Restaurant Reservations for Wheatie Weekend

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SO tempting... and I do have the means to do it. :lol:

and an eager and willing assistant, if needed


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Funny how you offer to do something like this and next thing you know, you're DEEP in it. Thanks for handling all these details, Tyler.

I need to be OFF the Saturday night list. Friday dinner, yes; Saturday breakfast, yes; have to leave for home after that.

edit: That's supposed to be a kiss, Ty. Looks more like some dead guy. Sorry.

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Just as well keep it many changes can Miss T keep up with? ;)

Both Jay-H and Hudson might join the PNW contingent for Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast. Is it time for them to get off the pot?


I've arranged to have a catered meal Saturday evening at the hotel as there are limited choices within walking distance. The cost will be $30/person which I would appreciate if everyone could pay me that evening so I can pay the caterer.

Also, fyi, cost does not include alcoholic beverages so we'll be sure to make a stop along the way up so folks can purchase whatever they would like. B)

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I've arranged to have a catered meal Saturday evening at the hotel as there are limited choices within walking distance. The cost will be $30/person which I would appreciate if everyone could pay me that evening so I can pay the caterer.
Thanks Tyler!! :clapping:

Both Jay-H and Hudson might join the PNW contingent for Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast. Is it time for them to get off the pot?

It would be very cool to see Jay and Dave again--make it, you two. (Edit: I left this open for a few minutes and see Dave's coming. More pressure on you, Mr. JayH.)

This thing has taken on a life of its own, hasn't it? I'm really looking forward to it. Hey--related thing--I hope if it's possible to post a firm route for Friday--even the day before--somebody will do it. I see a few alternatives tossed out, but I don't think I'm the only NorCal type planning to try and intercept this bunch somewhere south of Santa Clara. Thanks.

And just for the heck of it--I made my reservation for Friday night at the Vagabond. I could do roommates if anybody wants in on that.

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<hijack>SacMike...I believe it is just airboss and I on Thursday during the day. Others are meeting in P.R. Thursday evening.

I will try to post up a tentative Thursday route before I leave that will run north and west from P.R. to get some curvy canyon roads in, as well as some HWY 1.

D@mned closure on the One... :angry: <end hijack>

Further discussion should occur on the Kali thread...not to mess up the Tyler's Restaurant Reservations thread.

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Hudson is off the pot, and will be going for Friday night/Sat a.m.
Great news Dave, now we'll need to plan the return trip! :)

Yo Hudson, get Pops Niehart off of the pot too and get him to go!
Don, we've been working on Pops for several weeks now, still no joy! Perhaps a personal invitation from you might be the straw... ;)


Both Jay-H and Hudson might join the PNW contingent for Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast. Is it time for them to get off the pot?

It would be very cool to see Jay and Dave again--make it, you two. (Edit: I left this open for a few minutes and see Dave's coming. More pressure on you, Mr. JayH.)

This thing has taken on a life of its own, hasn't it? I'm really looking forward to it. Hey--related thing--I hope if it's possible to post a firm route for Friday--even the day before--somebody will do it. I see a few alternatives tossed out, but I don't think I'm the only NorCal type planning to try and intercept this bunch somewhere south of Santa Clara. Thanks.

And just for the heck of it--I made my reservation for Friday night at the Vagabond. I could do roommates if anybody wants in on that.

What does the phrase "I could do roommates if anybody wants in on that" mean? Sounds like someone is planning on having some fun while someone else is gonna' get a bad deal.....

Hudson is off the pot, and will be going for Friday night/Sat a.m.
Great news Dave, now we'll need to plan the return trip! :)

Yo Hudson, get Pops Niehart off of the pot too and get him to go!
Don, we've been working on Pops for several weeks now, still no joy! Perhaps a personal invitation from you might be the straw... ;)

OK Niehart, I have been handling you with kid gloves up to now! The time has come for Papa Chuy Viejo to roll up his sleeves and bring out the big stick on you!

Below is a picture of a pie and pastry case that is in Northern California, and I, and only I, know the exact location of this beautiful treasure. You hearing me, boy?

Senor Medina "El Burrito Ballerina" will buy his Grandfather Niehart up to six slices of any of these beautiful creations that you wish to consume. Bon appetit, mon ami!

Papa Chuy Viejo has just made you an offer you absolutely cannot refuse, as johnny80s and Gotti would say. You snooze and you don't eat pie! Capiche, Paisano!


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Don, you wicked man. You just made him an offer he can't refuse. :)
Brother Wheatie, that was the "nice" offer! If Daddy Niehart turns that one down, then we revert to the Irish-Italian Mob calling card method: Two dead fish on his doorstep! johnny80s and Papa Chuy aren't kidding around with this! Badda bing, badda boom!


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Don, you wicked man. You just made him an offer he can't refuse. :)
Brother Wheatie, that was the "nice" offer! If Daddy Niehart turns that one down, then we revert to the Irish-Italian Mob calling card method: Two dead fish on his doorstep!
So this is why you're known as "Don" Stanley?!? It ain't really a given name, as in "The Donald" (which might imply such things as hyperbolic narcissism, record setting arrogance and obsessive self promotion). :eek:

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Don, you wicked man. You just made him an offer he can't refuse. :)
Brother Wheatie, that was the "nice" offer! If Daddy Niehart turns that one down, then we revert to the Irish-Italian Mob calling card method: Two dead fish on his doorstep!
So this is why you're known as "Don" Stanley?!? It ain't really a given name, as in "The Donald" (which might imply such things as hyperbolic narcissism, record setting arrogance and obsessive self promotion). :eek:
Guilty as charged, Sir! I did send Niehart a private message, he told me to go feck myself! So, what else is new?
