Oregon RTE

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Ya ain't got none of them fancy schmancy video cameras out there do ya? Otherwise I'm going to have to have you sign a release form giving me all rights to the images.

Sorry bro, The American Sheep Lovers Association makes the rules..

I just follow 'em

Brazilian wax job? Man that is just too rough on the arse!!! :blink:

I'll drag along a couple of Busts Anus Shavers tm You guys will thank me.

Brazilian wax job? Man that is just too rough on the arse!!! :blink:

I'll drag along a couple of Busts Anus Shavers tm You guys will thank me.
Just think. One week from today I get to watch your shaved ass get smaller in the distance as it goes away. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Brazilian wax job? Man that is just too rough on the arse!!! :blink:

I'll drag along a couple of Busts Anus Shavers tm You guys will thank me.
Just think. One week from today I get to watch your shaved ass get smaller in the distance as it goes away. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Does that mean his front gets bigger as he rides toward you? Oh, the humanities! :eek:

It will be nice you Ralph. Haven't seen you since we rode together at NAFO '08.

Haven't heard from pony fool in years.

Joe (Tucson Joe)

Brazilian wax job? Man that is just too rough on the arse!!! :blink:

I'll drag along a couple of Busts Anus Shavers tm You guys will thank me.
Just think. One week from today I get to watch your shaved ass get smaller in the distance as it goes away. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Does that mean his front gets bigger as he rides toward you? Oh, the humanities! :eek:
An' by golly I'll feel for poor Patty having to deal with your crying," I miss that sexy fuker something bad" ass.

Ya big pussy.

Ouy Have a problem here might have to back out..

A local kid died last week in Afghanistan.. Suks as his dad lived but 2 blocks away growing up..

Anyway... The faggot group Westborough Baptist Group has decided to "protest" this young mans sacrifice tomorrow while his funeral is going on..

As I' m far from a pacifist There is a good chance I'm going to make a statement and beat the fuking shit outa any one or thing who happens to open their stupid fucking mouth.

I'll be in attendance with a large club (hidden of course ) and relish the opportunity to finally beat the shit outa one of these faggots and put an end t the bullshit the country has had to put up with..

For too long these ass licks have had their way and I'm fuking tired of it

Granted I might spend time I think the beat down( if it happens) will finally arouse enough attention shitbag groups like this will cease to exist

I have to agree with you but in the world we live in people like that have the upper hand and the law on their side :angry: :angry: . You can't do anybody any good in the slammer and sleeping with Bubba isn't as much fun as sheep. Come on out west and blow off some steam whipping Don's bike

I'll do me best.. But if so much as one of those motherfukers even looks at me cross eyed? I'm going to fuk his world up beyond comprehension.

Just fuking tired of shitbag "special interest" groups..Worthless pieces of shit.. Sorry peeps but them fukers are a target just waitin to happen

One inch solid oak dowel will surely show them I'm serious

I'll do me best.. But if so much as one of those motherfukers even looks at me cross eyed? I'm going to fuk his world up beyond comprehension.

Just fuking tired of shitbag "special interest" groups..Worthless pieces of shit.. Sorry peeps but them fukers are a target just waitin to happen

One inch solid oak dowel will surely show them I'm serious
Right again but when the judge installs that oak dowel in your ass to make room for Bubba it's serious for a long time. Just think about virgin goats in Oregon :lol: Well allmost virgin SPU was here :eek:

We might be five coming from the Portland area for lunch. Sockmonkey, Ponyfool, Kevin, Ron, and I.

I plan to ride over in the morning from the Portland area. Leave around 6 am, take hwy 224 to Detroit, drop down to the west end of hwy 242 and take that to Sisters, then down 97 to La Pine. Home ride will be back up 97 and then US26. Should be home around 6pm.

Would you like to meet up?
