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Ok, for the rest of you normal people, this is my first dogpile. Did I do alright?
Not too shabby! I'd give you a solid 7.5/10.... ;)

Just out of curiosity.... Is your bike set up with stock pipes or did you upgrade them when somebody shoved the stock ones up your butt????

(How's that for the dogpile guys???)
Very nice; I'd award about a 8.0/10, just for the visual it produced. ;)

There's an important piece of information missing here. She rides with sporties, her husband rides an FZ1, and she has short legs. So why did she buy an FJR in the first place?
Awww, She's just pissed at herself for letting the salesman sell her something she's not ready for. The salesman must have been laughing all the way to the bank on the comission he made off this one :lol2: . In the famous words of P.T. Barnum...There's a sucker born every minute...

A picture of the happily married couple carving the streets of Hamilton Montana!


Ha! A quick check shows she's back on the site again.

Anyone remember the joke about the hunter and the bears? Each time the hunter comes back, he meets up with another bear who taps him on the shoulder and sodomizes him? The last time, I believe it's a Polar Bear who taps him on the shoulder and says "you're really not here for the hunting, are you?"

pgrhodes must be related.

There's an important piece of information missing here. She rides with sporties, her husband rides an FZ1, and she has short legs. So why did she buy an FJR in the first place?
Awww, She's just pissed at herself for letting the salesman sell her something she's not ready for. The salesman must have been laughing all the way to the bank on the comission he made off this one :lol2: . In the famous words of P.T. Barnum...There's a sucker born every minute...

Wouldn't be surprised to hear she tipped it over in the driveway leaving the dealer because the tires were not scrubbed in and she stalled the bike. :lol:

Anyone remember the joke about the hunter and the bears? Each time the hunter comes back, he meets up with another bear who taps him on the shoulder and sodomizes him? The last time, I believe it's a Polar Bear who taps him on the shoulder and says "you're really not here for the hunting, are you?"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ha! A quick check shows she's back on the site again.
Anyone remember the joke about the hunter and the bears? Each time the hunter comes back, he meets up with another bear who taps him on the shoulder and sodomizes him? The last time, I believe it's a Polar Bear who taps him on the shoulder and says "you're really not here for the hunting, are you?"

pgrhodes must be related.
:good: :good:

Old Michael: Is this one of your ex-wives? Possibly may be my 1st wife, but I didn't want make a claim if you were going to!

There's a kind of stupid which enjoys the abuse...I forget but I'm sure it has a 'label". we tried to be nice the first's not in our nature to be nice to stupid a second time

There's an important piece of information missing here. She rides with sporties, her husband rides an FZ1, and she has short legs. So why did she buy an FJR in the first place?
I pondered this very question from the beginning of the original 'sick of this bike' thread. I also pondered why the hell is the hubby riding the FZ1 while the wifey plays pack-mule on a tourer? nice guy. Go rail the bendy-bits while the lil woman schleps all the crap on a bike thats way too big for her. :clapping:

I'm not one to dogpile, but I've been following this thread intently sheerly for the morbid curiousity hoping something legitimate was wrong with her bike other than rider error. Sounds like plain old rider suckage to me.

pgrhodges, PLEASE get rid of your FJR and stop coming here. Your piss-poor attitude and narrowminded opinions are like a disease.

Hey 'War Kitty' we may need a new category for our forum: The Best Of 'Dog Piles'

Cuz this is just classic!

Ha! A quick check shows she's back on the site again.
Anyone remember the joke about the hunter and the bears? Each time the hunter comes back, he meets up with another bear who taps him on the shoulder and sodomizes him? The last time, I believe it's a Polar Bear who taps him on the shoulder and says "you're really not here for the hunting, are you?"

pgrhodes must be related.

Yes I'm back on the site. I've NEVER had so much fun in my life. :yahoo: Oh Rhett, Rhett, I'm about to swoon, oh my, help me Rhett, these picks don't approve of the little damsel in distress. Fun but you are starting to bore me. :lol:

Hehehe -- be damned if she isn't back again right now -- "viewing board index" and apparently checking out her thread here.

Didn't she say she had sold the FJR and had left? :lol:

Ya think she loves us or is just a PMS raging stalker?

Fun but you are starting to bore me. :lol:
So, you're back again? :snort:

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Ha! A quick check shows she's back on the site again.
Anyone remember the joke about the hunter and the bears? Each time the hunter comes back, he meets up with another bear who taps him on the shoulder and sodomizes him? The last time, I believe it's a Polar Bear who taps him on the shoulder and says "you're really not here for the hunting, are you?"

pgrhodes must be related.

Yes I'm back on the site. I've NEVER had so much fun in my life. :yahoo: Oh Rhett, Rhett, I'm about to swoon, oh my, help me Rhett, these picks don't approve of the little damsel in distress. Fun but you are starting to bore me. :lol:
Funny I'm getting pms from people who are afraid to post on the site. Nothing to be afraid of here except a bunch of grumpy old men who have nothing better to do than try to sound superior.

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