No more Two Brothers: The Peoples Republik of Kalifornia Strikes Again!

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That's my fear. When the semiannual vehicle inspection program is expanded to include motorcycles, it'll be another expense, another layer of government to get through, and another excuse to get pulled over to check for compliance. (That's to take care of anybody who tries to take the "switching back and forth" route.) Plus my Trooper-modded cans will never pass.

Yep, I said "when" and not "if." Same for when they decide lane splitting should really be illegal after all.

This exhaust law in California, does it also apply to automobile and truck exhausts?

If not then it is unconstitutional and will most likely be overturned eventually. I know that the AMA is all about having equal rights for motorcyclists as other motorists. The law cannot single out one form of privately owned and operated vehicle for compliance and not include others. That is why I would also expect motorcycles to require the same state safety inspections as cars, and if cars are emissions tested they should have to meet that as well.

Here in NH we do have an annual safety inspection for both cars and bikes. Costs all of $20 for bikes and takes about 5 minutes, no appointments needed at most stations. Cars made after 1996 need to not have a check engine light on or stored in memory. Cars made before 96 are not OBDII, so are exempted from emissions testing, as are motorcycles. I would imagine at some point they will start looking at the check engine light on bikes, but since there is no OBDII type of standard, they won't be reading the memory any time soon.

We used to have tailpipe emissions testing on cars and trucks, but it ended up being an excessive burden on the inspection stations as the required equipment was too expensive, too unreliable and the testing ended up costing the stations more than what they were taking in from fees. That's why they changed over to the OBDII test only.

Of course, we are the "Live Free or Die" state. California's motto is "Eureka, I found it," which is in reference to the 1849 gold rush. So we'e all about fighting and dying for freedom here, and they're all about gold digging out there.

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It sounds like they can still make the exhausts and sell them everywhere else besides California.
you make an evil product we don't want in our state but we want your taxes so stay, make it, pay us, and sell it elsewhere.

sounds like another class of products that are also under attack and which would quickly get people locked down for tallking about them on an a-political forum.

We'd love both industries to relocate to TX where the taxes are lower and we wouldn't treat you like pariahs.

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As I understood the CA law that was enacted last year (or before?), all motorcycle exhausts must have the OEM stamp (or sticker) and meet noise requirements. Of course, all aftermarket exhausts are illegal Canada and 49 state if they do not have the cat converters. Some bikes have cats in a separate chamber, don't know about those...

which would quickly get people locked down for tallking about them on an a-political forum.
Like the thread title itself isn't politically charged already.....

Leaving open for now....hopefully somebody doesn't get their feelings hurt because they cross the line instead go out riding their FJR.

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As I understood the CA law that was enacted last year (or before?), all motorcycle exhausts must have the OEM stamp (or sticker) and meet noise requirements. Of course, all aftermarket exhausts are illegal Canada and 49 state if they do not have the cat converters. Some bikes have cats in a separate chamber, don't know about those...
This applies to street motorcycles registered in the state and built after Jan 1, 2013. Hopefully the AMA or aftermarket exhaust manufacturer or both will stand up to CA. It is not illegal to sell aftermarket exhausts so long as they are either smog/sound legal, or state "for off road use only." They are attempting to enforce it from the wrong end IMHO.

Are they limiting exhausts on cars too? Cause I sware to god, for every loud bike here in Colorado, there's 10 stupid Chevy cobalts making all kinds of racket.

As I understood the CA law that was enacted last year (or before?), all motorcycle exhausts must have the OEM stamp (or sticker) and meet noise requirements. Of course, all aftermarket exhausts are illegal Canada and 49 state if they do not have the cat converters. Some bikes have cats in a separate chamber, don't know about those...
The law only applies to new motorcycles model year 2013+. This action is based on something else, and no one has posted the executive order or "cease and desist" order that is alleged. Without the findings, I suspect that the action actually prohibits the sale of devices that alter air/fuel ratio, and Two Brothers has decided to announce it as a prohibition to sell exhaust systems that usually include that. Cobra and Power Commander have both dealt with similar orders. As anti-regulatory as riders generally are, let's not be too hasty to judge this until we see what the order really is.

EPA regulates noise and emissions, and the stamp on exhausts is related to Federal authority. As far as I know, CARB has no regulatory authority over sound levels of exhausts, and certifies engines and exhausts for pollutants, and can enforce against modifications that change the certified components. For most vehicles, the muffler is separate from catalysts and is not by itself regulated.

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which would quickly get people locked down for tallking about them on an a-political forum.
Like the thread title itself isn't politically charged already.....

Leaving open for now....hopefully somebody doesn't get their feelings hurt because they cross the line instead go out riding their FJR.
Well I don't have one so can I mess this up?

There is however a really nice CR250 with an FMF pipe calling my name. Might have to pull the plug and clear a spot in the garage.

Cool...Now maybe Two Bros prices will come back into this atmosphere.

After taking a trip to California over my girls' spring break, I have come to the following conclusion: Anyone that lives in California voluntarily needs to have their head examined. What a shit hole.

Kali better clamp down on the HD bikes then, sum of their bikes/pipes are way louder than any 3B's. I F'n go deaf riding with those guys!

On emissions, they (CA) have had the CARB rule/law in effect now for more than 10 years. This law has always effected what Go-Karts I can ship to their State... pain in my arse!

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Cool...Now maybe Two Bros prices will come back into this atmosphere.
After taking a trip to California over my girls' spring break, I have come to the following conclusion: Anyone that lives in California voluntarily needs to have their head examined. What a shit hole.
You must have been in a shit hole part of California, all states have them but not many states can you Snow ski in the morning, go to the beach in the afternoon and ride in the desert in the evening.

Forgot to mention RIDE the best roads in the country North and South.

Cool...Now maybe Two Bros prices will come back into this atmosphere.
After taking a trip to California over my girls' spring break, I have come to the following conclusion: Anyone that lives in California voluntarily needs to have their head examined. What a shit hole.
You must have been in a shit hole part of California, all states have them but not many states can you Snow ski in the morning, go to the beach in the afternoon and ride in the desert in the evening.

Forgot to mention RIDE the best roads in the country North and South.
AND our women are the best looking too!

CA a shit hole? Did you ever leave LA? 90% of that state is phenomonal.

Cool...Now maybe Two Bros prices will come back into this atmosphere.
After taking a trip to California over my girls' spring break, I have come to the following conclusion: Anyone that lives in California voluntarily needs to have their head examined. What a shit hole.
You must have been in a shit hole part of California, all states have them but not many states can you Snow ski in the morning, go to the beach in the afternoon and ride in the desert in the evening.

Forgot to mention RIDE the best roads in the country North and South.
AND our women are the best looking too!
Oh yeah Bug, thanks forgot that!

Bottom line......if California politically wasn't so screwed up it would really be a paradise, California has it ALL included screwed up polititions and their agenda......but I hear that's not exclusive to California anyway, ask the people of Illinois and Mass. for starters.

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This thread has veered into non FJR/motorcycle related politics and run its course....

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