rear ended this morning

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
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on my way to work this morning the bridge had cones down the center with only one lane of traffic. i stopped on the bridge behind a pickmeup truck. a dodge caravan hit me at (i'm guessing) 50 or 60 kph. the bike ended up under the pickmeup truck, i fortunatly was thrown a bit left and rolled into the closed empty lane. a lady is screaming at me not to move. she sounds pretty freaked out so wonder if she's seeing something that i'm not feeling yet. i want to take a look but she screams at me again. then i decide that if i was in shock my knee wouldn't be hurting so much. i tell the gathering crowd that i'm ok again. i get up through the continued protests of the well meaning very enthusiastic woman. she said that 911 told her to keep me still. i reminded her that i've told her 5 times that i'm ok and that she can tell the police that i'm uncooperative.

the guy who hit me said "nice bike" i told him that there is thousands of dollars damage so we better have the police attend. the woman assures me that the police and ambulance and fire department are on their way. then the guy who hit me said he rides too and feels for me.

everyone was telling me what was going to happen next. tow truck, hospital etc.. i explained that what was going to happen next was that after the police had there pictures i was going to supervise the truck pull off my bike. if the bike is rideable i'm going to ride to work and open my restaurant. i handed a police officer my windscreen and a mirror assemply and asked her to drop them at my store. i wouldn't let anyone help me lift the bike. partly because someone with watches and rings may have grapped the tank or bags. mostly just pride. i signed off that i was refusing the ambulance and rode to work.

the police finished the report in my lot. i lasted about an hour at work then took my bike to the dealer. then i went to the hospital. the guy in the next bed on the other side of the curtain asked a nurse if she was involved with the bike accident on the bridge. i said i was. turns out he has on 03 fjr and a severed akileeze tendon. (slapnpop can make note that i didn't even attempt to spell that correctly) x-rays showed that my knee wasn't broken. while waiting for the results i noticed a huge swelling in my right armpit (but no pain there) so now i'm home icing my knee and noticing a sore and bruised back.

damage to the bike is extensive but it's not a write off.

when my bike was run down while parked in september i told the guy that " that's why they call them accidents" this time i'm feeling a little less forgiving. also feeling pretty damned lucky.


Holy Cow, your the second guy who got injured. I just got an email from another FJR rider that got hit friday night. Hope you recover fast, because you know the problem of people admiring your bike while your away, its just terrible.

the guy who hit me said "nice bike" i told him that there is thousands of dollars damage so we better have the police attend. the woman assures me that the police and ambulance and fire department are on their way. then the guy who hit me said he rides too and feels for me.

Obvioulsy this guy is not a "real" rider as once you know about motorcycles your drive your car much differently. That this guy made a sandwich out of you and your bike, together with his mild mannered comments....well, lets just say you are a far, far better man than I ...

Glad to hear you are not seriously hurt- although I am glad you went to the hospital as some injuries aren't quickly apparent. You may of suffered some mild wiplash- so be careful for some time that you don't end up straining that already strained back. I am sure you are going to feel worse over the next couple of days before you feel better.

Wow you are one lucky dude . Glad your o.k. me I would try to total the bike and get a new one. Being hit and not knowing where it came from ....... What were they thinking when they knew they were going to hit you?

I wish you a speedy recovery. You have shown exceptional restraint. How you refrained from slapping the taste out if his mouth is beyond me.

Thankfully the bike was a sandwich and not you! He's a rider, too? Of what, dirt bikes? You, sir, have tremendous restraint or a rather large amount of adrenalin was coursing through your veins, masking your true rage and pain. Let's be greatful that the lady was alarmed enough to try and keep you down. Sometimes it is better to be safe than sorry.

I would not sign any medical release as many other bruises and sore spots will arise in the next couple of days. Take pictures! Also, you will be very surprised to find out how expensive that "few thousand dollars" is really going to be and how close an $8K or $9K repair bill is to being a "total loss". Since the bike was (ahem) wedged under the pickup truck, there could be frame damage :blink: . Be sure you express to his insurance company that this is a "special order motorcycle".

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Glad you were able to walk away, Sounds like you did the best thing first!!! " Stayed Calm"

Hope you are back on the road soon!!!


Yes I too am glad that you were able to walk away from this, glad you were able to ensure a report was done.

take care and a speedy recovery to you and your ride.

Glad you weren't (seriosly) hurt, Derek...

The same accident could have had lethal consequences.

Get well soon :)


Glad to hear you're relatively ok. Better to hear about your crash from you than from a relative. Hope the healing process goes well.

Jeezus. Same thing happened to me the first week I owned my FJR. The guy who hit me said he didn't see me. No shit!

It was a little more than $5000 in damage.

Glad you are OK and I know how you feel. I did almost the same as you. I got hit in the evening and a cop gave me a escort as I rode my FJR a few miles to the dealer. I was so disgusted I just left it in the lot and came back the next morning to talk to the dealer. I can't even remember if I took the keys.

Pay attention to your injuries. Stuff will start hurting more in a few days and I'm sure you know that.


Glad your ok. I'm always worried about getting rear-ended, ride in heavy traffic each day to work. Always keep an eye out for ways to get out just in case, but can't plan for everything.


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