Riding in Shorts

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U can call it stupid (protection wise) but at least I won't be one of those morons spending more time dressing and undressing than what it takes total time to get there.
So if it's stupid doesn't that mean you're just a different kind of moron? At least the geared morons will still have all their skin intact... oh wait, chicks dig scars, right? I forgot. ;)

If i'm just going for a short ride like to my buddies... yes, shorts McGee here i come. I'm not dressing all up in no 100 degree weather to go down the road a it. U can call it stupid (protection wise) but at least I won't be one of those morons spending more time dressing and undressing than what it takes total time to get there. Long or aggressive rides is another story and yes I'm all about the correct gear. So depends ~~~~ situation.

Now I do wear a FF helmet even in States that don't require them. Go figure :) but note the helmet whips on in 1.6 seconds.
You know that 80% of all accidents occur five miles from home or less. You might consider putting on the gear until you're five miles away from your house, then taking it off, just to improve your odds. :p

Go back to TouringRider's picture an tell me what is in the car's rear view mirror. :blink:

I'm not sure what it is, but it's closer than it appears. :dribble:


U can call it stupid (protection wise) but at least I won't be one of those morons spending more time dressing and undressing than what it takes total time to get there.
So if it's stupid doesn't that mean you're just a different kind of moron? At least the geared morons will still have all their skin intact... oh wait, chicks dig scars, right? I forgot. ;)

This chick doesn't dig scars! It takes me less than ten seconds to don my Roadcrafter one piece suit. Watch the video at www.aerostich.com. I work at a hospital. I've seen road rash and the subsequent infection that can set in. Having seen that, I prefer the inconvenience, bulk, restriction etc of ATGATT. We all make our own choices and the full suit is mine. YMMV.

Plus, all the pockets in my suit are almost as good as a purse!

If i'm just going for a short ride like to my buddies... yes, shorts McGee here i come. I'm not dressing all up in no 100 degree weather to go down the road a it. U can call it stupid (protection wise) but at least I won't be one of those morons spending more time dressing and undressing than what it takes total time to get there. Long or aggressive rides is another story and yes I'm all about the correct gear. So depends ~~~~ situation.

Now I do wear a FF helmet even in States that don't require them. Go figure :) but note the helmet whips on in 1.6 seconds.
If it's that close and that hot....that's why God gave us cars!

If it's that close and that hot....that's why God gave us cars!
If it's that close I could just walk or ride the bicycle. I need the exercise anyway. I have gotten road rash while my expensive leather jacket was folded up in the saddlebag. The GoldWing was totalled, I was scratched and bruised, my shirt was destroyed and my date was pissed. But that jacket was fine, I still have it now. And it reminds me to not be as dumb as I was then. Although I am still pretty dumb most of the time...

If i'm just going for a short ride like to my buddies... yes, shorts McGee here i come. I'm not dressing all up in no 100 degree weather to go down the road a it. U can call it stupid (protection wise) but at least I won't be one of those morons spending more time dressing and undressing than what it takes total time to get there. Long or aggressive rides is another story and yes I'm all about the correct gear. So depends ~~~~ situation.

Now I do wear a FF helmet even in States that don't require them. Go figure :) but note the helmet whips on in 1.6 seconds.
You know that 80% of all accidents occur five miles from home or less. You might consider putting on the gear until you're five miles away from your house, then taking it off, just to improve your odds. :p
If its so dangerous around home, just move! :p

I ride with people at times who are HD or Cruiser owners. Their riding gear consists of a half helmet (sometimes no helmet), jeans, HD boots, T-shirt and those idiotic half-fingered gloves. They always seem to get impatient with me when I'm putting on my gear after a stop. I used to start gearing up as soon as it appears we are going to leave our stop but then something usually happens to delay things and I'm left sitting on my bike all geared up and going no where. In Florida that can be a sweaty situation. Now I wait until everyone gets to their bike before I gear up. I'm usually considerate of others and don't want to be the one holding things up but I won't ride without gearing up first. If they don't want to wait that's their problem.

CHILD: probably 3-4 years old. Sandwiched between Mom and Dad, no helmet, no gear! :eek:

Damn, it's a free country, but that was just wrong!!!
Agreed!!! You know it takes no intelligence whatsoever to have offspring. All you need is a set of interlocking genatalia and about 7min. 9 months later...Wallah...you got yourself a child.

The challenge is not being a complete :******: as a parent. And those people have failed miserably.

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CHILD: probably 3-4 years old. Sandwiched between Mom and Dad, no helmet, no gear! :eek:

Damn, it's a free country, but that was just wrong!!!
Agreed!!! You know it takes no intelligence whatsoever to have offspring. All you need is a set of interlocking genatalia and about 7min. 9 months later...Wallah...you got yourself a child.
7 Minutes??? :blink: Are you trying to make Stanley and the rest of the micks here jealous?

Why, that's almost triple the time those klowns take and that's including foreplay..

I used to ride with "T" shirt & shades. I really enjoyed the feeling no doubt about it so I can't criticize anyone. But i'm damn glad I had all the gear on when a dog hit me from the side on the front wheel and high sided us at 65 mph. So now I force my self to where all the gear. The ER doc said I would have died without my Shoei. Admittedly it is tempting with the heat we are having or a really nice evening cruise to go without, but the memory will slap me into reality!

You know that 80% of all accidents occur five miles from home or less. You might consider putting on the gear until you're five miles away from your house, then taking it off, just to improve your odds. :p
Agree ^ but do you know your chances of getting in accident are also amplified greatly with high speeds (most of us being wayyy above the limits at that). So I guess it depends on which way you want to skew your so called safety precautions or thinking of.

Just say'n and this could go on forever especially with the heated helmet controversy.

I'm not a bike-bigot and we all do things that involve risk, the first is actually driving a bike itself!. It depends personally on the rider to which ones he/she accepts or ignores. Personally I will take riding 2-miles down a 35mph road in shorts vs. full gear and a 100mph sweep on some highway (and not saying I don't like both, I do) just different circumstances for different situations.

@BRP Spider woman- (sorry forgot your username) No, I hope chicks don't dig scars but if you think your immune just cause you wear full gear (and I do most of the time as well!) you're fool'n yourself!... BUT u would have a way better chance of keeping "more" skin on your bones agreed! I am a gear for protection kind of guy (believe it or not). Hey, if it's raining I wear raingear to a football game, but if I walk to my mailbox in that same rain, I just go in a teeshirt. Snowmobiling is fullgear but a lap or two around my yard... could be in a sweatshirt for sure. I've also driven my sleds to my neighbors in that same attire so it's all about the situation (and no not you Mike).

Agree ^ but do you know your chances of getting in accident are also amplified greatly with high speeds (most of us being wayyy above the limits at that).
Where did you get that tidbit of information from? Specifically that is.

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I'm not a bike-bigot and we all do things that involve risk, the first is actually driving a bike itself!. It depends personally on the rider to which ones he/she accepts or ignores. Personally I will take riding 2-miles down a 35mph road in shorts vs. full gear and a 100mph sweep on some highway (and not saying I don't like both, I do) just different circumstances for different situations.

@BRP Spider woman- (sorry forgot your username) No, I hope chicks don't dig scars but if you think your immune just cause you wear full gear (and I do most of the time as well!) you're fool'n yourself!... BUT u would have a way better chance of keeping "more" skin on your bones agreed!
You are right... we all choose our level of risk and take precautions for our own level of comfort. We each are entitled to wear or not wear our gear... I guess I choose to because it's there to help protect me so why not whether it's 2 miles or 2,000. If it's really that much of a pain to put it on, I'll just take the car... I know too many friends who have said it's "only" a couple of miles only to be bit on the ass (so to speak) big time... I sincerely hope you don't join that club.

I don't think I'm immune because I wear full gear... that alone is not what will save you from injury. The most important piece of gear you have when riding is... your brain. ;)

Agree ^ but do you know your chances of getting in accident are also amplified greatly with high speeds (most of us being wayyy above the limits at that).
Where did you get that tidbit of information from? Specifically that is.
So, the purveyor of crooked facts steps in and asks someone to cite their statements :lol: I believe he followed the normal Forum research method, in professional ranks this standard is called the PDOOMA method.

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I believe he followed the normal Forum research method, in professional ranks this standard is called the PDOOMA method.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I learned something new today! Can't wait to use it on a regular basis. :)

You are such a fart smeller - I always learn something from you.

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