Ride the Devil's Highway with Skooterg & BeemerDonS

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Perfect weather for a ride: 76 high in Alpine.
I wouldn't be as optimistic just yet; have you seen Ike's predicted path yet? As of now, it's coming straight to us man. To mimic you: 'No la friegues carnal !!!' < ha ha>.

Anyway, I'm officially on board for the trip, and now this; geez. I'm not going to reserve a room until it's clear we're not dealing with 100% chance for rain. No way I'd make this curve-intensive trip under constant rain; dry is dangerous enough already :blink: . Will be crossing my fingers folks. Take care.


Now it seems like Lowell (tropical depression over Baja) is heading exactly our way. Hmmm. You can't trust those forecasts from one day to the next, let alone 5 days; we should know by Friday with more certainty. I can't wait to get on the bike again. Good day folks.


Bring rain gear and heated vest. Thunderstorms and only 63 degrees!
HEATED VEST @ 63º??? Wimp :lol: . Just kidding man. I'm more like a penguin myself. That's why I don't ride in summer; can't stand the heat (so yes, I'm a summer wimp :D ) . I don't ride below freezing for safety reasons, but at that temp I'm golden with my 3-season jacket and its liner.

I hate to be right, but so far I'd ride in rain all the way there according to the latest forecasts, and that's assuming Ike doesn't reach this far, which is still in doubt. With the 40 miles or so of super tight twisties in Gila (twice), plus 60 more on 191 and 180 (each way), no guardrails, and a new bike, I'd probably pass if rain is imminent, like it is now. I have all next week to make the trip, and it looks like Wednesday will clear up. Will hate to miss the gang, but my safety (and enjoyment ;) ) is first. Will make my decision on Saturday, and post accordingly. Take it easy.


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Bring rain gear and heated vest. Thunderstorms and only 63 degrees!
HEATED VEST @ 63º??? Wimp :lol: . Just kidding man. I'm more like a penguin myself. That's why I don't ride in summer; can't stand the heat (so yes, I'm a summer wimp :D ) . I don't ride below freezing for safety reasons, but at that temp I'm golden with my 3-season jacket and its liner.

I hate to be right, but so far I'd ride in rain all the way there according to the latest forecasts, and that's assuming Ike doesn't reach this far, which is still in doubt. With the 40 miles or so of super tight twisties in Gila (twice), plus 60 more on 191 and 180 (each way), no guardrails, and a new bike, I'd probably pass if rain is imminent, like it is now. I have all next week to make the trip, and it looks like Wednesday will clear up. Will hate to miss the gang, but my safety (and enjoyment ;) ) is first. Will make my decision on Saturday, and post accordingly. Take it easy.

Let us know if the weather is fair, my fair weathered friend....Tornado & hurricanes do pose a challenge ! You're about 25 miles further than we are also....

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You're about 25 miles further than we are also....
It's not the mileage, but the seat time. Gila is very slow, just like 191, so you'd get there way sooner than me.

As far as being a 'fairweather' rider, it's by choice. I'm not afraid of rain, but it makes riding in treacherous places much riskier (just like riding at night in deer country - Mr. Grodsky comes to mind <RIP>). I have nothing to prove to anybody, including myself. Being the only breadwinner in the household, and with 2 young girls around, I take my family responsibilities seriously. For now, I'm happy with my self-imposed riding compromises.

Anyway, seems like Ike will dramatically turn up upon landfall (due to Lowell, apparently), sparing us. But turns out Lowell is doing the pushing... right by our route. I'm still hopefull Lowell will change direction, or speed up so I can make it Sunday. Otherwise it'd be Tuesday or Wednesday. We'll see folks. Take care.


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Seat time ? I'll be doing the roundtrip ride on Sunday ! Rain or shine if anyone shows for the first leg, just part of ridin'. I have a 6 yr old at home myself. I forget you old guys have a bit of trouble(LOL). Gila is quite a fast ride for me most times but ...... Just poking a little fun . . . .Make this trip & you'll have doubled your mileage this year almost. :p

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That's what all you Nancy-boys get for staying overnight like the old farts that you are. The real riders like FJRobert and myself who will be making this whole ride a day ride don't have to worry too much about wittle tows gidding cold.

pfft, pfft and triple pfft! Yadda, yadda, yadda... Blah, blah, blah... And so on, and so on, and so on...drivel, drivel, drivel!!!

Latest weather shows no chance of anything but fun . . . .(TWC)
FJRobert, Your response above is why I always like going on motorcycle road trips with you: Your glass is always half full, never half empty! Whereas, the Mayor of Snottsdale would have broken his glass and kicked the shards under my tires!!!

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Well, had to bail out my brother (not from jail :blink: ) today. It's almost midnight, have no reservation, and frankly, I'm dead, so won't even attempt to make it tomorrow; I always ride well rested for obvious reasons. There's a chance for rain tomorrow afternoon only, and was fine with that; was going to take the easier way (180) just in case, but guess it wasn't meant to be. Will take off Monday or Tuesday, so will miss you this time. And the forecast is DOUBLE FUN (no traffic and no rain :p ). Hope to 'bond' with my Feejer on our first long(ish) trip; we'll see. Will check this board for another chance to meet the AZ gang in the future.

My next trip after this one will be Big Bend and the Hill Country in early March. I've done them both separately, so am looking forward to combine them this time. Have a great trip folks, and please ride carefully, especially if rain materializes. I'll be a day or two behind you :) . Later.


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Leaving early tomorrow (Tuesday). Will be staying at the Hannagan Meadow Lodge; seems the nicest, and best food too. Hope everybody came back home safely. Wish me luck. Later gang.


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Nicest area anyways but they don't serve lunch in the summer. Over the last 30+ years of doing this route the food sure changes depending on the owners at the time. Hope you luck out this year. Enjoy & I hope the weather & riding is as good as it was for us !

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