Quiet Forum These Days?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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A forum board needs a steady injection of new blood to thrive and prosper, to replace those who inevitably leave, otherwise attrition is the name of the game, as evidenced apparently here and at other hobby forums I frequent (one at which I'm a moderator). If you'd like the perspective of a relative FNG -- someone who hasn't been an active member for long and doesn't know any of the individuals mentioned earlier in this thread but represents that "new blood" I mention -- I'll offer my experience. I offer it with respect and apprecation for what this site offers to the FJR community.
My perspective is that this forum is not a particularly open forum for discussion. I understand the owners'/moderators' disdain for familiar topics and the encouragement of members to search for information rather than prompt a discussion about topics that have been tread before, but such discouragement of new threads on familiar topics and/or their move to the NEPRT board inherently stifles new poster/member enthusiasm and motivation to participate. For those of who have not been here for long and are all too aware that our posts are more likely than not to be moved, deleted, or otherwise dimished, this forum typically feels more like a set of encyclopedias to consult than a forum for discussion.

Even contributions to existing threads seem to be under tough scrutiny. I posted a contribution on the existing 2018 model thread and came back later in the day and it had been deleted. My thread was in response to another poster who mentioned something about Harley-Davidson and their lock on the cruiser market segment...I followed up on that with a bit about my last bike, a Triumph cruiser, and how and why I agreed with the poster. It was several paragraphs that required some time and thought on my part, but I hoped it would both advance the topic and just add to the discussion in some way that would allow it to organically develop and grow. I appreciate that my post and the one before it strayed and drifted a bit from the specific analysis and opinions of the 2018 model, but it was still within the overall gist of the thread at that point, i.e. design choices (e.g. matte paint), market forces that challenge the FJR, etc. Yet my post was deleted outright because -- presumably, as I was not contacted (nor did I expect to be) -- it didn't stay within the tight confines that were deemed appropriate.

With new posts at high risk of NEPRT status and posts to existing threads at high risk of deletion if they stray a bit from topic, new folks like myself are challenged to muster up much enthusiasm to participate. I love forums and participate generously in several...but while I certainly plan to continue my membership here, it will be more as a visitor and reader than participant for the reasons I hope I've been able to express. If I'm representative of the "new blood" that's needed to keep this forum active and that the owners may wish to seek, then this may or may not be something they may wish to examine. That said, however, I get completely that I'm a guest in someone else's house, so I will respectfully comply with whatever rules they wish to set forth.
Enjoyed reading this truthful post from a "FNG". My post count here is something over 3600, which I guarantee is less than half of my actual post count if Off-Topic, NEPERT and other sub-forums that "don't count" are included. We'll never know. This is true of the legends on this board as well, although TWN got his posts in before the decision that only certain posts count. Many of the original membership seems to never post here, but I am fortunately able to stay in touch with guys like MadMike2. Anyway, this has been a recurring theme that comes and goes. I'm surprised this thread is in Off-Topic rather than NEPERT. As long as posts or "contributions" to the forum are regarded as less worthy if they are not technical or a trip report, or people are singled out for reprimand for being off-topic or off-message, then we will have these never ending, pointless or recurring threads bitching about what once was.

Hardly. I don't hover on the forum all day long. I just logged back in since then.

I don't have an answer. I wasn't aware it had happened. If the person affected would PM me, I'll go hunting and try to figure out what happened.

I'm surprised this thread is in Off-Topic rather than NEPERT.
Meh. I thought about moving it but it was already off topic and the rules address off topic. It might if it becomes never-ending. Remember that NEPRT are "or" statements; not "ands" Just because something might be NE doesn't necessarily means it's P or R.

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Ive always thought that NEPRT is a distinction without a difference from being posted in any other sub-forum.

I've always thought that NEPRT was for topics that have been beaten to death already, or where there maybe is no definitive right or wrong answer -- like tires, oil, or custom seats. Absolutely doesn't mean they're worthless or off-topic. Never understood the shame of getting placed in NEPRT.

One time, I proudly started a thread in NEPRT. Hey, I knew there was no right or wrong answer, but I wanted to hear the discussion and decide if there might actually be a better way to fill up the fuel tank.


With that said, I'd like to point out how this thread has wandered in and out and around and around .... and suggest that as one of the things that's been missing from this Forum.

These days, there are not a lot of wandering threads, capturing the stream of consciousnesses (or stream of drunkenness) of our brothers and sisters from the Internet.

Sure, this place has an amazing amount of technical information, and those that started it and contributed to it should be VERY proud of what they have created here. Without that background, wouldn't this just be Facebook for FJR Owners?

But there has to be some leeway for tomfoolery and jackassery, for poking fun and telling bawdy jokes, for asking a dumbass question because -- hey -- there might actually be a better way to fill up your fuel tank. Without that leeway, wouldn't this just be an interactive FJR Service Manual?

I realize my definition of "some leeway" is different from yours, or his, or hers, ......... and maybe that's the thing we're trying to identify: What's fun for some folks isn't fun for me.

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Can we have an un-moderated (or perhaps self-moderated) section of the forum for these open discussions? Seems like this thread had survived beyond where I thought it would be locked down.

tradition would seem to indicate that such a single section would take over the forum. look at Politics 2.0 of Sport-Touring.Net. I post a lot in there but for those looking for a forum about bikes, there's little of that left there. In fact, that's WHY I post there about politics... it's set up for it, the people who bought the forum are absentee owners, and it keeps it there instead of elsewhere.

The issue is that people come for the bike but stay for the socialization.

No bike question? No problem. Just banter about other things.

This is not a criticism. Its just an observation.

A unique thing about this forum is that the expenses are absorbed by a few dedicated persons for the love of the bike. So we dont have memberships or pop up ads.

We still have posters though. Some like drama, some have nothing else to do, and some would rather pay for a membership or deal with pop up ads than follow focused rules. Some have moved on.

I checked out the other forum. This is a better place if your interest is in the bike.

A big problem with threads in all forums is that it becomes harder and harder to find the relevant content because of the very large amount of kvetching, whining, hugging, ruminating, and otherwise irrelevant posting.

This is not a solvable problem though. People will always be people.

Nevertheless, this forum has held the line better than any others on any topic, anywhere Ive seen.

...A big problem with threads in all forums is that it becomes harder and harder to find the relevant content because of the very large amount of kvetching, whining, hugging, ruminating, and otherwise irrelevant posting.

This is not a solvable problem though. People will always be people.

Nevertheless, this forum has held the line better than any others on any topic, anywhere Ive seen.
Well said! This isn't Facebook (thankfully) and while some of the personal interaction and humor makes the site feel more like home, it is (and always will be) about motorcycling in general and FJR specifically. Doesn't mean that other stuff can't (or shouldn't) find a place here but when the other stuff overly dilutes the principle content, there are other places for that. Touring, Iron Butt, mechanical stuff, other bikes, GPS, lighting options, riding gear and even endless speculation on the next model, tires, oil and batteries are fair game. Maybe less so for smokers, guns, cigars, booze, politics, religion etc. Not to say that anything not directly (or even indirectly) related to the sport/hobby/passion should be banned but I think the forum administration has done a pretty fair job overall with keeping this on track. As El Toro said, "People will always be people".

I don't follow rules very well and as such haven't read them here. Does this violate rule #10?


I guess I'm just channeling Beemerdons, really miss that guy.......

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I don't follow rules very well and as such haven't read them here. Does this violate rule #10?[img=[URL="https://i.imgur.com/HHz8p4W.jpg%5D"]https://i.imgur.com/HHz8p4W.jpg][/URL]

I guess Im just channeling Beemerdons, really miss that guy.......
+1 on missing the old guy, but you got the captions backwards....hubba hubba JSNS

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I dont have the tech background. Period

I don't meet the job requirements. One thing I hate is when the requirements for a job are posted and some jackass that knows he/she doesn't come close wastes my time with an application and a resume.

Lucky for you ba*****s.

It would be amusing as hell to read all the responses to:

"I have decided to sell advertising space on the forum"

"For _____ dollars you can purchase an ad free experience."

So yeah, I have some issues with Management but it could be a hell of a lot worse.

I surely do agree with comments about social media and its possible impact on forums. it will be a cold day in h___ when i sign up for face whatever much less send a text message. Hmmmm..come to think of it, I don't own a cell phone much less a smart phone and never will.
