Quiting the Nicotine

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All I can tell you is aside from Bustanut's suggestion, hypnosis worked the best for me. It's not perfect. I've had several relapses. but it is painless. Call several hypnotists. See which one has the most soothing voice. Go there with an open mind and don't expect miracles. You'll walk out still "thinking" about smokes, just not "wanting" smokes. Best of luck. It may take several tries. But just figure that even if you fail, you can still opt for Bustanut's suggestion.

I started smoking while I was in The Army. Cigs were $2.50 a carton...... I finally ( hope so anyway ) quit after I went on a four day hiking trip with my daughter. Instead of bringing along the "smooth" filtered cigs, I bought Camel straights; no filter. Smoking these things was down right unpleasent, which seemed to do the trick. Being married to a women who thinks smoking is disgusting and stupid helps a whole bunch too:)

Quit smoking is easy ,,,, I quit several times...

Don't really know when I finally quit ,, must have been about 15 or 20 years ago..

If I hadn't ,, don't know if I would have been here,,

I was a 2 pack a day smoker,,,,

So, I'd say quit ,,,, or keep quitting ,, get hard headed about it,, You'll be glad you did..

and remember try not to be a ******* to your family ,, just because you are addicted

and trying to kick your habit ,,,( not that I ever was,,)

Good Luck !!!!!!

BTW...I'm rooting for you Renegade...but it's gotta be you doing it...not us.
Thanks Wheatie... I know that's how it has to be, but a little support now and then can be a good thing. Kinda like someone here who's gonna keep me on the up and up, and I him. I think.

Rock on...
Hey, if yer ever on that ledge and thinking of jumping back to yer old ways...POST UP HERE. If I'm on I'll give you all the encouragement you want during that time of testing...and I'm sure any one of the other guys here would do the same thing. :clapping:

..and if I see you on a ride with a can or pack of smokes...you KNOW I'm gonna say something...you got THAT right. :assassin:

The end result will be a much healthier you for you and your family.

In the seven years I smoked, I would often "quit", then after 3 months or so, think I could have "just one". Bingo! Back at it.

The last time this happened, when I really quit the cigs, was when I got that same ol' urge, after 3 months, but this time, instead of having just one, I smoked the whole pack, lighting the next one off the end of the one I was finishing. I threw up hard on number 12 or 13, but finished the pack. I was sicker than hell the next few days, but haven't had one since... and "since" was September of 1984. Good luck!

Hell, it worked for me. :rolleyes:


Worked for me too but after I got thrown outta the bar a third time I gave it up and went back to smokin.
Yeah I hear ya, I got banned from the library when my internet went out for a while and I had to do my surfin there for a while.

It's an addiciton fueled by habit. The only way you'll be successful is to really want to quit. If it's an "I'll try to quit" approach, you'll likely not be successful.

Additionally, the habit part means that you'll have to "live thru" experiences where you used to smoke without smoking....very hard to do.....deep down you have to want to quit. I had a friend tell me that living thru these experiences would take the better part of three years....he was right.

However, it's worth it and the best thing I ever did.

I wish you guys all the encouragement possible.


Go for it. Try anything and everything that works. If the gum doesn't work, try the patch, try hypnotism, try cold turkey, try anything.

I quit for about 1 1/2 years. If you use drugs, patch, or anything else, the thing you have to focus on is to break the "habit". Get in the car, have a smoke. Get home, have a smoke. Have a cup of coffee, have a smoke. I used the patch, worked for me, got rid of the cravings fine but I still had "the habit". Once I got over the habit part of automatically reaching for one, it was relatively easy. Then I got a job transfer and was suddenly in charge of a major project with 100 folks workin for me. I fell into the trap, as mentioned above, of having "just one" in the parking lot to marshall my thoughts for the day. Went right in the ditch.

Don't agree a lot with the stay away from smokers and drinkers. You still want your friends and probably (hopefully) like yourself OK as you are. Don't change into some sort of Left Coast Anti-Smoking Nazi, they're horrible. It also never bothered me to have smokers around, I didn't even think about bumming one from them. I had a pack of smokes in three of my offices for that 1 1/2 years, didn't even think about them until the project pressure came on. Wish I'd never re-started.

Been trying to quit again lately. Gonna get some patches at lunch. Thanks for the motivation.

(And don't dog-pile me for the Left Coast thing, I'm from El Lay)

I quit so many times I actually began to enjoy the withdrawl, them cold chills, that crawl into bed & pull up the covers, curl up and sweat.

It sure makes you feel very alive and very human.

It isn't really that bad, embrace the means of change, it isn't really pain just such a different way of feeling, don't fight it, surrender to it, be the withdrawl, join it, sooth it, mother it, love it.

After getting to that point all I had to do was not want a cig everytime I needed to kick my brain up a notch. I had made them a crutch, a ritual habit to clear out all distractions other then the pursuit and the cig. My mid level IQ needing something, my lazyness needing a think pill, and this all fed by the sort of religious awe that I hold for genius, knowing how sadly lacking I am. In the act of smoking that thing, I was as needy and vulnerable as I was when curled under the covers lost in my own longing.

So I escaped cigs, and gained 50 pounds, if only the withdrawl from food could be so painful after only a few hours, I might have a chance, lol.

My recipe for quitting was to buy 1 box, 170tabs 4Mg Nicorette original flavor gum.

Chew as many and as often as you want full well knowing this will be the only box your buying.

This allows plenty of time to disassociate yourself from the act or process of smoking or chewing.

Then go cold turkey. Off the gum! I seemed to have a day (no gum) that seemed like it was moving thousand miles an hour but didn't notice/realize it till the next day when reflecting on the previous. Just flipping weird!

Waking up the following day I found that the withdrawals from my previous speedy day was like a fever that had broke. The physical dependencies were gone, the rest is plain and simple will power.

I also wrote down the reasons I wanted to quit before quitting and would read it now and again. Be aware of the triggers your mind will play. Like this one. I'm an adult I can do whatever the **** I want to do! ,,,, Or, I'll just have one. Be aware!

Above all, once a smoker always a smoker, You "CANT" have just one! You WILL start

again but now with a vengeance playing catch up for the months you have gone without. Trust me here!

I have quit many times, and learned something about myself every time! Keep Trying.

Good Luck! It aint easy. But not that hard either.

27 years at about a can a day of Copenhagen snuff. Quit Leap Year Day, 2004. Still off it.

Prior attempts:

Cold turkey about 20 zillion times.

Chewed cigarettes - NASTY!

Loaded up my lip with coffee grounds

Ate lemon drops until my mouth bled

Stuck chew between my toes (yes, the capillaries are close enough to get a little nicotine that way)

Zyban (Wellbutrin) once

Nicotine patches twice


Finally got off the stuff with one of the TV stop smoking products - "SmokeAway"

Had to avoid the biggest triggers for a year or two - quit buying gas at the station where I always bought my chew, after meals positively sucked, stressful days were tough

I broke a 20 year dipping habit 1 year ago. I did the gum thing which helped take the edge off but overall, it was just miserable. I was one mean and nasty SOB for 2 weeks. I had headaches, got light-headed, and had a hard time conentrating on anything else as I thought about it constantly. The only way I stuck with it was to just get mad at myself when I started craving a dip. The other thing I did was keep one sealed can of dip in the pantry. As odd as it may sound, it kept me from getting that panicky feeling I would get when I realized I was all out.

I wish I could say I don't miss it but I do every now and then but I know if I picked it up again, I wouldn't quick till I was dead.

Stuck chew between my toes (yes, the capillaries are close enough to get a little nicotine that way)
Ok, that's just kinda weird... in a kinky nicotine kinda way. :dribble:

And talk about smelly feet!! :blink:

Did you have yer dog lick yer toes afterwards?
Desperate times call for desperate measures... My dentist actually recommended the chew between the toes trick. Would'a made a better story if it had worked, except I'd probably have stained socks to this day.

And no, my dog wouldn't go near the stuff after she sniffed some up her nose as a pup.

While trying to convince myself to quit, I read one of the propaganda pieces against chew which mentioned a farmer who always stuck his tobacco plug behind one of his ears and - you guessed it - got cancer there.

Thanks for all the tips. Not sure about the Toes thing.

Yesterday was a fairly successful day. Went to a card party (Euchre Tourney). That was a bitch. Cards, Drinkin and dippin just go together.

Candy, a gum helped a lot.

Didn't win, wife came in second but did get to split the high hand pot :)

Thanks for all the tips. Not sure about the Toes thing.
Yesterday was a fairly successful day. Went to a card party (Euchre Tourney). That was a bitch. Cards, Drinkin and dippin just go together.

Candy, a gum helped a lot.

Didn't win, wife came in second but did get to split the high hand pot :)
Well, you DID win if you didn't dip. If you didn't dip yer a better man than me with all the drinkin going on. :clapping:
