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Really is great to hear from you Ron and nice to know you're on the mend. We all kept you in our prayers and were very relieved to know that you seemed to be doing well at the hospital. Keep us posted on your recovery and your bike selection process.

Great to hear you're doing better Ron... heal fast, and another bike will be waiting when you're ready...

When we get together, I promise I won't tell any jokes... those ribs need some time to heel. Glad you're back at home, I'll try and drop by sometime soon.

Home sweet home FINALLY!

It's great to see you in good spirits Ron!

I will take a trip to see you sometime soon!



Sorry to hear of your accident, but glad you'll be around and are planning to continue to enjoy one of life's finer pleasures. Here's to a speedy recovery!

Look at the bright side....now you've got an opportunity to get a new bike and apply those farkling skills to making it an even better sport touring machine. :) Have you looked at the new Kawasaki?


Wash your mouth out, Derek! We want to see Bob at next year's SFO!
I'd like to see him too on the off chance I'm able to make it next year. Wouldn't it be a hoot if he rode in on a brand new GTR1400. Hell, he may even be persuaded to let me take it out for a spin. :dribble:

Wash your mouth out, Derek! We want to see Ron at next year's SFO!

Great to see you are posting again and out of the hospital.

I look forward to seeing you at SFO next year, no matter what you are riding.

I'll bet it will be fun to come up with a replacement ride. Not that I think you can beat the FJR, it will be fun looking at (and maybe test riding) a new BMW and the Kawa.

Keep up the recovery progress. Don't hate the Physical Therapists, it's their jobs to be assholes.


And the search begins:

Thus far I know where 1-05ABS is with about 600 miles

I know where 1-06ABS is that is new

I know where 4-07 FJR's will be in December. Most standard shift I think. two spoken for thus far.

I figure I'll need a few more weeks to recover and then get serious.

And I will be at SFO 07 See you all there.

Thanks all. Ron

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Love to see that unquenchable spirit....enjoy the exhileration of getting something new and different, then ride it like you stole it! Good days ahead.

And the search begins:Thus far I know where 1-05ABS is with about 600 miles

I know where 1-06ABS is that is new

I know where 4-07 FJR's will be in December. Most standard shift I think. two spoken for thus far.

I figure I'll need a few more weeks to recover and then get serious.

And I will be at SFO 07 See you all there.

Thanks all. Ron
That is awesome Ron!

It is good to be a ST rider this year with all the offerings from Yamaha and Kawasaki! I think i would venture to the dark side(Kaw) if i was in your situation... But I would have to ride one first!

Yamaha has recalled all '03 through '05 FJR1300 models (Link). On certain motorcycles, an improperly designed throttle position sensor could cause an intermittently unstable idle when the engine is at idling speed when the motorcycle is stopped or during low-speed operations. The engine could stall as a result. If the engine stalls after the operator disengages the clutch in a low gear while riding, the rear tire might slip momentarily if the operator abruptly re-engages the clutch. 39,000 motorcycles are affected.


Could this explain Ron's accident??

And the search begins:<snip....I know where 4-07 FJR's will be in December. Most standard shift I think. two spoken for thus far.

..........I figure I'll need a few more weeks to recover and then get serious.>snip
Well, Ron, since you are going to be replacing the helmet, if not all the riding gear, don't you think you'd look great in [SIZE=14pt]Red [/SIZE]? :yahoo:

Glad to here the healing is going well.

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And the search begins:Thus far I know where 1-05ABS is with about 600 miles

I know where 1-06ABS is that is new

I know where 4-07 FJR's will be in December. Most standard shift I think. two spoken for thus far.

I figure I'll need a few more weeks to recover and then get serious.

And I will be at SFO 07 See you all there.

Thanks all. Ron
Tony (lotecredneck on this forum) comes very highly recommended as an FJR dealer. He's located down in Texarkana and you would have met him at SFO. I believe he said he'd be allocated 5-6 dozen '07 FJR's because of how many he sold in '06. If '06 and previous years are acceptable, there doesn't seem to be any shortage of those around, either. Good luck and happy hunting.

Well Sir I'm new to this board as of last week so I don't know you but what I do know is that riders care about each other when the going gets tough. Please remember to laugh allot and keep your spirits up. Things sometimes just happen and there is no explanation. I wish you the best and a speedy recovery.

Late! I just saw your ordeal. Glad your home. Hope the pain is significantly diminished. Something like a bird or a bug could have caused your crash and left no evidence. Remember LAWinter had a bat in his jacket when he crashed. :dribble: So rejoice your going to be Ok. +1 for a speedy recovery. TJ

Yamaha has recalled all '03 through '05 FJR1300 models (Link). On certain motorcycles, an improperly designed throttle position sensor could cause an intermittently unstable idle when the engine is at idling speed when the motorcycle is stopped or during low-speed operations. The engine could stall as a result. If the engine stalls after the operator disengages the clutch in a low gear while riding, the rear tire might slip momentarily if the operator abruptly re-engages the clutch. 39,000 motorcycles are affected.

Could this explain Ron's accident??
I suppose it could be related but I have never had any idling issues with this particular bike and doubt it. I still have no memory of the accident and when I did get back to the crash site I was surprised that the curve wasn't very sharp. I do remember most of the curves prior to going down being sweepers that could easily have been taken much faster than I was riding (about the speed limit from what I recall prior to the accident and that seems about right when comparied with the distance measurements the LEO took (I never met him/her consiously) There was no citiation. The only thing that I noticed on returning to the scene was that there was a nice view to the rear and left. If I had glimpsed at it for a second too long I may have been on the edge of the chip seal before realizing it. Again, only speculation as I don't remember the accident and that lack of memory is really bothering me as to what happend so I don't let it happen again. I may just never know. Thanks for the thought though. Ron


I've said this to you privately but I just can't say it enough. I am soooooo thankful that you are ok and still here with us! Everyone at SFO was very concerned about you. It was a no-brainer for Bounce and I to send you flowers, a balloon and card on behalf of everyone at SFO because the relief that your going to recover was immeasurable. I never expected to get a phone call like that and I hope we have much better luck next year! Please say hi to your wife for me and tell her to come with next year. I'd love to meet her, as I'm sure alot of others would too!

Now go get yourself an 07 from Tony, so we can have a red one in the pic!!

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Ron, I went back to a crash scene I was involved with in 1996 five years to the minute after it happened. It was amazing how much different it looked with a small amount of hindsight. Just get well, and ride on. I have a "new" appreciation for high speed intesections, but I never considered not riding again. Truth is, I test rode and bought my next bike after my being mowed down at 40MPH by a red light runner two weeks after I was hit. I was wearing a cast on my left leg and right arm. The dealer, not to mention my family thought I was completely crazy.... Guilty as charged.

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