Rider Down

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Thanks for all the comments & wishes. FJR1300 & Glaxieblue just stopped at the hospital & had the computer Where I was able to read some of the comments. While doing this I learned from the Dr. that the chest tube had moved and they are going to have to install it again. It looks like a while now before I get home. Thanks all I will post again when I get home.

This is Ron's doctor wife -he is doing ok and really appreciates all the good wishes and the guys showing him the forum and pics. He has a concussion and broken clavicle with some broken ribs and a pneumothorax (hole in the lung lining causing a leak). That is the only thing keeping him in the hospital, but he is getting better every day and will be home later this week.

Thanks for everything. Ron

Ron and family,

Ths could happen to any of us at anytiime- I am so sorry that this has happened to you.

Please, listen and pay attention to both your MDs and your spouse doctor so that your can recover properly!

You are both in my thoughts and prayers for a complete Ron recovery.


Ron,.... Glad your getting better. Sorry for your troubles, been there... done that 5 miles north of the Peel Ferry 2 years ago on 125. I was lucky, and hobbled away from the crash. Hope you get home soon, good luck..

Smitty :)

Let me add that the topic of discussion this past weekend often turned to well wishes for Ron and a real expression of regret at not getting a chance to meet and ride with him.

Hope you heal up quickly Ron. I'll keep you and yours in my prayers.

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This is Ron's friend and neighbor Sami. Ron's wife had a meeting to attend, so I am learning nurse maid skills in the hospital in Springfield. Ron is doing much better and I have to think that alot of it is due to all the support from the postings in the forum. He's never met most of you, and has been touched by the outpouring of support for him. The chest tube will be clamped off today (Tuesday), but kept in place in case in needs to be reactivated. If all goes well, it will come out tomorrow and he will come home Thursday. He looks surprisingly good for what he has been through. Can't say enough about the protective gear!!! I must tell you, Ron taught me how to ride a motorcycle (I have a Kawasaki Vulcan 800) and Ron is an EXCELLENT rider, always looking ahead and trying to be prepared for a problem that he might encounter in the road. Unfortunately with this accident he can't remember what happened, and it's driving him crazy. He plans to visit the site of the crash soon and figure out what went wrong. Please keep the good thoughts and postings coming his way, as I am convinced they are doing as much good as the medicine. - - - - -

This is Ron's friend and neighbor Sami. Ron's wife had a meeting to attend, so I am learning nurse maid skills in the hospital in Springfield. Ron is doing much better and I have to think that alot of it is due to all the support from the postings in the forum. He's never met most of you, and has been touched by the outpouring of support for him. The chest tube will be clamped off today (Tuesday), but kept in place in case in needs to be reactivated. If all goes well, it will come out tomorrow and he will come home Thursday. He looks surprisingly good for what he has been through. Can't say enough about the protective gear!!! I must tell you, Ron taught me how to ride a motorcycle (I have a Kawasaki Vulcan 800) and Ron is an EXCELLENT rider, always looking ahead and trying to be prepared for a problem that he might encounter in the road. Unfortunately with this accident he can't remember what happened, and it's driving him crazy. He plans to visit the site of the crash soon and figure out what went wrong. Please keep the good thoughts and postings coming his way, as I am convinced they are doing as much good as the medicine. - - - - -
Thanks for the update! I am VERY glad he is doing better and will be headed home soon :)

get back on two soon, My friend.


Hey Ron - Hang tough, this too will pass and other bikes and roads await you.. In the mean time, take time for your body to heal.. Thoughts and prayers your way..
Continue the process, Ron. You will have your peaks and valleys, just keep trudging along and follow the doctor's orders so you will heal well and as completely as you can. I seem to recall feeling quite satisfied with myself when I could raise my right arm (without support from the left hand) and scratch my nose. Hey, yuh takes victories where yu can find'em.

One of the "early" peaks, for me, was when a good friend came over and we were able to repair my bike (Thankfully is was repairable). About 6 weeks after the accident I could ride and finally rode the bike to my physical therapy appointments (Of course my right arm was at about 40% so I was verrry careful). Uhmmm, they were amazed, but not impressed. Regardless, I felt "free" and it was a HUGE personal victory.

Ron, you might not remember the accident for some time and it is possible you will never know the causes, etc. At some point you will be thankful to be alive and greatful for the family and friends you have around you. Enjoying one more day and the gift of life and all that means is the more important part of your healing.

Get well....then let's go ride.

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Hello all,

First, and foremost I want to thank FJChik and Bounce for putting together the "ride to Arkansas Rides". Second, but certainly not least I want to thank, FJR1300, Galaxyblue, & Beardo for their help during my "incident" enroute to Russellville. As many of you have read I went down a few miles south of the Ferry on route 125 just inside Arkansas. I have no memory of the incident. I do remember the four of us taking the ferry across the lake and then riding up through some cruising curves going uphill. The next thing I recall is being asked some questions by a medic & then being loaded into the ambulance & then the helicopter. I understand that I was unconcious at least five minutes. I had a concussion and that apparently explains the memory loss

I spent from Thursday afternoon until Wednesday afternoon in St. Johns Hospital in Springfield. I understand that I have four broken ribs, and one broken collarbone. I had two chest tubes put in (one came loose) and had LOTS of pain. I have just learned that I apparently landed in poison Ivy, or Oak as I am now covered on the back of my arms, etc. I want to add that I was VERY LUCKY to have had only the injuries that I had. I was wearing a Nolan Flip Helmet (100E), Olympic Leather Gloves, First Gear Kilimanjaro Jacket (without liner), leather pants, and DiaDora riding boots. One thing that Marc (FJR1300) did that was very helpful was find my cellphone and call my most recent contact which happened to be my wife's cellphone. This is was very smart & I recommend doing that to anyone helping a downed rider. I did go from the hospital upon discharge to checkout my FJR. Not as bad as I had thought it would be but still most likely totaled. I haven't heard from Allstate yet on the final decision. After checking out the bike I went to the crash scene to see what I could learn as I did not recall the incident. First, I see absolutely no reason for going down. I really wish I could recall what happened. I did note that from just before where I left the road there was a good view off to the rear and left. I can only surmise that perhaps my attention was diverted before entering the curve. Still not an excuse & I'm not sure this is what happened. I look foward to talking to Marc, Adam, & Kiley for their thoughts. Other regrets; I will miss this particular FJR. I had spent many hours making it just the dream bike I wanted through many farkles. I started riding at age 14 on a Cushman Super Eagle. I am now 59 and have been down twice. Once on the Cushman and once now on this FJR (There have been several other bikes along the way just not been down). I will not give up riding. Now the big question, What to buy to replace the 05 FJR with? Let's just say that I'll be sore for a while and then I'll be needing another dream sport-tourer to ride. I will look for a bit, but realistically there aren't all that many similar type bikes are there? FJRchik and Bounce I'm sorry that I didn't get to meet you on this past trip. How about next year? Ride Safe Ron

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Great update Ron. Haven't met you (or anyone else on this board yet for that matter), but glad you are ok and have a healthy attitude to go along with your progressively improving health!
