Quiet Forum These Days?

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first thing I would do is abolish the daily positive "like this" limit, WTH???
That being said, I attempted to like this post and ran out of likes!

barb posted: first thing I would do is abolish the daily positive "like this" limit, WTH???
steveoreno posted: That being said, I attempted to like this post and ran out of likes!
Often, I am out of "likes" for the day prior to my first attempt to "like". I've wondered .... because I wonder about weird **** sometimes ....

1) Is this clocked on Pacific time, or maybe GMT/internet time?

2) Am I am over my life-long "Like" limit? (<---- now there's some alliteration)

3) Does the daily like limit change with how long you've been a member, or maybe with how many posts you've accumulated?

.... and then I stop wondering, quote the post, and type in "Like!"

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UH, I think it's 3 likes per day, but like you, I don't know when a day starts and ends. Sometimes I'm out quickly, and sometimes I'm surprised I can still use them. Haha...

Quiet Forum?? YOU WANT ME TO YELL?? It's good to see a couple of the old class clowns chiming in. I remember, back in the day, when I would sit here with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Like Mem, I would get on, just to make sure I wasn't missing something good. Then, of course, all things change, but I have an opinion about that. Big surprise. However, if you have easily hurt feelings, you should stop reading now!
Remember, we had a couple fights about joking too much, off-topic thread drifting, and some other cry-baby ******** I don't really remember. Then, after we were all deemed somewhat socially acceptable, we got inundated with many new members who were nothing but a bunch of whining thin-skinned ******* and hurt-butt candy-*****. Those changes even embolded some of the older members who fell within that description. Of course, not all were/are like that, but they're lurking. If you're reading this and you feel the need to explain why you're not that person, because your sensibilities are hurt, guess what!! It used to be super fun around here, and now it just is. There are things I still enjoy, but not like a few years ago. Hell, in 'Jokes and Fun Stuff,' the only updated thread is the 'Wildcard Moto-Tag Game." I used to go there for my daily dose of full-on irreverent laughs, and now, it's just stale. The death of a couple of those pushing the irreverent envelope hasn't helped either.

The other issue is the technical side. We used to have some awesome discussions about real issues that really needed fixed. Now, it's lots of new people bitching about things that aren't really problems. My favorite are the ones that ask for advice and then bitch about the advice because they know more than we think. Really?? Then why in the **** did you ask?!?!

It's not like it used to be, but as things change, I guess we have to also. I still come here lot, just to see what's up if anything fun is going on. Though, now, there are areas I skip all-together. Like 'Ride Reports.' Those used to be fun. Now they are a contest to see who can write the most existential ******** about how the fading blue of the cloudy sky reminded them of their 4 hours in the birth canal and how delicate we are. OMFG, give me a break! I love my friends, and miss some. Barry, Marty, Bob and Don come to mind. I also just want to keep in touch with the ones still here. I'm amazed at how many faces I know and how many places I can go where I know someone. ****, Richouse will be here on Tuesday, on his way through, and we're going to ride. In all my life, I would never have a reason to meet him, but we'll be hanging out on Tuesday! If you ask me, technical stuff and the friendships we make are the two biggest advantages of this place. There has to be fun mixed in there somewhere, or the second thing doesn't happen.

Honestly, I've REALLY been thinking of selling my FJR. I could use that money to buy dirt bikes for my girls. I've been riding the **** out of my KTM, and FJR trips usually mean I've left everyone at home. If we all had dirt bikes, we could be out most weekends together. Maybe, we'll see. Either way, I'm betting I'd still come around, just to see who is up to what, but I'll still skip some sections, and Ill still miss the long gone daily updates to the really fun threads. Simply put, It is what it is.
Well said, you impertinent douchenozzle!!!

When I was here, laughing my ass off at Howie berating Don, serious life crap took a back seat.

Hell, how aboot 'Howie and TWN piling on some poor soul? Now THAT was good internets.
*******, I'm glad I decided to pay this joint a visit in my fleeting moments of clarity and consciousness!!

Geek, you've got a freakin' memory

This thread has been a godsend to a brain-damaged soul such as myself.


Great to hear from you!

Even brain-damaged as you claim, you stand above many (most?) of the forum inmates. Don't be a stranger - or at least not any stranger than you can help.

This thread has been a godsend to a brain-damaged soul such as myself.
Well, damn if that ain't the finest thread endorsement I've ever read on the internet! It's elderly prosaic; so much so that maybe we've even rediscovered our purpose.

Could it be that the problem at the root of our investigation here was Howie falling off that fine Gen.I and onto his head?

Honest to god....today I'm just experiencing a rare day of cognitive clarity. Most days I sleep 18-20 hours, and spend the other 4-6 hours sitting in my La-Z-Boy reading Wikipedia or taking what I call "Google Map Vacations." Open up Google Maps, find someplace new, then do a "Streetview" tour of the area.

Today, though, I've successfully installed Windows 10 on 3 computers here at home, watched a high school football game tonight on my laptop and just fixed a "Remote Desktop" problem with my tower PC. BTW, the football game is the team I used to do play-by-play for on the radio station I used to work at. They just won their 2nd round game in the state championship playoff hunt 52 to zip!

Been up since 11 this morning. Longest I've been awake in over a year! Hooray ME!!
