running bad (feeling blessed)...limped home (walking on air)

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Oh one little bit of clarification: You may be wondering why the "odd" numbers? This hasn't been just a USA thing. Some donations have been made from overseas in euros, and the conversion leaves us with those funny amounts.

How cool is that? ;)

Way to go Fred and thanks again for stepping up to handle the PayPal funds and get the engine and parts on the way to Mike. A very nice end to this part of the process.

I just want to personally applaud FredW for all his efforts. Good on him.

Good job, Fred!

While I give my share to charity, there is nothing more gratifying than helping a fellow rider. I hope Mike gets MANY more miles of riding and PG missions with Isabella.

I also hope he has funds left over to do something for/with AIW.

She deserves something for putting up with him.

The engine is very close to Isabella!

Engine Shipping Update: 03/05/2013

PRO Number 875-967702-1



Pickup Date:03/01/2013


Delivery Date:03/08/2013

Ship From:pORTLAND, OR 97266
Ship To:TYLERTOWN, MS 39667
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You have done a great deed FredW and handled everything well. Now we know why you head up the NERDS ride
Can't wait to read when Isabella is RUNNING!! It's all good karma

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I've had my own family chaos going on and subsequently have been behind on keeping up with the forum "going ons." Sorry to hear about another engine failure for Mike, but it's very heartening to see the community step up and help.

Sounds like there's sufficient funds for the repair, but I feel like I should still do my part so paypal donation on the way.

Tuesday Update -

Some more donations and some of the checks received by snail mail. 83 Paypals and 5 paper checks in total, the donations add up to exactly $3,150 (Harald says he doesn't like un-even numbers, so he evened it up for us ;) )

After buying the engine (999.99) and assorted parts (150.52) the fund balance stands at $1999.49

I have sent a confirmation email or PM to everyone that has sent in a donation or whose check I have received as of today.

If you believe that you sent a donation and I haven't acknowledged it, please PM me.

I lost track of this thread back on about page 5. Just clicked on to see why so many pages and what the heck the problem must've been. ANOTHER engine in Isabella?!?

Plus a healthy dose of forum mojo?? Fred's working on his angels wings, too??

Looks like I gotta get back to this thread later and read what the heck happened.

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Big Foot came to my house today and he's nice, very nice.

Thanks Dave and Fred and Mike.


and Mike don't go busting your bike again. I got enough farkles Thank You.

Now Karl, don't go downplaying your role. You were one of the earliest contributors and you donated before you glommed up the Bigfoot. So that just makes you a double-dipper in the Karma pool.

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Jeepers- I guess I haven't been paying enough attention to the forum lately. Mike- so sorry to hear of your bike and especially family troubles. I'm so glad you've befriended this FJR family that obviously cares deeply for you. This forum has a legendary reputation of generosity and compassion that I'm proud to be part of. I hope I'm not too late to help out here. I'll be visiting PayPal next.

And big kudos to Fred and Redfish.. Two class acts for sure.

Best wishes Mike, I'll be anxious to hear how things work out.


I've been floored so many times from my peeps lately, I need an MRI

so good moment for an update...and a bit personal

this has been an amazing week with your generousity way in first place...and more joy to come

I did talk to Aaron and we discussed the plan and will talk again Friday afternoon to check on delivery of the engine.

He did mention the wheel bearings are shot and only after 6mo and 10k miles...the current "All Balls" product sucks and should be avoided at all costs...Dennis Kirk sells an American made good quality bearing, or OEM is a good choice.

Avoid "All Balls" products like the plaque

Aaaron is sympathetic with the situation & repair and he's gonna warranty it and has ordered OEM Yamaha parts

back to my amazing week:

my ministrys that keep me going and make me want to wake up and get going are in order:

Patriot Guard - I plan to write up something about me and PGR

Visiting Pet Program - I'm in a group that certified dog teams visit nursing homes once a month.

My basset Alley Oop is like the perfect low key, sweet hound and now the residents know her by name (and not mine !!! )

Additionally, I've been invited to visit the nearby Louisiana War Veterans Home which I will fit into my schedule soon.

Looziana Basset Rescue - I used to foster dogs waiting for their forever homes including evaluating them and reporting to the rescue. After a few years and many dogs, including ones I or my kids fell in love with and had to release them to leave, we felt we had to stop. and now I do whatever I can for them. I've transported hounds around as needed, picked up and cleaned crates, whatever I can.

Well, Monday was the conclusion of a local contest by a bank for charity 5013c organizations to compete to receive internet votes over a month. The most votes received $25,000, with 2nd $10,000 and down the line for the 10th place $1000.

We amazingly won the $25,000 top prize. I used my facebook and computer skills to post on every basset rescue and many other breed rescues how to vote and why. We received 35,000 votes in 4 weeks with the rules on allowing 1 vote per day per email address. We won by 2000 votes ahead of the 2nd place.

I can't believe this happened.

Christian Motorcyclists Assoc - I'm one of the Road Captains and when I can, lead fun rides in the area to lunch or some attraction. I only allow smallish groups, but will take more novice riders in some personal rides to get them some experience.

Run For The Wall - this is a high energy and expensive journey, but definitely life changing. I don't think I'll go, but I'll look into it.

I rode the Southern Route from Wetherford TX to Wash DC in 2009.

so back to bikes...planning for upcoming year -> top tier is PGR, SFO, EOM ... then there is CMA, RFTW

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Hi Patriot(Mike),

so glad to hear your week is going well, its about time mate. I do look forward to reading more about The Patriot Guard Riders.

Best regards

