rear ended this morning

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happy you survived being punted...

before i retired from fire rescue, i remember some kid got punted of a 600cc bike... his face shield was all ground up from the pavement, and he had a seperated shoulder...

but, he was alive, and the dude that hit him was insured...

heal well, ride again...


i spoke to my dealer today and told him that whatever they find on tuesday when they estimate the damage i've already decided i'm not comfortable with the bike anymore. i told him i dont want to learn that there is still a problem while i'm carving canyons in montana. he understood me.

i hate this. i love my ride. i've made it my own. i don't know if i can ever love on 06, faggy color and all. no offence to you blue bike guys, i'm sure your boyfreinds think you look really hot on it.

saw my chiropractor today. he knows what to work on, just follow the bruises. now my ankles are sore and bruised, my neck is really stiff and my back is worse. i'm still anticipating a full recovery.

buddy since grade 2 called tonight. we got our first road bikes the summer of 73. he's had about a dozen bikes over the years and often reminds me that he's never layed one down. so that was fun. i'm to be best man at his wedding june 3. my plan is to ride the 8 hrs over the rockys for the event but i'm telling him that after this one i'm not even going to show up for the next couple.

also got a call from the guy who hit me. i appreciate that. how can i not? i was resenting that he hadn't. we were civil and cordial but i made clear my emotions. i told him that the cones were a clear indication to watch where he has going, as i was. i told him that i was shocked when i picked up trhe police report to see that he was only charged with following too close. he was resposible for a three vehicle accident that resulted in injuries to an inoccent party. he said "ya, the police were being nice to me" i'm going to have to wait till i settle down, but i think i want at least undo care and attention. not that it helps me one damned bit.

he kept saying how bad he felt. i told him that if he's putting himself through some torture, good! you deserve that. i explained to him that i'm not a hd rider like him who rides a thousand km a year. i ride thirty thousand. perhaps i should have asked for the use of his harley.

i suppose i could have taken a harder line but it woudn't have changed the outcome and i have a bussiness in a small town. know what i mean?

keep the farkled side up folks,


Derek....if you don't mind, keep us (the forum) appraised as to what happens, & I say again get better soon bro....if you can't ride a gay 06....I'm sure there are still some 05's around....even though the 04's were the best colour....cheers :drinks: Mike

Derek, you must be feeling better as you seem so prepared to share the Love with the new owners. Did you see my post on the previous page? You would have asked him why he didn't take to a coned off lane rather than wreck 3 vehicles and possible kill someone. Heal Fast! TJ

just an update. i pushed hard for a write off. didn't get it. $6000.00 repairable damage. i think i'll know after the first big ride if i can trust it or not.

still pretty sore all over but definately on the mend, and i have magic pills. if the back, neck and shoulder don't hamper me i hope to be as good as new soon.

for those who commented on the visability factor, of course i agree in general but this time specifically it wasn't in play. the guy was looking elsewhere.

the insurance process continues so i can't give you any update yet.

the bike may be ready in time for my calgary trip in two weeks. i'll have to wait to see if i'm up for it by then.

keep a good thought.


Good to hear you're relatively ok. I'm absolutely frick'n paranoid about getting rear ended on the bike. There are so many f'tard sheepul out there, I have absolute confidence in their ability to ruin my day, every day. If I'm stopped and there aren't at least two cars also stopped behind me, the bike's in gear and I'm lined up with the gap between stopped cars ahead ready to gun it. If I ever get "punted" it will be something like this, unexpected traffic slowdown, with the asshat hitting me just as I start to slow down and do the mirror check.

Heal up, you'll need the extra strength to ride any pre 06 FJR, what with their marginal performance and all :p


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