running bad (feeling blessed)...limped home (walking on air)

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Graler, you really had a very good idea. Returning the funds to the forum was an excellent thought. After all, the forum costs us NOTHING and the forum generated the funds. I am willing to go along with any idea you guys come up with as long as I DON'T HAVE TO DO IT!!!

Howie, don't sell yourself short man! You have all of those things you need to see if the pieced together engine runs. All you have to do is a little disassembly of YOUR bike...

No need to thank me now Howie. The idea of you spending all that quality time with your FJR and this engine you volunteered to build is more than thanks enough.

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How about send all the old parts back with Patriot (or another member-they have to go to the shop and PU the bike anyways).

Should someone need a part, he could sell it very reasonably to another member. He gets a couple of $ for parts (later used for fuel, tires, etc), The member gets a known good part .

If that doesn't work, post the remaining parts on E-bay as a package and sent Patriot the $ after E-bay/Pay Pal costs... A stator, etc is easily removed is worth a couple of bucks.

I guess I learned a lesson about quoting or in this case not quoting. There was a post a couple before mine that brought up overage of funds. That post suggested another proposal - keeping it around for a future rescue. I thought I would make another suggestion. I know that I would not want to be in charge of such a fund and that it would likely get complicated. The obvious full disbursement to patriot eluded me at the time. Over and out.
It's a good idea, one we've tried to explore before. I just try to be sure to buy the appropriate peeps a beverage or two when I can...

Howie, don't sell yourself short man! You have all of those things you need to see if the pieced together engine runs. All you have to do is a little disassembly of YOUR bike...No need to thank me now Howie. The idea of you spending all that quality time with your FJR and this engine you volunteered to build is more than thanks enough.
Yeah! You go Howie!

I was going to wait until we knew for sure that there was going to be sufficient, never-mind an overage of, funds before starting the discussion. But is seems to be that a prevailing thought is that the money was all given to Patriot, and to him it should all go. Makes perfect sense to me. Keeping Mike rolling on his PG Missions seems completely in keeping with the original donations' intent.

As for leftover parts, I would say that is up to Mike. It is his old engine, so if he wants to part it out, or bring it home, that's up to him. I know that the boys left the trailer in the vicinity of the bike shop in Mississippi when they dropped Isabella off. So someone will need to haul it back home. It could have an engine on it. But I don't know if Mike has the space or inclination to have an old engine hanging around the hacienda. I mean, this might be stretching the Angelic attributes of his Italian Wife's demeanor.

I had considered the idea of taking Mike's old head and using it to fix Howie's old engine, and keeping it around somewhere as a 1st gen spare. But, let's face it... It would still be an old, high mileage engine of questionable integrity. If I were the next person with the bad luck to have a catastrophic engine failure, would I want that engine? I'd probably rather get the required repair parts and fix my own known quantity or get myself a nice low mileage engine from a totaled bike like what Mike's getting.

I will offer a suggestion. If my schedule will allow, I'm planning to join R/H and Mike for the journey to pick up the bike. While my mechanics skills are far from superior, I can damm sure take just about everything apart. Putting it back together is another story, but hear me out.

If others agree, I am willing to disassemble the grenade and store anything that is good in my attic. This might offer us some insight as to what happened to Mike's motor, a learning experience for all of us. I could create a thread on the disassembly, taking pictures and hearing comments from our mechancial genious here. I've got a real good set of tools, dial caliper, etc. I'm pretty sure I have everything needed, unless there are some special yamaha tools.

It will also teach me how to take the motor apart, which is knowledge I hope I never need, but good to have anyway. I've split a few motorcycle cases in my day, so I'm not entirely green to the concept. I parted out a couple of motorcycles and sold parts to pad the $$ I needed to upgrade to my current FJR.

Now then, I will gladly lubricate, bag, box, and store all of the parts in my attic. In "pay it forward" style, I can create a thread with a list of all good parts. Anyone that needs something can have it for only the cost of shipping. And of course my friend Patriot won't even pay for that.

Even if I can't make it to the Isabella Renunion, I'm sure R/H can tote the motor home, and I'll gladly go get it from him.

I certainly won't be offended if this is shot down. I just want to help any way I can. Cheers.

I will offer a suggestion. If my schedule will allow, I'm planning to join R/H and Mike for the journey to pick up the bike. While my mechanics skills are far from superior, I can damm sure take just about everything apart. Putting it back together is another story, but hear me out.
If others agree, I am willing to disassemble the grenade and store anything that is good in my attic. This might offer us some insight as to what happened to Mike's motor, a learning experience for all of us. I could create a thread on the disassembly, taking pictures and hearing comments from our mechancial genious here. I've got a real good set of tools, dial caliper, etc. I'm pretty sure I have everything needed, unless there are some special yamaha tools.

It will also teach me how to take the motor apart, which is knowledge I hope I never need, but good to have anyway. I've split a few motorcycle cases in my day, so I'm not entirely green to the concept. I parted out a couple of motorcycles and sold parts to pad the $$ I needed to upgrade to my current FJR.

Now then, I will gladly lubricate, bag, box, and store all of the parts in my attic. In "pay it forward" style, I can create a thread with a list of all good parts. Anyone that needs something can have it for only the cost of shipping. And of course my friend Patriot won't even pay for that.

Even if I can't make it to the Isabella Renunion, I'm sure R/H can tote the motor home, and I'll gladly go get it from him.

I certainly won't be offended if this is shot down. I just want to help any way I can. Cheers.
Damn good idea Pants and a very generous one. That's what I would have wanted to do if I were within striking distance. That will definitely help someone in need down the road. Kudos to everyone here on this massive endeavor! :)
If there is an engine to be fiddled with and parted out in some fashion, I would like to convert some $$$ into engine covers for my FJR. During my engine swaps I ended up with a couple of engine covers that have some type of paint disease resulting in large patches of peeling paint. Please add my $$$ back into the Patriot Mike fund.

It's a lot of work and hassle to disassemble and pack up/ship out stuff. If hppants is willing, and Mike is ok with that result, it's a win-win. Mike has said before that the mechanic has other engines sitting around and could probably add this one to his 'collection', but that's less likely to help the forum.

While it would be entertaining to try and assemble a good motor from RadioHowie's and Patriot's combined paperweights, as Fred W said, it's not a motor most people would want to take a chance on.

hppants is more or less local, and willing to take on the project. If it goes this way, I offer that after he's got it stripped down and has identified the available parts, he should take the stripped block and any other aluminum parts that are unlikely to be needed and sell them at the scrap yard, funds to be kept by him for his efforts in this project. It might pay for a tank of gas on the bike. Unless he's got plans like a new coffee table for the garage...

New engine shipping update:

PRO Number: 875-967702-1


Pickup Date: 03/01/2013

*Estimated Delivery Date: 03/08/2013

Ship From: PORTLAND, OR 97266

Ship To: TYLERTOWN, MS 39667

Also, a few more of the notes to Patriot, from the incoming donations:

"Rarely post, but lurk a lot. Let's get this gentleman's therapy rolling again."

"I'm being selfish. This makes ME feel good. All the best, Patriot."

"Mike - thank you for bringing a little peace to the families of our fallen solders. God's speed and ride safe."

"Why send money to someone I've never met? Because he needs it and I have it - and he would do the same for me. What a great forum."

"I know its not a lot ,but hey every little bit helps. I hope Patriot gets on the road soon."

"Amazing. Just amazing the response. I'm a little late in the game, but I hope this will help with the labor for Patriot."

"Hope this all goes well. The forum helped me out of a jam last summer when the fuel pump relay went out on my bike and George gave me his relay from his own bike plus Barb's old front tire since mine was baked to get me home. I'm just happy to be on the other side and help out a fellow FJR rider."

"Mike once sent me a Zumo 550 locking screw when I needed one (IIRC, for the NERDS run!). So it's only fitting I too pitch in and help get a fellow FJR peep back in the wind"

"A little more for Patriot! Blessed enough to help."

"Mike, good luck with the new engine. When the time comes I have a 94 year old Father in-law that I'll need to find the Patriot Guard for someday. You can help me find them up here."

"For the Patriot fund. The generosity on this forum is infectious and while I don't know Patriot he clearly seems worthy of some "pay it forward" karma I've been saving for an occasion like this."

Finally, there have been a large fraction of the contributors that have expressed a desire to keep their donation anonymous. I think I am going to scrap the idea of publishing any list of contributors altogether. It wouldn't be useful as ay sort of a public accounting anyway. What I will be doing is sending each contributor a personal reply (if I haven't already) to let you know that we did receive your funds If you'd like Mike to know that you helped him, and haven't already posted something publicly, you can always do that or send him a PM.

I will be publishing the total number of donations and money received. It is pretty staggering.

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I'm overwhelmed

that being said, you may know why the AIW says sarcasm is my middle name

in that light, I'm taking suggestions for what to do with the overage (still tear up at that word applying to me):

1) how much are tickets to Costa Rica with a beach condo for a month?

2) anybody have a coupon for Edelweiss Tours Innsbruck?

4) >>>>>>...

I'm overwhelmed
that being said, you may know why the AIW says sarcasm is my middle name

in that light, I'm taking suggestions for what to do with the overage (still tear up at that word applying to me):

1) how much are tickets to Costa Rica with a beach condo for a month?

2) anybody have a coupon for Edelweiss Tours Innsbruck?


4) >>>>>>...
Don't rub our noses in it and do what ever you want with the overage. Stress reduction comes in many forms. Sometimes it's as mundane as fixing the plumbing, other times it's a little get away with the wife for a couple of days. If the forum can collectively fix your bike, I don't think most of us would mind collectively helping lower your/the family's stress. We don't need to know what you do with any extra. Just remember it was an act of good will, for a person in need, and if at all possible, use it for things that make you smile.

I'm overwhelmed
that being said, you may know why the AIW says sarcasm is my middle name

in that light, I'm taking suggestions for what to do with the overage (still tear up at that word applying to me):

1) how much are tickets to Costa Rica with a beach condo for a month?

2) anybody have a coupon for Edelweiss Tours Innsbruck?


4) >>>>>>...
Don't rub our noses in it and do what ever you want with the overage. Stress reduction comes in many forms. Sometimes it's as mundane as fixing the plumbing, other times it's a little get away with the wife for a couple of days. If the forum can collectively fix your bike, I don't think most of us would mind collectively helping lower your/the family's stress. We don't need to know what you do with any extra. Just remember it was an act of good will, for a person in need, and if at all possible, use it for things that make you smile.
If the extra funds are used for option 1 or 2 photo's would be required. Option 3, not so much.

I think a Patriot discretionary fund is the way to go. Patriot uses the fund at his discretion.

Not trying to be ugly or anything but, I like the idea of any overflow going into an account for future bailouts/emergencies. As a contributor... that's what I would've expected would happen before this subject of overflow was ever discussed & that seems the fair way to handle this.

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I think firstly must finish all this job to see how much money will need until the Isabella will restart again and when the Patriot will receive her he must decide if he need to keep the funds or he would like to leave the funds for a future emergency..

i agree with the Heidi,but i haven't any problem with the most other members i believe,if the Patriot will decide to keep the funds for his Isabella and family!

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Yes agreed... making sure his bike is fixed is the most important thing. I definitely agree with you, there. Then to see if there is anything left to worry about what to do with. Honestly & "absolutely" no disrespect meant, there are plenty of other people on this board who have personal issues. I guess I'm failing to understand why folks would want to do something besides bank any overage for someone else in need.

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WOW just read this thread from start to where we are now (it certainly ain't the end). Excellent seeing a community pull together like this to get someone doing such valuable role supporting the armed forces back on the road. Whilst the engine is out why not a complete "super service" of the bike (fork bushes, seals, bearings replaced, shock serviced etc ) so that she good for another few years on the road.

Donation on its ways, I hope £ mix with $.

As a reference point, in the (distant) past the Forum has helped buy a replacement FJR for another person that is *very* involved in the Forum. Glad to see that the history continues into the future!
