these two horns:

Before I place my order for

I own a 2007 FJR, would I be able to install two of the PIAA Slimline or do I need to keep one stock.

When I did mine, I got the single horn. I replaced one and left the other stock. I could done both though. Quite honestly, the set up I have is pretty loud. Maybe try that first and then spring for a second of you're not happy.

To add what the other two just said: Yes you can replace just one of your two horns and the difference will be quite significantly better. If you go that route make sure that you replace the higher tone stock horn with the 500Hz sport horn for the best effect. On my bike that was the right hand (brake side) horn. But unplug the horns one at a time and test them to be sure. You'll notice that the higher tone horn is particularly anemic.

If you opt to replace both sides for even more ooomph, you will not want to use two of the 500 Hz horns. You can either use the PIAA "sports horns" that Skooter linked you to, or if you want two of the slimline horns they are available also. Here's a previous post I made with all of the details and PIAA model numbers.


Purveyor of crooked facts is pretty accurate. You apparently did not follow my link to the post I made this time last year. There are three dual horn kits made and sold by PIAA.

85110 - Dual 400 / 500 Hz Sports Horns

85112 - Dual 500 / 600 Hz Sports Horns

85114 - Dual 400 / 500 Hz Slimline Sports Horns

So the kit linked to by Rider_FJR is in fact a dual SLIMLINE horn kit.

Now back under your rock, you!

BTW - before you post and tell me that 1) I am correct and 2) I am an asshole, save your breath (or more accurately, your typing). I already know.

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BTW - before you post and tell me that 1) I am correct and 2) I am an asshole, save your breath (or more accurately, your typing). I already know.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What I failed to mention in that previous thread and response is that it takes one to know one!

Interesting. Never knew there was a 'dual' Slimline horn kit. Why? And why the same price for two vs. one? What other differences are there?

Edit: Ooops! So I finally went to that link of yours with it's factual, and WORDY summary of the PIAA horns. Good stuff. Guess I *did* know there was a slimline dual horn kit about a year ago. Alzheimer's is a BITCH!
