Old Michael Update

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I'm Reno bound late tonight/early tomorrow morning. I plan on visiting Old Michael sometime Saturday afternoon.
stop by and say hello to my friends here

N38 21.073 W118 06.303 on you way up.

if you want, and convenient, let me know your status and perhaps we can meet up.
I'm just getting to this post now... Sorry I missed it RJ. I'll be sure to give you a shout next time I'm up that way. Oh yeah... Plugged in those coordinates and I believe that's the place with the sign out front "Come back RenoJohn, we miss you!"

My eldest daughter is going to UNR which gives me a great excuse to ride my bike up to Reno. Actually, I went up there this weekend to help her move. Figured I'd have plenty of time to drop in on Old Michael but as luck would have it, we didn't finish moving her until 11 PM Sat night.

I gave Michael a call Sunday morning. He sounds pretty good, but he informed me that he had just taken his meds and would probably be asleep when I got there. As evident by the photos in this thread, I knew he needed all the beauty sleep he could get!

Well I'm away from the forum and when I do get time its short and I miss this whole episode of flying FJR's and Old Michael's. Well, first thing is glad your alive OM and REALLY glad you can still have a smile on your face! I didn't really mean it when I said you "take some good photo's once in awhile"......just kidding ya know...well it is great you are doing better and hope to hook up soon. Prayers going out....better late than never. And get well soon my friend. Painman. :cry:

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So, when is OM due in Sacrametoe town?

Come on, Mikeee-Babeeee... time to get down the road..

... a bit closer, so I can tell you jokes, captive audience, until you beg for mercy!


Got word this afternoon from Reno John that Old Michael had a rough day. Some difficulty with the lungs, still in quite a bit of pain from the back and the morphine has really plugged up his insides. He is still in the hospital in Reno and may not be moving as soon as we anticipated. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Rich

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I just posted, but apparently it did not complete.

Just off the phone with OM, and he is one hurting puppy.

Evidently, complications have set it, but he was unable to communicate with me what they were. Breathing was labored, sentence structure awkward.

The man is in PAIN.

I tried to covey that this miserable situation, in time, will pass. He was not up to the concept at this point due to severe pain. His voice/expression/attitude was enough to break my heart.

I tried to convey it WILL get better; but, IMHO, OM is at the point of too far in, and not close enough to see the result, and feeling terrible pain. My heart is with him; I've been in the circumstance.

He did say he only has his brother. When, not sure exactly, but when, he gets relocated to 'home' he may need additional FJR Forum support.

Crying for my bud...


He did say he only has his brother. When, not sure exactly, but when, he gets relocated to 'home' he may need additional FJR Forum support.
I think that's a given - that OM will need all the forum support we can muster, when he gets home. All those who have recuperated at home can testify to how slowly the time passes when you're grounded, lonely and in pain.

So sorry to hear about the setbacks. Hope that they are temporary in nature and that he soon bounces back to being himself.


He did say he only has his brother. When, not sure exactly, but when, he gets relocated to 'home' he may need additional FJR Forum support.
I think that's a given - that OM will need all the forum support we can muster, when he gets home. All those who have recuperated at home can testify to how slowly the time passes when you're grounded, lonely and in pain.

I don't think it's just the time passing. When I was sent home I had someone here 24/7 for 4 weeks+. I absolutely could not be by myself. I coudn't stand and cook, I had to use the walker to get to the restroom, someone had to monitor my pain meds (because I'd forget to take them in a timely manner), I couldn't even put on my socks or shoes, let alone do laundry..... etc., etc., etc.

I am guessing that his lungs are filling with fluid because with the broken ribs he is not ventilating properly so he is not filling the lung sac with air. I had a thorosentisis in each lung (a small slit in the back and a tube inserted between the lung and the cavity wall to withdraw the fluid). Its not particularly painful, just weird...then I could actually breathe deeply!

He is also going to need a recliner (chair) to live in for awhile. There is no way he can lay on a bed at home until the ribs heal.

Those of us who have suffered similar injuries will attest to the pain. And morphine binds one unbelievably...I love the pain relief but hate the side effects so I bypass that drug if I have a choice.

Its time to say more prayers for our friend.

I assume there is a ride to Reno this weekend? Let's PM about it.....

I can attest to the morphine bind. They wouldn't let me leave after my last "oopsie" until I could ... umm.... prove I wasn't bound up :rolleyes:

This info of Michael backsliding a bit is hurting. If he's still in Reno next weekend, Hot August Nights be damned, I'm headed up. Damnit Michael! Get better!

Encouraging all Sac-area folks to make yourselves available upon OM's release to offer some kind of rotating help--there's plenty of us. MM2 has a pretty complete listing of everybody, including email addys, if I'm not mistaken--? Kind of like arranging the security at NAFO, right Mike?

And I also encourage Michael or his brother to be damn proactive and insistent about not letting them release him till he's capable of being at home. They'll often rush that if you let them.

Next one up to Reno, give him all the best from me if you will. I'm stuck for several days.

Got word this afternoon from Reno John that Old Michael had a rough day. Some difficulty with the lungs, still in quite a bit of pain from the back and the morphine has really plugged up his insides. He is still in the hospital in Reno and may not be moving as soon as we anticipated. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Rich
Ya, as Rich said, saw OM yesterday, pretty much seen him everyday since he's been in the Hospital. Observing the healing process is interesting, and IMO what he's going through right now is the toughest. IMO both physically and emotionally.

IMHO, OM is at the point of too far in, and not close enough to see the result, and feeling terrible pain.
Don, I think you really hit it. He's come a long ways, but much of that was when the body/mind was fresh, eager to heal and he was full of hard narcotics. Now the body is beat up, tired, sore and lots of pain. Now he's facing all the healing combined with new factors and body mind are tired. Imagine being sick (vomit sick) with broken ribs and the related pain.

I think that's a given - that OM will need all the forum support we can muster, when he gets home. All those who have recuperated at home can testify to how slowly the time passes when you're grounded, lonely and in pain.
Yep, the future days is when OM is going to need the help. Now he's in a hospital, getting what he needs, the healing process IMO is going to take a while and soon he won't have all the hospital attention.

I am guessing that his lungs are filling with fluid because with the broken ribs he is not ventilating properly so he is not filling the lung sac with air. I had a thorosentisis in each lung (a small slit in the back and a tube inserted between the lung and the cavity wall to withdraw the fluid). Its not particularly painful, just weird...then I could actually breathe deeply!
Its time to say more prayers for our friend.
They removed the tube from the one lung a few days ago ...seemed to be a good sign(?) at the time anyway.Yep, prayers, .....and then throw in an extra for good measure. Two extra if you don't have a direct connection.

Encouraging all Sac-area folks to make yourselves available upon OM's release
Yep, this is what I think about when I visit him .....he's going to need help when he gets home. Perhaps not a lot, but the guy is banged up!

I'll be be at Renown in a little while ....seeing how he's doing. Last few days I've just kinda checked in with him

...not much for either of us to say at this point, I let him rest or cry in peace without having to entertain. I'll try to post an update in a little while. Me thinks once he's over this speed-bump, things will be much better.

I've been in the hospital a couple of times and, IMO, in today's system, they boot you as soon as they think you won't die.

The last thing I wanted was a bunch of visitors to entertain, but that's just me, and I shy away from visiting people while they are in there, unless they're terminal.

OM will need support once he gets home, but I think what he needs now is uninterrupted rest. JMHO, YMMV....

The last thing I wanted was a bunch of visitors to entertain, but that's just me, and I shy away from visiting people while they are in there, unless they're terminal.
OM will need support once he gets home, but I think what he needs now is uninterrupted rest. JMHO, YMMV....
bob you and I think the same. I think we're all different but when it's my turn, leave me alone!! LOL
With Michael, I'm nearby and me thinks Mike appreciates most visits. Still, I keep them brief. He knows i'm nearby if he wants/needs anything. Because he's not in his home town, -Making sure he knows that someone is nearby to help with anything is my motivation for stopping by. "how ya doin'? what do you need?" is the bulk of it.

Here at the hospital now, he's sleeping restlessly. :-(

A peak through the door and asking the nurses to let him know that I came by is good enough IMO. I will attempt to get an update from them though.

Michael is a great host, but I'm sure doing so takes energy that could be better spent. I dunno ....just wish he was feelin' better.

Yep, when he gets home, that is when he'll need the attention me thinks.

A month away from a computer, I log on , and FRIGGIN' CRAP !! -- I hit this thread.

So, so sorry for your mishap OM. Deb and I will be keeping you in our thoughts. Speedy recovery our friend.

We'll be available for you should you need ANYTHING on your return to Sac.

Rog n Debs

Now damnit!! If I have to pull money from the EOM fund to catch a plane to kali, I'm gonna smack his ass!

Damn! I'm doin' what I can from this end..........


I am sure that his insurance will help with a qualified assisted live - in nurse for a while.

He will most likely need that tyoe of care for a couple of weeks.

A couple of things he will need is one big bed pan and a whole lot of depends, now who is going shipping for him?? And wht size?? :help:

It just takes time O. M. to heal

Wednesday Update

When I saw OM a bit ago, he was upright. That is GREAT news, and it seems a big step. Still some issues going on but things appear to be going the right way.

The 'latest' rumor of discharge from Renown is now Tomorrow (Thursday) ..and the rumor is he'll be moved to a Kaiser facility in/near Sacramento.

His color was good, it was great to see him up and moving about. His nurses have been very insistant that he move, they're scared of pnuemonia if he just lies there. I took a lap around the hallway with him. Wasn't a race per say, but ya, I won.

Let's hope things continue to track positively.

Wednesday Update
When I saw OM a bit ago, he was upright. That is GREAT news, and it seems a big step. Still some issues going on but things appear to be going the right way.

The 'latest' rumor of discharge from Renown is now Tomorrow (Thursday) ..and the rumor is he'll be moved to a Kaiser facility in/near Sacramento.

His color was good, it was great to see him up and moving about. His nurses have been very insistant that he move, they're scared of pnuemonia if he just lies there. I took a lap around the hallway with him. Wasn't a race per say, but ya, I won.

Let's hope things continue to track positively.

Thanks for the updates! Really good news on the hallway laps! Please let us know when/where he's moved to. B)
