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After putting in the first picture try using Ctrl-End (assuming you're using a Windoze computer) to take the curser to the end of the edit space, press RETURN a couple to times to create space between pictures, then put in the next picture.test multiple photo's...
I got two photo's here in a convoluted way. when I intially put a photo in I can't add another one when I try to right click on the lower right corner of the photo. It doesn't drop down to a space to insert another image. This time I had to submit it then go a back and edit. Pretty weird. And of course I still don't have spell check.
First, what are you using for a web browser? Since the last reincarnation of the Forum posting pictures has become sensitive to the users operating system and web browser. One of the easier to use browsers with the revamped and more secure (but not necessarily better) Forum is Fire Fox. Others will be along to talk about other browsers that work good like Chrome. Microsoft Explorer = ungood.I see the "links to share" option on the photobucket website but when I copy and past I only get the above? I don't get it.