Riding Groups Dallas/ Fort Worth area

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Unable to make it, gotta slave for the man to pay bills.
Put Pat and Ron down ,but you can ride your bike because I have a seat that will fit. Call Me.817-602-2466
Roger that. I'll call you by Thursday. Thanks Ron!!

1. chik

2. rangerk9

3. leartech

4. tejasFJR

5. GPRider

6. RonFJR06 + Pat

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1. chik

2. rangerk9

3. leartech

4. tejasFJR

5. GPRider

6. RonFJR06 + Pat

7. Nosecone

8. Odot's imaginary friend

Sounds good,

Count me in, see ya Sunday.

Thanks for the heads up fjrchik.


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Sounds good,Count me in, see ya Sunday.

Thanks for the heads up fjrchik.

your welcome!

1. chik

2. rangerk9

3. leartech

4. tejasFJR

5. GPRider

6. RonFJR06 + Pat

7. Nosecone

8. mbottoms

anyone else gonna join us?

Sorry about the blank message.

I will try to be there.

It looks like a good group. I look forward to meeting all of you.


fjrchik, odot, gregorytx,

I sent the below to ed29 "Texas Noob" in Arlington:


Howdy from Flower Mound. We are having a meet & greet this Sunday, December 9 and would like to invite you.

It will be noonish or a bit earlier @ Bone Daddy's in Grapevine. fjrchik has been doing a great job facilitating this. Btw fjrchik...if you need help with anything, let me know.

If you would like to meet some of the local FJR folks, get some farkle ideas, have questions on the bike, or any combination of the above...come see us.

I just bought my FJR "motorwackle" in May and have been loving it. This will be the first time I get to meet some of the local FJR folks (minus gregroytx and odot) from in and around the metroplex...I am really looking forward to it!

Take care and hope to see you Sunday.



BTW...Odot and Gregorytx....you two need to "Bang-in" sick on Sunday and come on out!

Ok...here is the reply from ed29:

Sunday in Grapevine sounds pretty good to me. I am on call for work, but should be able to get away for a couple of hours of riding and eating. My little 250 will be dwarfed in the parking area, oh well!

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1. chik

2. rangerk9

3. leartech

4. tejasFJR

5. GPRider

6. RonFJR06 + Pat

7. Nosecone

8. mbottoms

9. GlennS

10. ed29

good job Rex!

i'll be calling at the end of the week to find out if we can get a reservation. other than that and a few PMs, this hasn't been any work on my part. just glad some of the DFW peeps can make it out. I know this is a hard time of year to get away.

Let me check my calendar and I'll post back later tonight. I just have this feeling I already have plans for Sunday but I can't remember what they are.

As I feared I'm going to have to pass on this one. Hopefully we can have a get together early next year that I can make it to.

Another Event being hosted by Moto Liberty on Saturday 08 Dec 07.

Help support our troops! Moto Liberty is working in cooperation with www.OperationGumDrop.Org to get our troops some

goodies in time for Christmas.

Come join us this Saturday

Support our Troops!

Moto Liberty is working in

cooperation with


Join us Saturday, December 8th. Starting at 3:00 at

Hot Rods and Hoggs in Arlington.


Live Bands (Rouge Radio around 9:00 PM)

- Great deals on motorcycle gear in the live and silent auction & raffle! 50/50 drawing. We need your support and if you'd like to bring a gift of the troops, please bring to Hot Rods and Hoggs this Saturday or drop off at Moto Liberty by Friday. (Cigars and snuff are requested)

See ya Saturday!


Saturday on the balcony

December 15th.

Leftovers from the Midnight Madness sale will be on last call. This truly is the LAST CALL because what is left over will be shipped to San Antonio. It's official. Moto Liberty San Antonio will be opening January, 2008! Details on the store opening to follow, but don't miss the last opportunity to catch a deal on men's and ladies gear.



Italian Beef lunch will be served at Noon on December 15th.

Hope you're all getting a jump on your Christmas shopping and well on your way to a stress free holiday season!

Hope to see you sometime in the next two weeks.

The Moto Liberty staff.

sorry fuzzy! yeah we'll do this again in January or so.

alrighty, I'll be callin tonight to check on the reservation. everybody still in? anyone else?

1. chik

2. rangerk9

3. leartech

4. tejasFJR

5. GPRider

6. RonFJR06 + Pat

7. Nosecone

8. mbottoms

9. GlennS

10. ed29

11. bmwhd

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You can more or less count me out....am flying to madison, wi tomorrow morning....not sure how long I'm goin to be there.

Thanks for the invite fjrchik, We'll I'm picking up my new FJR on Sat, :yahoo: have church on Sun and about 1.5 tons of homework, but I will try and stop bye cuz I'd really like to meet everyone. Looks like it might get a bit wet on Sunday also, so those who are riding should prepare to gear up.


Looking forward to meeting everyone there. Looking around I see there is some overlap with another forum I have been on for several months, Two Wheeled Texans. I am loving the new bike, picked it up yesterday, calling tomorrow to set up the 600 mile service for next week. By Thursday I should be there or a bit beyond in miles, and way beyond in smiles.

Looking forward to meeting everyone there. Looking around I see there is some overlap with another forum I have been on for several months, Two Wheeled Texans. I am loving the new bike, picked it up yesterday, calling tomorrow to set up the 600 mile service for next week. By Thursday I should be there or a bit beyond in miles, and way beyond in smiles.
Damn, Ed. Just a few days ago at the tech day you were looking at mine saying you would buy one next spring. That was fast. You should love it, I know I do. Are you going to put on about 400 miles with us Saturday for BBQ. Good way to get your miles in before you initial service.

I can't make it Sunday, already got plans.

PS, your XR250 is going to get bored sitting in the garage all the time.

Damn, Ed. Just a few days ago at the tech day you were looking at mine saying you would buy one next spring. That was fast. You should love it, I know I do. Are you going to put on about 400 miles with us Saturday for BBQ. Good way to get your miles in before you initial service.

I can't make it Sunday, already got plans.

PS, your XR250 is going to get bored sitting in the garage all the time.
Yup, I was seriously wanting one before then, sitting on your bike cemented it and got me searching in earnest. I can't go on the ride Saturday, have to work late morning and into the afternoon on a software cut. The XR will still get its exercise, I need a steady diet of dirt, sand, mud, and gravel (the four main off road food groups!) to keep going. Will be taking the little bike to Big Bend between Christmas and New Years, with more DS rides in February and April already in the works. Finish getting your little bike tagged and come along!
