Rotella T6 causing clutch drag and hard shifting?

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I use it problem free as well. The 15/40 Dino version is in most of my vehicles. I use the T6 in my WR 450 and it works great. I think all Rotella oils are noe JASO rated? I might have to read the containers again as plenty of us have used it for many years.

A few wild hair full throttle runs thru the gears at redline will loosen her up. Be warned-you'll start getting tunnel vision after third...

There is Rotella T6, that is synthetic 5W40 oil. And there is Rotella T Triple Protection. that is the 15W40 conventional oil.
I used the Rotella T 15W40 conventional stuff.

Which is it that seems to be causing these problems?
The T6, The whole T6, and nothing but the T6 . . . < best if read in the old 'Dragnet' detective show cadence.

Fred...i use Rotella T Triple Protection 15W40 conventional. I have used it for at least 300K miles on various bikes... '04 FJR, '08 FJR, '03 FZ1, '04 Vstrom 650, '08 Suzuki GSX650F,and '04 Ninja 250....NEVER had a problem, bikes always shifted smoothly. Fast forward to Jan 12, 2013. Picked up my new '13 FJR shifted smoothly till I changed out the oil at 648 miles...put in Rotella T as usual...almost immediately noticed the shifting was notchy and hard, especially on the down shifts. Ran it for a bit, then decided to change oil again at about 1200 miles...put in Rotella T once it seems to be getting even worse. Shifting from 5th to 4th is a bitch. Pull in clutch handle, and sometimes it takes a second to disengage. Blipping the throttle on the downshift seems to "un stick" the clutch.

At this point, before I take it in for warranty work, I will change out to either Yamalube or Amsoil synthetic.

So, we don't even have any agreement on which Rotella oil is suppose to be causing the clutch related problems then?

I was in Wal-Mart the other day and was looking at the T6 and considering switching to it. I have been using Royal Purple 15-40 in my FJR and in my 1st FJR with no ill effects at all, and it shifts very smooth. It is a little pricey, that is why I was looking at the T6 but from reading this post I won't be switching. If it ain't broke I'm not going to fix it...

Ok, so here's what has happened....on my lunch hour today, I pulled the filter and oil drain plug to drain the Rotella T...called my wife to pick up 5 qts of Yamalube, but she was not going by the Yamaha, sent her to the Honda place, and got 5 qts of their 10W40 Honda oil. As we all know, the Honda oil , like the Yamaha oil, is a premium motorcycle specific oil. Get home from work, put in the 4.X qts, and take her for a spin. Put 5.4 miles on it, and shifted thru all the gears a number of times. All is well again. Super smooth up shifts, and smooth down shifts.

I dont know why my previous FJRs and my 2 Suzukis are running fine with the Rotella T, yet the 2013 FJR didn't.

I report, you decide.

p.s. just turned 4K miles on it.

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So, we are talking about two 2013s and a 2012 if i count right, and all soon after the 600 mile change...

Is it possible Yamaha used a different "break in" oil on these newer bikes that maybe conflicts with the Rotella in some way? Or maybe they changed the way the clutch gets lubed, oiled, or assembled from the factory? Or.. different plate materials?

I doubt Shell has changed the Rotella formula enough over such a short period of time to have it go from a favorite oil to a shift inhibiting clutch glue.

Or.. as mentioned.. maybe these bikes were broken in too delicatly?

I have a 2012 with 176 miles on it, a couple Yamaha filters, and a case of Rotella T 15w40 conventional I picked up when it was on sale last week at Napa.

If this damn snow will melt, and stay melted for more than 6 hours, i will attempt to get the other 424 miles on it ASAFP so I can do my first change, and let you guys know what my experience is.

My bike currently has a very nice clutch feel, with only a slight grind into first on the initial shift from neutral after being warmed to 2 bars on the temp gauge. It does feel a little clunky shifting warm or cold, but not at all difficult.

My break in style is try to follow the rev recommendations for the most part (4000 most of the time for now), vary the rpms a lot, do a lot of WOT pulls, with a very occasional misbehavior to around 7 or 8000 rpm while upshifting to keep the cobwebs out. The clutch while not abused, is getting a proper break in.

I'll let ya know

I just changed to t6 at 4500 miles, had yamalube till then. My shifting has ,IMHO, improved. It's smoother than before the change. But only have about 100 miles once the change on Sunday. Will let you know if it changes, this is on 2012

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What a consensus we have here.

How come this isn't in NEPRT yet?

I JUST changed my oil and have less than a mile on my '07 since the change. I used the conventional Rotella 15/40. I'll take it for a ride and see if anything is different.

FWIW, my bike HATED the Castrol 20/50 I put in it a couple years ago. It was MC specific, but my FJR didn't like it for some reason.

I use the t6, with a little bit of STP added to the mix. Shifts like silk and no clutch slippage. I think the missing ingredient is the STP.

What a consensus we have here.

How come this isn't in NEPRT yet?

Probably because this is a newly reported clutch release problem that a few people are having using this particular stuff (even though we apparently cannot agree which stuff in particular).

As the owner of a bike that could possibly be in the "test group", I feel this thread is very relevent and may provide good information that will help others.

If anyone has any suggestions, or desired "Control Variables" for me to introduce while riding towards the 600 mile first oil change, or any other info that will help us come up with a lab quality result, please let me know.

just to clarify my case:

1. bike purchased new, 0 miles, on Jan 12, 2013.

2. bike shifted fine up till 648 miles with the "break in" oil provided by Yamaha

3. Changed oil and filter at 648 miles. Put Rotella T 15W40.

4. Almost immediately, noticed shifting smoothness decline. Most notably, shifting to 1st from stop, down shifting any gear, 5th to 4th downshift really difficult at times, clutch seeming to not dis engage for a full second or so at times.

5. Decided to change oil again later on, just in case something was wrong with previous oil...again put Rotella T...same shifting problems as above.

6. Drained oil, put in Honda Pro 10W40 oil, changed filter, ran bike (only 5+ miles). First couple of minutes, still a little rough on shifts, but by the time I hit 5 miles with numerous gear changes, bike now feels "normal" on all upshifts, and 97% normal on downshifts. Still noticed a slight notchiness from 5th to 4th, but very minor.

Time will tell if more miles with new oil will bring it back to what I consider 100%. (my definition of 100% is a combo of comparison to my '08 FJR and how the new '13 was shifting on break in oil)

Again, I use Rotella T in my other 2 bikes that I currently own and ride, and have used it exclusively for years now, in many various bikes. No problems to report until now.


1 Purchased new Feb 13th 2013 (2012 model)

2 Clutch really nice, shifting a little clunky (but coming from a 2007 KLR with tiny trans probably normal on a big bike)

3 OE oil and filter still in place 176 miles on the ODO

4 Most riding til now at or close to 32-45 degrees F

5 For the most part following break in as recommended by Yamaha, but in no way overly so.

6... Slightly questioning my oil purchase decision, but OH SO HAPPY, I am part of this adventure.

7.. I'll let you know in 424 miles how I made out.

I would say that possibly Yamaha changed the friction material on the clutch packs more so than Shell changing T6. Maybe the latest mc oils have this necessary additive?

I JUST changed my oil and have less than a mile on my '07 since the change. I used the conventional Rotella 15/40. I'll take it for a ride and see if anything is different.
FWIW, my bike HATED the Castrol 20/50 I put in it a couple years ago. It was MC specific, but my FJR didn't like it for some reason.
HotRod, what did your bike (HATE) not like about the Castrol 20/50?...
