New Policy We Should Adopt?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Came across this at the TivoCommunity forum. Maybe we should consider adopting it? :glare:


It seems we have a lot of members with nothing better to do with their time than to reply to new members with things like "Search the forum" and "Read the manual". These replies will now be getting you suspended. The average Joe doesn't have time to sit around an internet forum for hours on end. I know I don't and I work here. They just have a question they'd like answered. Either answer it or move along to the next thread. This forum was built for people to help others, not to tell them they should be able to find the answer without asking. Keep in mind, you only get two suspensions before your account is closed. It takes less time to answer a question (and even less to walk away) than to come up with a sarcastic reply that seems witty to you.
Thank you, I wholeheartedly agree.


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