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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
Orange Park, FL
While riding home from work today, coming around a corner, I took a quick look down at my cornering speed, and there was my mug reflecting in the speedo. I had that angled head look, just like the MotoGP on-boards. Clouds in the background and all. 15k and didn't notice until today. Now if I could only find Mugello and an M1. Next sunny day, see yourself for yourself.

I would try this, but I am so damn handsome, I would probably crash from just having seen something with my level of handsomness.

I would try this, but I am so damn handsome, I would probably crash from just having seen something with my level of handsomness.
Interesting "interpretation" of the word "handsome."


While riding home from work today, coming around a corner, I took a quick look down at my cornering speed, and there was my mug reflecting in the speedo. I had that angled head look, just like the MotoGP on-boards. Clouds in the background and all. 15k and didn't notice until today. Now if I could only find Mugello and an M1. Next sunny day, see yourself for yourself.
I just noticed the same thing for the first time the other day. Very cool!

I would try this, but I am so damn handsome, I would probably crash from just having seen something with my level of handsomness.
It didn't surprise me in the least to look and notice that you're an '07 owner. It's a given that riding the acme of Yamaha's motorcycle production requires one to be drop dead good looking.

I figured this out the day I bought my '09 (almost 2 weeks ago). I use the reflection so I can shave and trim my nose hairs on the freeway during my morning commute ;)

While riding home from work today, coming around a corner, I took a quick look down at my cornering speed, and there was my mug reflecting in the speedo. I had that angled head look, just like the MotoGP on-boards. Clouds in the background and all. 15k and didn't notice until today. Now if I could only find Mugello and an M1. Next sunny day, see yourself for yourself.
I'm going to complain to Yamaha. Why should I have to look down and see your face?
