rear ended this morning

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That's one hell of an impact velocity. It's remarkable you're basically okay.

I agree with another poster, though - give it a few days/weeks before you sign any releases. I was at a dead stop in a cage and hit from behind by a van going about the speed you describe. My driver's seat seatbelt anchor bolt was ripped out of the floor I was hit so hard. The driver's van was a company vehicle and the company was self-insured. I was unhurt, they were offering a good amount for destroying my Supra, so I signed the papers, received my check, and was on my way. Two weeks later, I went to get out of bed one morning and couldn't move. Weird, and prolly anticipated by the company that owned the vehicle that destroyed my car.

As for the bike, I agree with yet another poster - you'd be surprised how quickly the dollars add up in collision repair. As soon as the obvious damage exceeds 70% of the value of the bike, it will be totalled. When I hit a deer with my 05, I lost the windscreen, the instrument cluster, the front fairing, the right fairing (upper and lower), the right saddlebag, and had some scuffing on the right pipe. The forks may have been tweaked, but I couldn't tell. The bike was totalled relatively immediately by the adjuster. If yours was munched from behind and knocked under a truck, I'd expect the damage to be in excess of what my bike experienced. But I've been wrong many times before.

Once again, I'm glad you came through unscathed. Give it a few days to be sure, though.

unreal i can belive some of the asses out there . how can you not see the bike and the person sitting on it going so dam slow its like there aiming for us . yes stuff happens and your a very lucky man .

Very glad to hear you came out with the ability to ride your bike away... sorry to hear the whole situation happened in the first place. Here's hoping both you and the bike (or a new one) are back in riding condition soon.

Deja Vu.

Came over a hill on the freeway last July, Traffic stopped due to accident, I stop and get run down by a 17 year old kid and his girl on thier way to the prom in a Neon. At least the ambulance and cops were on seen ( no injury's in other accident.)

Exit one SVS 650 ( The bike was punted down the median, I was flipped over the back, on to the road and under the front of the car).


It didn't look that bad, rear subframe, exhaust, swingarm and rear wheel were toast but the sliders saved the front end, they wrote it off all the same.

Do not take the medical stuff lightly, I still have hip problems from my run through after 6 months of treatment.

The good news the wife let me buy a FJR to replace the SV, (In her words "They should be able to see this one").

No I'm not going to show her this post.

Hope you heal up okay, go talk to a physio though.


Glad to hear you were able to walk away with what seems to be minor injuries. However, get yourself a good attorney and DO NOT TALK TO ANY INSURANCE REP. EVEN YOUR OWN. REFER ALL INQUIRIES TO YOUR ATTORNEY!

With that I hope your back on your bike again soon!

You made it out, which is good. But like others said, don't be hasty. More pain can arise and the bike can be worse than you think.

Hopefully not of course, but it does happen.


I hope you continue to be minimally impacted. That is an incredible incident -- you could easily be hurt much worse. I am amazed at the calm and control you displayed -- I suspect I would be much too emotional to do the same when it happens to me.

The "nice bike" comment sounds WAY outta line but again I wonder what I would say if I was in the 4-wheeler. Somehow apologizing doesn't seem like enough.

Kevin in OH


ChristianSportBike.Com #100

Glad to hear that your ALIVE after that...keep us informed of your progress (and the process) :unsure:

I am glad to hear you didn't get hurt too badly.

Not to excuse the driver, but this bike is in bad need of help in the rear end visibility department. Those saddlebags need some large brake and tail lights on them. That one small little tail light with integrated turn signals just doesn't cut it.

Dont sign anything let the insurance company handle it, my wife got rear ended at a traffic light 9 wks out of work, but then she works for a law firm and knows the procedure so she got the max she could.


I read an article once in a motorcycle mag that was written by a retired insurance exec. According to him and the article, you are intitled to quite a bit:

Actual vehicle damage

Clothing/Personal item damage

Time lost from work (regardless of self employment, or paid leave)

ALL medical expenses (regardless of your insurance status - Your insurance can decide if they want reimbursement after he pays you)

AND pain a suffering. At what cost? This dude claimed that insurance companies had an unadvertised standard calculator of SEVEN times cost of damage.

Yes, you heard me correctly. Pain and suffering is equal to SEVEN times the amount of all damages combined. Maybe more, pending any permanent issues.

Now, maybe we have some retired insurance company members on board here that can testify to the validity of this. I would not expect any current insurance company employees to verify as that may be conflict of interest.

Also, he did not recommend the immediate hire of an attorney as they will soak up to large a percentage of the settlement. He suggested that should the insurance company say (x) or (z) that could not be done, that you ask for proof of the legal precedent that prohibited such. He even suggested that you request their documented policy of a pain and suffering calculator. (not that they will give it)

This article was written some years back. I cannot remember the magazine. Perhaps someone here knows of the article and where it could be read?????

So very glad that you are ok. My God, it could have been so much worse. Take that bastard to the cleaners. Take him and his insurance for all you can. Take no prisoners. Make that driver pay for his carelessness, for your life could have been ended in that situation you describe. Thank God you are ok.

many thanks for the kind words of support and wisdom.

the general concensus was correct. i'm finding more aches and pains to be sure. in the morning i'm going to try to get in to see my own doctor. (my daughter's making me) but it didn't take much arm twisting.

i'm also going to visit my bike and go through it with my mechanic. i don't feel comfortable with just replacing pipe and plastic after that type of impact. i didn't remember it when i wrote the first post but today i think i remember hearing the screaching brakes at impact.

i'll follow that by hobbling into my insurance adjuster and see if i can fasttrack things. if i don't have a mount when i'm ready to ride again, well that's just extreme and unnecessary pain and suffering.

the pipe i lost last fall from the previous impact had a small engraved plaque on it that read " an object in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force"

issac newton

the pipe i'm losing now has one that reads "this too shall pass"

right now i'm going to put a heating pad on my back, an ice pack on my knee and a rum & coke in my mouth.


That is the second type of very severe consequences accident. It is amazing your functional. Hope you continue to improve.

Rider my azz! That jackass is a pile of snit in a cage. What is the better choice? Take to an empty lane blocked off with cones or killing somebody and wrecking three vehicles. WTF Did he tell you it would just be a moment as he hung up his cell phone.? :assassin:

A MC needs about a car length to the vehicle in front to be able to split lanes out of the way. A frind of mine convinced me when he was able to get out of the way of a car that hit the one he had been behind. TJ

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Good to hear you came out of this one on the green side of the lawn. Consider yourself fortunate and listen to the docs. Get well and back on the mount soon. :)


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