NY - Adirondack's Ride June 14th 2008

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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5 days baby!
Randy, hope everything is ok. Was looking foward to seeing you again,

Thanks, Heidi. Would have been great to see you, too. Everything is OK, just very hectic at home and 3 or 4 days away just isn't a possibility right now.

Ahh yesss, the ol' "life gets in the way" trick. Take it easy, Randy, Heidi

I regret to say that I won't be able to make the trip. It's been a difficult year and a difficult couple of months and I won't be able to get away for the weekend. Hoping to do a ride with some of the local members on Sunday, but, I know it won't be the same. Have fun and stay safe.

So sorry to hear you are not going to make it. We were looking forward to seeing you. Say hi to Chris for us. Perhaps next time. Should we assume that you are having your ride?


I regret to say that I won't be able to make the trip. It's been a difficult year and a difficult couple of months and I won't be able to get away for the weekend. Hoping to do a ride with some of the local members on Sunday, but, I know it won't be the same. Have fun and stay safe.

So sorry to hear you are not going to make it. We were looking forward to seeing you. Say hi to Chris for us. Perhaps next time. Should we assume that you are having your ride?


I was really looking forward to it - was a tough decision to make. Chris says hi right back at ya and my ride is still on.

Finally got my schedule squared away and though I can't make the rides (riding to the area Friday from a conference in RI and then doing the Lee Parks course on Sat.), I'm definitely planning on crashing the dinner party at Ruby Tuesday's on Friday. Should I just look for the folks with helmet hair?

Edit: Oh yeah... I'm also booked into the Latham Microtel on Fri and Sat.

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Finally got my schedule squared away and though I can't make the rides (riding to the area Friday from a conference in RI and then doing the Lee Parks course on Sat.), I'm definitely planning on crashing the dinner party at Ruby Tuesday's on Friday. Should I just look for the folks with helmet hair?
Edit: Oh yeah... I'm also booked into the Latham Microtel on Fri and Sat.
Friday night at Ruby Tuesday's (Latham) about 7ish. Yeah, look for a really awesome crowd of people with helmet hair.

We're OUT - - have to take us off the list - - joined the Crash Club.

FJRSKI Crash Report

Sure gonna miss you guys.

This happened a few weeks ago, just haven't spent any time on the Forum.

I ran wide and low-sided in a ditch. It's a nasty corner, we go through it all the time.

Car came through a little wide from the other direction. Not his fault. There was plenty of room.

I panicked, grabbed some brakes, it was the wrong thing to do and I know it.

When heart overrides head it spells disaster, should have just adjusted and trusted the bike.

I'm responsible for this one, should have allowed a wider margin.

(My philosophy is that you, and you alone, have to be 100% responsible at all times.)

But enough lamenting.

Becky is doing well. She fractured the ball at the top of her left femur.

They had to do a partial hip replacement to restore it. That was the only injury to either of us.

I think her knee went into some soft dirt in the ditch and her leg got wedged in by the Givi case.

That's the big problem with top cases and backrests, they just don't give you any room to get off.

She is now able to put weight on her leg and she is recuperating well. Attitude & outlook are good.

She was really looking forward to this ride. She wants me to get the FJR fixed.

She still wants me to go, wouldn't be fair, and besides, the bikes in the shop.

I'm debating whether to scrap it (they tell me it should bring ~$5k at auction) and buy a 1-up sports-tourer (650 V-Strom) for the interim, and a new FJR (or maybe a BMW) for us if/when she decides to ride again. She is definitely out for the rest of this year. Hopefully, we should still be able to take some planned (non-motorcycle) vacation trips later this year.

So I will be FJRless for awhile, if not longer.



So sorry to hear about your mishap. We will certainly miss your attendence. We're glad to hear that your wife is doing OK. Perhaps you can make it another time (hope so). You know what they say about falling of a horse. :rolleyes: Stay safe and tell Becky we wish her a speedy recovery.


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Where does Friday's ride start from, the Circle Diner? What time do we leave for Sweet Sue's?

Circle Diner...yes (for those of us leaving from the Latham area), departure time is 7:30AM. We will hook up with the Southern folks (Heidi, Geezer & John) at Sweet Sue's, around 9:00AM (9:00-10:00 breakfast). Departing Sweet Sue's say 10:00ish.


2 full days until I leave!!! Yeahhhh! According to the Weather Channel, looks like the heat wave'll break just in time for me to leave Hampton Roads for Nancyville. I have a cooling vest, cooling neck tie & Skyway hydration system in tow. I don't handle heat well. I'll see you on Friday morning, Heidi

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Sorry to read about the off. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone on this (my first FJR-related ride).

How do you like your seat, btw? I'm thinking of ordering one, but the wait time is extremely long. I was kinda hoping to find one for this ride (I'll check the classifieds on here today).

Everyone - also since I just got the Cobra radio, I assume we all syncronize on which gmrs channel to use for the ride on each morning?


RLB (another Jim)

Ok RLB AKA Boo Boo Rockafeller. A new seat for this ride?

I ride the stock seat. Been doing so since '04. 51,000 later I still have my ass...

I am thinking that once a channel for GMRS is chosen, that is the channel that we'll stick with for the entire weekend.

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Just a couple of specifics;

1. Please arrive at the Circle Diner Saturday morning with a full tank of gas. We have a planned fuel stop at around 200 miles in Lake Placid. We are planning a potty break (the morning coffee won't make it to lunch) just South of North Creek. Any one with a smaller gas tank can fill up here.

2. We will hand out modified road maps (not that anyone will need them) of the entire ride, at Saturday morning's breakfast.

3. Because of the size of our group, we will split it up into (3) groups. Iris will lead one, I will lead one, and our friend Dave "the Brit" will lead one. We all have Auto-com and will be able to communicate with one another (hopefully). It would be nice however for anyone that also has communication to offer to ride at the end of one of the groups. This way the lead person can communicate with the last person in the group (sounds good).

4. We encourage everyone to ride at there own pace. If you feel like you are lagging behind the person in front of you, and the person behind you seems to be right on your (you know) then feel free to wave the one behind you by. Keep in mind, we will not leave anybody behind. We just want each individual to ride where they are comfortable.

5. We are planning a total of (6) stops. (1. Scenic lookout, 2. Potty break, 3. Lunch break, 4. Coffee break & gas, 5. Potty break and 6. Dinner break. Oh and yes Starbucks back in latham.

This is going to be fun.

