Phukkin' Harley Dudes

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I think its just that people in general are ******** and think they are entitled to something or other. Its not just the HD riders, its just that they are so easily identifyable. Two cases in point:

When I used to have my VTX 1800, I had Vance&Hines Big Shots on it. They could be very loud if I wanted it to be, but being loud was not the real reason I had them on the bike. I hate when people go into other peoples' neighborhoods blaring frigging pipes. So, one day, I went to a friend's house to meet some people for a ride. There was a mix of bikes there when I arrived, including a couple of customs. When I went inside, one of the custom riders asked me what I rode. When I answered VTX, he said, "Oh, no wonder we didn't hear you ride up." When I explained that people who make senseless noise in other peoples' neighborhoods are ********, he got mad and left. Go figgure.

Next...Again on my VTX, I was riding with a group of friends. I was ahead of the group as I usually rode faster than any of them. I was really enjoying some good twisties and sweepers when I saw a sport bike loaded 2-up in front of me. I could see his bad lines through the turns and immediately knew he was not very good on the bike. As I approached, he refused to let me pass, continually speeding up when I tried to get around. The limited clearance on the VTX (one reason I got rid of it) made it too dangerous to complete a pass a the necessary speeds. I decided to be an ******* and rode his ass, forcing him to go faster than his passenger would have liked. He finally got away from me when he passed with an on-coming truck headed towards us. The last I saw of him, his female passenger was slapping the **** out of him.

I guess I never should have pushed that second guy, but what an *******. This time, not on a Harley, just a prick who thought he was too good to be passed...Oh well.

I guess I never should have pushed that second guy, but what an *******. This time, not on a Harley, just a prick who thought he was too good to be passed...Oh well.
Yeah, like WTF? If a rider behind me catches up, it's because he's going faster than I am, and I doubt he'll slow down and get in my way after I wave him by. Have these guys never caught a slower vehicle and wanted around? Why is it that nobody seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere until you try to pass them? I swear, they should rename passing lanes.

Racing lane ahead. Slower traffic speed the hell up!

Yeah, like WTF? If a rider behind me catches up, it's because he's going faster than I am, and I doubt he'll slow down and get in my way after I wave him by. Have these guys never caught a slower vehicle and wanted around? Why is it that nobody seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere until you try to pass them?
Well, I think you pretty well distilled it to its essence there, Toe.

But shouldn't you be attending to someone's birthday, instead of being on the forum? ;)

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Radman teases me for not saying very much when I do post, which is probably a good thing.

Thanks for the comments. I've been told that I do "cryptic" as good as anyone. Sometimes that's exactly what I intend, but that wasn't my intent here.

Shane, from one loquacious sonufabitch to another, I did read your whole post (with a smile, thinking, "This guy writes like that JB character on the FJR Forum" :clapping: ), and I believe I even understood it. What's more, I've come away with some wisdom that I will employ when on the road--not about Harley dopes, but cagers.

You're right, it's all about my expectations. I expect them not to have their heads up their rear ends when they drive, but to be engaged and thoughtful. So when they don't, I get frustrated and want to pull them out of their vehicles and dispatch them summarily with a shot to the back of the head with the swiftness of Chinese justice.

We can't control what others do, only what we do....


P.S. Yeah, Harley riders. I know some good ones, but there sure seem to be a lot who are kinda thick-headed. Actually, wasn't the last Harley rant my own? :)

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JB if you keep using big words (loquacious) that the rest of have to google we are going to kick you off the forum.
Don't listen to him Hans, he's just being meretricious. I'm just fortunate enough to have a program, so it's a lot easier to let it go on the road.

You're right, it's all about my expectations. I expect them not to have their heads up their rear ends when they drive, but to be engaged and thoughtful. So when they don't, I get frustrated and want to pull them out of their vehicles and dispatch them summarily with a shot to the back of the head with the swiftness of Chinese justice.
Expectations are just premeditated resentments, or so I hear....

Last weekend I was riding the canyon here in CO between Evergreen & Morrison. I came up behind 5 bikers... most were hd's. I came to a passing zone and quickly zipped past 4 of 'em. The one in the lead sped up to the point I couldn't pass him in time. After a few curves he slowed down again. So I stayed near his tail to let him know what an ******* he was. And to all of you on this board who love to judge, the answer is "no, I wasn't close enough to him to cause an accident."

So he speeds up again which I quickly followed. Then a car pulls in front of him so we have to slow down again.

I don't care if the driver is on a bike or in a car. Blocking someone from passing or temporarily speeding up to prevent a pass is wrong.

Don't get me started on bicyclists who ride in the middle of the road and run thru red lights...

So... I'm leading a mixed bag of bikes up the Mountain Loop Highway (in single file formation). We're in the twisties, and we're spread out pretty good going at or just over the speed limit. I come up on 3 Harley's cruising along at about 45mph. The rear bike was a gal and she was riding her brakes the whole time.
I see a LEGAL passing zone so I pull out, flash my lights and start to pass. The guy in the middle pulls out in front of me and attempts to blocks my pass. WTF???? :angry2:

Anyway, I was on my ZX-14 so I went by him before he could even think anything.

What is this blocking thing that these losers have?

I just don't understand.

H.D. owners quickly are assimilated towards a herd mentality. They automatically feel anything around them should also be assimilated, kind of like the BORG.

Honestly, the vast majority of HD owners are so out and out pretenders in the art of motorcycling. I can't recall the number of incidents I've had over the years with these frickin' movie pirates. They honestly feel that HD should be in the front always, I've got a good buddy who works for a dealer, this is an accurate description.

And let me tell you, it doesn't take an FJR to dispatch one of the idiots. My 35 yr old Norton will slap anything from HD except a V-Rod in the straights. I was riding up Mt. Baker NW Washington] with buddies once, all on old Nortons. We came upon and passed 5 Harleys. 1 guy didn't like it, tried to keep up with us. We soon lost him in our mirrors. It wasn't until we came back did we see that he'd stuffed it into the weeds, his buddies had gotten the thing out of the forest, they all looked down, didn't want to see us. The bike was toast, the guy was walking around. Those types never learn, frickin' goofs.


And let me tell you, it doesn't take an FJR to dispatch one of the idiots. My 35 yr old Norton will slap anything from HD except a V-Rod in the straights. I was riding up Mt. Baker NW Washington] with buddies once, all on old Nortons. We came upon and passed 5 Harleys. 1 guy didn't like it, tried to keep up with us. We soon lost him in our mirrors. It wasn't until we came back did we see that he'd stuffed it into the weeds, his buddies had gotten the thing out of the forest, they all looked down, didn't want to see us. The bike was toast, the guy was walking around. Those types never learn, frickin' goofs.
Looks like they went to

...these frickin' movie pirates.

When I come up from behind on a Harley or group of Harleys, I just assume that it will only be a very short time before I blow by them. I think it was the flashing of brights that caused the moron to try the block technique. Who knows what was going on in his poor life that day or otherwise. I respect anyone riding their bike. That's cool with me. I expect respect too. There is some percentage of Harley riders who think respect is a one way street; probably not even most of them. I imagine it is about the same as the general population, adjusted for whatever it is that makes you tick in a way that causes you to ride big and loud and shiny machines. I think the more you know about riding and motorcycles, the more you respect all bikes and all riders. Not that it makes you want what they ride, or understand why someone would knowingly choose something that is underpowered and too heavy, just that you respect it because they face the same risks we FJR riders face. I admit I am a bit puzzled over the idea that so many "individuals" riding Harleys all seem to resemble one another in so many ways with their gear, bikes, accoutrements, etc. and at very idea that riding a Harley elevates form over function.

"Movie pirates...." That's damn good.

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Nicely said, 'ndivita'.

It is an issue that's played-out over-and-over-again and is difficult to ignore completely/always.

Maturity helps -- but youth can be another story:

Years ago my g.f. and I accompanied (2-up) two teens on RZ350 (L.C./power valve) & GPZ1100 (F.I.) to Sturgis; well, it wasn't long before some Harley-dude decided to show those kids 'the power of the Milwaukee v-twin' -- the results were a joy to watch.... :eek: :)

I'm pretty-much indifferent to most of that (or, at least try to be...) and usually just try to avoid. Haven't been to Sturgis in decades -- altho, I did ride thru the S. Black Hills last Fall (still a great place to ride a motorcycle).

I guess, it's somewhat/somehow? our 'cross to bear'?? :unsure: Thanks Hollywood..! :angry:

Based on my experience, the guys out in the thick freeway commute sh*t riding Harleys and wearing their skid lids tend to be (1) better riders (I'm guessing, or they'd be dead by now; presumes it's not their first day out); and (2) cooler, more likely to give a Power Ranger like me the wave.

And I always give them the wave too; we are out there in that pitching freeway ocean in our little dingeys together, and we recognize what it takes and respect it in each other. At least that's how my brain works and elects to interpret the external visual stimulus (you can take the person out of the philosophy department, but you can't take the philosophy dept. out of the person).

I do notice that the Harley guys in the commute grinder tend to be much more aggressive about getting around between the cars (lane sharing). The other day I was passed by a Harley guy in a skid lid, jeans, and a t-shirt during the usually worse commute home on the freeway, and I watched him ahead of me cut between some pretty close, fast-moving traffic, and I cringed to think about him going down with no gear. ('Course, it ain't the pavement that kills you in that scenario; it's the SUV going over the top of you.)

And that Hells Angel I see routinely on my commute route, well, he moves pretty quick. Haven't had the chance to test out the wave with him yet. If I met him I'd ask if I could borrow his colors for the morning commute some day.


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Yep, you're lucky to live in an area where motorcycling has a long history and a history of acceptance and respect (the Hells Angels are, in part, somewhat responsible for that). NYC is another place where, ime, motorcycles have significant/noticeable respect.

Once, on tour with s.o. and loaded bikes, we stopped in Haight-Ashbury ('cause she hadn't been there) and she was worried about leaving stuff on the bike to go eat lunch. A passerby overheard her asking me about it and said not to worry: "Bay Area bikers got all that sorted-out a long time ago."

In most of the other areas of the country I've been -- the 'Lifestyle' is pretty much all there is. :(

This brings me back to the two bandits I encountered few months back that I posted here. They proceeded to do the two-bike parade, about 35-40 in 55 mph, blocking the main road, then high five each other on the next stoplight. My only regret at the time is not blowing them off early enough and have to follow them for about a mile.

So it it my imagination or is this whole Harley a**hole thing getting worse? Seems like it to me. What do you guys think?

So it it my imagination or is this whole Harley a**hole thing getting worse? Seems like it to me. What do you guys think?
I did the Sylamore Scenic Byway here in Arkansas yesterday. There was a full dresser Harley ahead of me in the twisty stuff

and I must say he was doing a terrific job and having a good time. I did not even attempt to keep up with him.

Most all the Harleys waved yesterday. But when I stopped for gasoline there were 2 Sportser riders there with attitudes. They

would not even acknowledge a nod or a hello. Oh well.
